Sorry guys, but this is going to be a long first entry☺️
Been with SubClub and on the forum for the better part of two years, used some subs here and there and seen the results, with most being very profound to me. Been mostly on a stack of Emperor, RoM and Sanguine in customs for the better part of four months and then narrowing in on Primal and Limitless. I have written reviews for two of them and I’ll have to write the rest later.
Now, for this next period I’m about to enter, I need to narrow all my sub use towards one specific, but overarching goal which is
Normalizing the ability to focus my mind, body, spirit - my entire being - towards achieving a specific goal and all required to do so. At will. Within the next 8-12 months. Achieving this goal will make a very big difference to me.
How will I know I have achieved this?
- When I normalize the ability to express my intent/goal and why it matters with utmost clarity. Without hesitation or procrastination.
- When I normalize the ability to plan the steps to my goal with as much detail possible.
- When I normalize the skill of discipline.
- Normalizing the ability to focus on any activity that brings me towards my goal.
- Normalizing the ability to forgo any activity that doesn’t contribute towards my goal.
- When taking action towards my goals becomes normal, just like another Thursday for me.
I’ve been using a combination of different subs trying to achieve this goal, LE, BL, Executive, Emperor, EB and recently Limitless but I always kept running into walls and at the core of those walls are learning and success fears intertwined with some dose of fear of self, self esteem and self love issues. In essence, I realized what I need right now is a big and deep overhaul, starting with learning and success limits.
I may use a variety of subs, but any one I use within this period must directly contribute/intertwine to this goal and if it doesn’t I won’t be using it, except for case-by-case use of 15-45 secs of micro loops.
The ideal sub plan is to have a multistage running throughout this period, then a mid-term sub and then a specific-use-case sub/ or an empty slot.
QL and Emperor were the two subs that brought need to SubClub. It’s been a long time coming now and has been delayed for over a year testing other subs and not really playing the long game. Now my reasoning for QL
- Clear mind with clear maintained focus
- Creativity: ability to relate the abstract with the concrete to create something - often new.
- Productivity/executive functioning: ability to efficiently execute steps towards a clear goal.
- In-depth understanding and conscious leveraging of cognition. For intuition, motivation, mental health and more.
- Conscious state management both emotional and mental.
- Brainpower: processing information, learning/adapting, strategy, dynamic problem solving, systems analysis/improvement etc
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I’m of the opinion that learning is foundational to a lot of things we as humans need to develop and this sub cultivates the ability to regain control of the mind and cognition, handling beliefs concerning learning ability, while also enhancing the biological and biochemical aspects of learning.
Learning subs currently give me recon - mostly energy drain and a shit ton of procrastination and apathy to learning. I used RoM for about 5 cycles as it was easier, but I barely scratched the surface with what is possible with it and the learning results didn’t stick for long after I dropped it. There is a lot of blockage with anything dealing with learning. This sub will be the biggest contributor towards crushing the learning, productivity and some success limits.
The next 2-3 years are going to be intensive, including academics. I chose to focus on cognition and executive functioning first before others. Besides, I have enough time, why not use the best tool for the job?
Mid-term - AM
There was a lot of deliberation for this position. However, AM is best suited for my goals. Narrower scope, faster hitting, lesser strain on my processing queue, while progressing towards my core goals. This will be perfect for my desired focus on action and my finances.
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Emperor has always been my go-to and since my last run two cycles ago, I’ve been constantly pulled to put it back in stack but I’ve been running away from it simply because it brings out a part of me I can’t yet handle.
On it I feel like I own the world and everyone must bend to my will. I don’t oppose this feeling, in-fact, I love it, however, I have the tendency to manually bend everyone to my will. Like I get powerful and I don’t know how to handle this power. There’s more in this, but I’ll just stop here.
I desire nothing, but perfection - from myself, my environment, even reality - my perfectionist tendencies kick in hard and if it’s not, I must bend it into my perception of perfect. Sometimes I just want to disappear and come back perfect, even though I consciously know that’s not how it works and it seems all tied to the wrong reasons. This is why I stacked it with sanguine and it was excellent.
Thirdly, it’s too broad for my current goals. It pushes me towards the pursuit of perfect on all levels - physically, financially, socially, sexually, even spiritually - and the drive for it comes, except all at once, then I proceed to create a lot of little different goals and just end up cycling through them, while getting nowhere, in essence - I’m not yet at the level of prioritization, focus and discipline that I need. Now, I just want focus with a lot of drive and ambition that I can then learn to channel towards any goal. I tried this with EB and it was too much shadow to deal with at once and then in a custom, but it still wasn’t narrow enough. Hence, the downsizing and to also give room for QL.
The Emperor will be back.
- Clear the rest of my courses with a minimum of B+ grade (extends even after I complete this journal)
- Sit at >=3.00 GPA by the end of this journal
- Have >20k in net worth by the end of this journal specifically through trading.
Welcome to my first journal.