NewLease; New Primal Seduction

Finished my First loop of the New PS about an hour or so ago. I feel like the sub is waking up something inside of me that I’m not has ever been awake. I feel masculine, calm, chill. I can envision myself in scenarios where I can approach any woman I have my eye on and everything would work out. I even visualize the euphoric feeling that would come from approach anxiety just vanishing from the moment I say Hello. 2 weeks into or less into this cycle and I feel like my life will change for ever. Now to get myself around women to make the things I imagine become a reality.


Felt confident and calm immediately after my loop yesterday, but as the day went on I started feeling a little anxiety. Tonight I went to a family get together and I was witty when we were all talking. Had a clever response a lot of the time. Tomorrow I’m on my way to my favorite place for new years, the adult resort that I like to frequent. I’m sure I’m going to have stories to tell from this weekend :+1:

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I don’t think I like the idea of chasing, I love the idea of being chased and pursued. It might just be reconciliation, I’ll give it more time.

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Chasing, as a word, has a very negative connotation. But I don’t think it’s negative in a seduction context. It’s easy to hear “chasing” and think “chasing someone who doesn’t want to be chased”

I see PS as “choosing” not “chasing”

You choose who you’re attracted to, find a way to bring them into your world - you only have to “chase” until they see how amazing it is to be around you, then they’ll do the chasing.

But I call it choosing because with PS, you choose who to influence, but with WB, people choose you.

The peak of masculinity is decision making, and going after what you want, so I like the sound of PS more


This makes a lot of sense, thanks. I’ll take this into consideration.

@Forum_Ambassadors please close this thread for me.

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Only @RVconsultant, @DarkPhilosopher can do so.

Understood, thanks

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