No Passion for nothing

Wouldnt genesis be good for this purpose?

That’s why I have Genesis:Mogul in my stack.
For the purpose scripting of the Genesis Line.

The thing is, I have a big “why” in my live. But I can’t feel it. The purpose is there. I know on a deep level, what my purpose, my mission in Life is. But I’m unable to feel it.

That’s why I figured, DRLD could be a solution, to destroy this limiting fear of purpose.
Or would it rather be Rebirth? To give this experience a new spin?

@Forum_Ambassadors any Idea?

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Mate, I struggle with the exact same issue after finishing uni.

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I too have the same issue.

Genesis + Revelation of Spirit.


I can relate with this. And also understand your journey of being Catholic, wanting to don the priestly robes and dedicate yourself to Christ.

I thought I would end up being a Catholic priest too. I was the stereotypical good Catholic boy out of my batch of school kids from a diverse community and if anyone had asked which one of us would end up being a priest, I think everyone would have voted for me and I wouldn’t be surprised.

But college education made me disillusioned with religion. It helped me face the hard facts of life and the naivety I had.

I won’t delve too much on my personal journey but I too ended up taking a similar view in the matter of passion. I think I did it unconsciously wondering whether am making another mistake.

Have I resolved this? I will be honest. Nope. Am still a work in progress in the matter of purpose and passion. That’s why am here. To use the subliminals at SubClub and gain clarity in my life.

I think adding something like Genesis will be useful to your stack. Even if you have Genesis: Mogul and Emperor and they have purpose scripting, the original Genesis is even better for that. It’s made for that purpose. Genesis has helped me to know what next steps i should take in my life. Am sure it will help you see through your own mentsl fog.

You could even do just Genesis + Emperor for a while and then replace Genesis with Genesis: Mogul when you know what you want to pursue.

Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer is a good title too. But I wouldn’t say it is made for the purpose of finding purpose. It will help remove any limits you have when running your stack. And even add more stoicism. It is a great title as a support on your journey rather thsn being the main focus of it.

Hope this helps.


Why not Revelation of Mind?

It looks like he needs to find himself. More than Genesis, RoS is a sub that goes deep to reveal to yourself who you are. It’s just not an easy sub to run.


Or try quality Mucuna pruriens to increase dopamine and therefore motivation.

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You saw the video that chalice of immortality just uploaded?


Yes, today

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Would you please summarize in 100 words or less what you want to accomplish?

I want to get my passion back.
I want to wake up in the morning and do the things that bring me towards my goal.
I want to find a job, start my business on the side.

I believe I know my purpose already. But I can’t feel any drive to work on it.

There’s a remnant of fear of burning out again if I follow my passion. I can solve that myself.
Then I need to feel an emotional bond, an unsurpressable need to work on it.


This is the problem. Your relationship with your (emotional)self.

If you want to FEEL passionate you have to do the work. You have to get out of your head and into your body.

A quick self check:

  1. when was the last time you FELT curious?
  2. when was the last time a color impacted you?
  3. when was the last time you had any other feeling other than anger or sadness or happiness? Or any of those basic feelings.

Exercise: write about your day in your journal. Then after you done check if its all fact based or you actually talked about your experience…how much enjoyment do you get out of the fact based story? Do you like it?

Then rewrite it and write about your experience, how is to read about your own experience ? Do you like it? Explore it

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Listen to Revelation of the Mind and then thank SC later.

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Better than that, stack RoS and RoM and thank SC for the rest of your life! Seriously!

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Maybe not that one lol. RoM I agree tho. RoS might be too spiritual for some people.

Not really. I’m running it right now. I also ran RoM for 4 cycles. I just wish I stacked both. RoS does something interesting: whatever is not “you” slowly falls by the way side. I’ll call it a self-discovery sub.


I said for some people :joy: You my friend are a good exception of those some people. That’s a compliment :wink:


It sounds like you experienced a spiritual opening.

In other words, as paradoxical and facetious as it may sound, you got exactly what you were working for.

The Golden Principle with these things is “take the path seriously but don’t take yourself too seriously”.

You’re probably doing just fine with that, but I’m putting it here as a reminder anyway.

We, here on this forum, are all working at various forms of personal growth or life change. And one useful way to categorize such endeavors is in terms of ‘Content’ and ‘Frame’ (or ‘Form’ or ‘Structure’).

The “Content” orientation adds to/adjusts/rearranges the substance and ‘content’ that fills your life. Job. Relationship. Vocation. Physical health. Whatever. It’s about rearranging, changing, or reorganizing what is in your life so that it better suits your preferences, desires, values, and so on.

The “Frame” orientation, in contrast, works with your Capacity, the amount of experiencing that you can accommodate.

Spiritual Growth often primarily evolves your Capacity.

And so, as Capacity evolves, there are periodic cycles of fullness and emptiness, Connection and Loneliness, Passion and Disinterest.

Here is a full bottle of water that can hold up to 33.75 oz of water.


Here is a glass jar that holds up ot 40 oz.:


If you pour the water from the bottle into the jar, the jar will be fairly close to capacity. It will feel pretty full.

On an experiential level, that’s similar to what we know as passion.

The experiences of your life are “filling up” and fully stimulating your mind.

But if you go through a spiritual opening what happens is that your glass jar “grows”.

What was originally a 40 oz glass jar is now:

A gallon (128 fl ounces).


Now, because the jar has grown, the same amount of water that had us pretty close to full is only going to get us up to about 25% capacity.

Note: Nothing changed about the content. It’s still the same amount of water.

But because the frame, the structure, the capacity have changed; now the entire experience feels different.

Now there’s a feeling of emptiness, almost depression. Why has “life changed so much”? we ask. “Why does what used to fill me up, now leave me feeling empty, underwhelmed, or under-stimulated?”

Life hasn’t changed; but our capacity for life has.

In the weeks and months that follow, we will gradually accept and allow more water into the jar. As this happens, we’ll notice that the jar is getting fuller and fuller. Concurrently, our sense of passion, engagement, and stimulation will return; and this time at a somewhat higher level.

Ironically, as this happens, we’ll actually begin to complain that we don’t feel as “spiritual” as we used to back when we were in that angst of emptiness. (Many things look better in the glow of nostalgia.) We feel passionate, but not as open and balanced.

This then prompts more inner work, which leads to yet another expansion:

and the cycle continues.

You have grown.

You will gradually explore and find what is most meaningful to you in this current phase and iteration of your life.

Try to trust the process, while, at the same time, participating actively in it.


