Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

Or how about K1 with the other stages of Khan?

I’m mentioning something I think is contradictory. I’ll leave it to each individual person what they think it implies, if anything.

Outcome independence is important

it means you go for it, you get obsessed with the process, you enjoy that, you explore

but the results you let go of it, whatever happens happens, you’re awesome anyway and all is awesome anyway

think of it, in a bigger context our consciousness IMO is God itself, so we’re eternal, this whole lifetime is a little part of our whole existence, tiny one.


  • on a more earthly level, whatever happens you can find a way

just enjoy !


Why don’t you share with us what YOU think it implies and why you have reached that conclusion?

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I do appreciate the invitation. I stand by what I said before. I’d rather let others reach their own conclusions.

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Diamond Ultima
Used this baby two days ago had sex last night and after the deed im still up and rock hard!
I used sex pill before and this is way better. No headaches etc.
The other thing that i have noticed is that after sex i am not tired. The next day upon waking up im absolutely fresh and not tired at all.
This is some good shit!


Yup. This is why I hate those “boner pills”

Man! And at this one time price too. No need to pay for viagra! Good to hear this

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it will be some time till i get to use diamond ultima still is nice to hear about other results

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I only used it twice meaning two loops and i saw and felt results…my partner also felt my results.:joy::smiley:

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Im beginning to notice that lots of people in my inner circle show me total disrespect. Maybe this was always the case but im surely beginning to see it now clearly.
Two incidents that happened.

  1. I called a friend last night. He declined the call. Fine thats ok with me maybe he is busy…but he hasnt returned the call as yet…and its almost 24hours.
  2. A friend that wanted to visit my new apartment kept driving past without telling me and then sends a message to say i passed i didnt see you there…well im busy i got things to do im not waiting the whole day for you. I then sent him a message to tell him i am home at 2:00pm…he responds to me at 19:00pm saying he will pop by the following day. Now my question is does he think he wants to tell me what to do? Or he wants to tell me when he wants to visit me?

What the hell do these two situations mean?

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You have an important point… is this just starting or has it always been like this?

Does it matter?

You want to be prioritized. You want reciprocation. Me too.

What I’ve found is that from time to time, I notice certain people just disappear from my life and new people show up (who treat me better). I can’t explain it.


Im at a point of cutting them off now…


Many times, that’s the best decision. Not only do they waste our time but also waste our energy

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Correct @Lion
Ever since i made this move out of my parents house i noticed the change in some people…especially my uncle.


Very good observation. They might be feeling uncomfortable with the new and better you


They see it as a threat.

If you can change your life, why can’t they? It makes them feel less of themselves, because they are not willing to do what is necessary to change.


Yes i think its this new me better me thats getting to them.
I joked about something today my uncle actually told me that theres better things to say and do.and he did that in front of others…i was like WTF!


You can expect people talking behind your back.

And if you happen to make a mistake…

The best thing is to ignore them. Just concentrate on your own life, cut the people (at least temporarily) who are pulling you down.



I’d ask you to re-read what @Hoppa and @Lion said above.

When you do something brave, other people have the option of supporting you in thought, emotion, word, and deed… and reflecting on their own lives.

Some times they see what you might be doing as a source of positivity and inspiration. Or they could interpret (or mis-interpret) it negatively.

Some people realize they have been living life half alive. Living in fear. Putting on a false front. Afraid to do what they want, out of fear of criticism.

So he had to say something to undermine your confidence, and he had an audience for it.

You’re taking a big step… and he could have said or done something supportive.

Is empathy difficult for him?

So :trophy: to you and your courage!