Official "Promote Your Idea" Thread

Hello sid! Is there something on the roadmap to upvote? Or just the post above?

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Yes there it’s “abundance bomb for humanity”


Got it:

Abundance Bomb for Humanity

Upvoted :+1:


I want to propose a wealth subliminal for lazy people.

Get maximum effect out of minimal action!

This subliminal will also get you high-paying jobs (think six-figure salaries) where you can slack in a comfortable environment and do your own stuff. Or you can even get to be a “board director” where you can simply be paid a fee but you hardly have to attend any meetings.

There are lots of people who get paid to do nothing, so it shows that you don’t have to hustle to be wealthy.

Who cares what other people think of you? They may express dislike and contempt for your privileges but in their hearts they are just jealous and will give an arm and leg to be in your position!


Stoic zp

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Also something like this but for musicians, mastering musical theory, mastering any musical instrument that one focus on, ability to play with others, absolute pitch… and so on :slightly_smiling_face:


As a fellow lazy person I second this!! :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: :joy:

A dedicated one for singing would also be great too!


Well, I actually see vocal cords as a musical instrument and include them in that group :wink:

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Actually if you like that idea there is singing mastery x on the road map

Might up vote it then :wink::wink::wink:


Since I found back the link

Here it is just in case

And everyone I know you dream of it, at least I know I do (literraly)
Who wouldn’t like to express oneself with his words in an ever more powerful way than with your voice by singing

That’s some spiritual stuff

Anyway I talk too much I’ll let your votes speak :joy::ok_hand:t2:


This one could be seen as a “skill-based” or rather profession-based title… but it’s a bit broad so not sure if Weapon X or not…

Aegis Survival: Deployment

Ttitle says it all. A main sub for the deployed soldier, addressing survival skills, survival intuition, strength, physical and mental endurance, leadership skills, stress reduction, marksmanship, perception, and awareness skills, as well as “survival creativity” for when you really need a weird solution to your box-related problems.

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Following the discussion about perfectionism started by @Pharaoh, (Sub for Perfectionism?) I propose a module in the vain of Vortexdive Crucible:

Path of Pygmalion

Next to no healing the module helps to use your perfectionism as an endless, powerful driving force to push your artistic projects and yourself to become better and better.


Something like developing extreme internal power for money

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LoveBomb as a Supercharger :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::sunglasses:

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I am sorry but Saint will laugh at you both Stark and SS do this :smiley:

I believe you might be asking too much from a product King. I dont believe its possible as 80% action is required even for ZP2.

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Have you put it on the Roadmap?

Blackadder please kindly provide support for this claim. Is this an official figure from Saint or Fire?

If this were possible, do you not think they would have already made it?