One has to go and make room for Furious Ascent

Please take a look at the custom below. I’m going to include it to my stack for the round I’ll run in October. My reasons for the stack were that I need help stopping being lazy and procrastinating. I need to develop action taking, discipline and a sense of urgency towards getting things done. I made put together the custom below. However now I want to include Furious Ascent to it. Therefore one module has to go. Which one?
Those that I won’t remove for personal reasons are : Godlike Masculinity core, Limitless Executive core and Foundation.
Which on do you think I should remove and make room for Furious Ascent?

  1. Godlike Masculinity core
  2. Limitless Executive core
  3. Vortexdive Crucible
  4. Organization Perfected
  5. Productivity Unleashed
  6. Carpe Diem Ascended
  7. Stress Displacement
  8. Eye of the Storm
  9. Joie de Vivre
  10. Khronos Key
  11. Ego Adsum
  12. Achilles
  13. The Lines
  14. Machine: Action
  15. Machine: Rest
  16. Mountain Breaker
  17. Omnidimensional
  18. Foundation
  19. Victory’s call
  20. Deus
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I’d drop Productivity Unleashed since you got Machine Action and Victory’s Call (and Limitless Executive). Alternatively maybe drop Joie de Vivre since there is Carpe Diem Ascended.


Joie de Vivre might very well be the one that goes. I just read the description again and it just seems to me that LBFH covers a lot of what Joie de Vivre covers and LBFH is already in my stack.


Yes, I guess Joie de Vivre would be the odd one, especially if you already have LBFH.

This is a very strong custom.

It’s so internally consistent that it’s basically guaranteed to be successful.

And some of the touches are nicely creative. Vortexdive Crucible, for example. That was a good touch. And I can see how you used the reverse expression of the same logic to include Joie de Vivre.

I’m usually willing to remove Ego Adsum but that’s just personal. I think that Ego Adsum belongs in there for the same reason that Foundation is in there. Keeping you grounded and impervious to distractions or frivolities. I think it’s a stronger contributor to the overall vision than Joie de Vivre.

Also, Carpe Diem Ascended is going to add some of that Joie de Vivre function to this title, anyway. It has a similar functionality where you feel a joy for life as you accomplish your tasks and feel yourself making more and more progress to your goals.

I love the synergy between Carpe Diem Ascended, Productivity Unleashed, Machine: Action, and Machine: Rest. That’s just one powerful cocktail.

Of course, the Procrastination Defeater par excellence is Victory’s Call. And there it is in the list.

If you were really attached to all of them, I’d say one or both of the Results Enhancers (Omnidimensional, DEUS) could be switched out. The ZP build is already such a results enhancer by itself. But, it seems that there’s no need to remove them, so, great.


Drop Deus

why Deus?

Quote when we still had Qv2. I just do not see any need for that module.


I might drop Deus and replace it with Natural Winner.

This is exactly what I am looking for myself as well. I’m considering taking some serious ideas from your custom and building something similar. Probably not as many titles, because I’m still pretty new to subclub. Thanks for sharing!

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I’m pretty happy with that custom. I haven’t ordered it yet but my intuition tells me that I chose the right modules.