New Support Article: Is “Mind Control” Possible With Subliminal Audio?

That’s some perseverance :clap:

I think not. As @Fire and I suspected a few weeks ago (and some of you, who flagged him too), this is another manifestation of “Hermit,” attempting to throw us off by minimizing his use of symbolism and employing a “casual” writing style. I find myself perplexed at his insistence in returning to a community who has expelled him multiple times. In fact, every time he’s been spotted in his last… five incarnations, it was YOU ALL who spotted it and flagged his posts enough for us to get an automated moderator notice. We are not searching each thread, hunting for potential Hermits to ban.

And in his continued attempts to infiltrate this community, he has managed to suck another young man, clearly suffering from mental illness into his dangerous claws. When we ban an individual and stay quiet about it, it’s not because we’re hiding something. We’re literally trying to protect that individual from being publicly humiliated. But, enough is enough. You want to have this battle? Welcome to the STKS era. Fine, let’s have it.

Everyone – Hermit and individuals like him are a true threat to your mind and your life. His long, rambling posts and conspiratorial claims are an attempt to force us into – through subliminal audio – initiating you into a “doctrine” (if something so large can be called this) derived from the holy sacred mysteries. He wants us to change the safe, user focused methodology that we use to create our titles and instead, follow HIS personal interpretation of the sacred mysteries. For some reason, he believes that he is more knowledgeable about that topic, as if @Fire and myself are not extremely learned men who also understand these concepts, but decided that the best way to help others wasn’t to force them into learning alleged “higher principles” as dictated by us, but to help them find happiness. I have a much simpler approach and theory to all this:

Once you find true happiness, then you will find the divine. Or God, or the spirit, or just having an amazing inner life – whatever you want to call it. And we don’t care how you find happiness. If you want to get laid 3000 times, that’s your choice. Wanna be a millionaire? Go ahead, we can try and help with that. Once you find yourself, you will discover the mysteries and its solution. Our job is to provide the titles.

And we do this by watching the community closely, and using our near-preternatural ability to critically think through information and find patterns, we give you all the titles you want. Our personal thoughts rarely even make it into the script, as we go out of our way to use other, more successful people as the source of our research. In this manner, philosophically, the titles that are produced are a manifestation of the people who desire them, an expression of “as above, so below, as within, so without.”

What does this mean? The reason why the titles are becoming more complex and more effective is because ALL of you are becoming more complex, more effective and demonstrating a higher level of consciousness. It’s undeniable, for those who have been here long enough. You’ve all seen a shift in the way the forum feels. We have more successful people who are willing to share their knowledge. There’s an overall sense of exploration and positivity emerging. We did not do this. You all did. Through your feedback – the condensing of all your beautiful struggles into a journal thread – you changed US. And because you all started expanding, so did we. We have to continue growing, or else the company stagnates and dies, as you would eventually outgrow us and manifest a new “competitor” who would meet your needs.

Simply put: We couldn’t release the titles that we’re releasing now if the customer base itself did not evolve past asking for something more than the basic “lemme get my pp wet” titles.

But, let me elaborate a bit more on why this individual and people like him are not welcome here:

The holy sacred mysteries is a very nebulous term, hard to define, hard to describe. And that’s the point, because the search to engage with them is a personal process, one that cannot be forced. You find them when you find them. Or, according to other people’s perspective, they find you. But the most basic (and I mean basic) concept is this: allegedly, within ALL the ancient holy texts, there is a common thread – the exoteric and the esoteric. The exoteric being the words itself, the story and the easy to digest principles. Then, there’s the esoteric, the deep hidden meanings of these scriptures, meanings that will literally reshape your consciousness once you begin to understand them. Ultimately, as the seeker seeks, the answers will keep manifesting in your life as you continue to expand in consciousness and eventually becoming enlightened.

If you’re on new age TikTok, you’ve already heard of such things told to you in a primitive manner. The “sacred secretion,” modern explanations and the depictions of kundalini, etc. You’ll also hear about a huge rise in something called “kundalini syndrome,” a premature awakening of energy within the body that arises from individuals listening to people like Hermit and messing with energetic processes within themselves without having done the proper prep work.

I remember one legitimate guru, who follows the doctrines of karma and reincarnation, telling me that one who becomes enlightened the “safe” way would do so by simply improving the lives of themselves and others until they reincarnate in a lifetime where a teacher will guide them. In this way, you avoid the VERY negative side effects of “kundalini syndrome.”

And what Hermit wants us to do is to stop building “sinful programs” (in his opinion) and instead PUSH these concepts on your subliminally, while projecting his own need for control onto us. And thus, you get these idiotic notions of “mind control” and the such. It is not us who desires this, it’s THEM. Both Hermit and “Calm,” have attempted to make their own subliminal audio titles. In Hermit’s case, it was why he was banned in the first place. He claims the screenshots were doctored, but it was @AlexanderGraves that he confessed this to, far before I even knew who an “AlexSQ” was. He was just a dude posting results on the forum. He can back our claims.

So, put it together. There’s another “subliminal producer,” one who mimicked my username and keeps throwing pot shots at the idea of “taking action.” He says he’ll produce titles where you won’t have to do so. Well, from what I understand, he spent half the year with the “business” shutdown, while rambling about being attacked by demons when he used his own products.

Do you see Hermit and Calm going to that forum, rambling on and on about this stuff?

What about the other major subliminal producer, who openly states that he has anti-piracy measures in his titles that attempt to “educate” you about the merits of piracy. I have no opinion on his measures, this is not an attack on him. He states it openly, I trust that anyone who uses those programs are perfectly fine with it. But the question remains: why aren’t Hermit and Calm going there, rambling on about such things.

Why are they coming HERE? Why are we the always the target of these types of individuals? The one company without anti-piracy scripting, with free will scripting, whose complete focus is on the will of the people?

You should be able to put this together. It’s because they are the ones who secretly wants power. They want us to tell the “secret” of Zero Point. And to do so, they will weaponize the community by instilling fear within them. That you’re being mind controlled or influenced to do things you don’t want to do. That your mind is in “danger.” Hoping to whip up a frenzy large enough that we break down and start telling things, and they can then they can make their own titles for themselves and for profit.

But we’ve already told you the secret of Zero Point. It’s the people. The secret is hidden within the tens of thousands of posts on this forum. It’s listening to the outer words of people to truly understand what they are asking for on from the inside. It’s about understanding the sovereignty of everywhere here and respecting that. We’re soon going to backdate all the titles with the latest version of the free will scripting. What made us decide to test it in the first place? Listening to the people. Paying attention to the fact that our society is obsessed with putting limits on everything and how the people here expressed frustration with that. In a world that feels oppressive, what do you do? You add scripting that lets them know that they have the free will to choose. And when you let off an aura that you respect everyone’s free will, guess how those people respond? With kindness and compassion.

There’s your secret. The people. Why do you think we keep this forum neutral? No, “Calm,” we aren’t “kEePiNg iT sQuEaKy ClEaN bEcAuSe MiNd CoNtRoL!!!111” It’s to give people a safe space to express their feelings, because that is the secret of our success. Trying to force people to buy products and “obey forum rules” or any other “mind control” destroys the very source of our success. Genuine, honest feedback. If someone is giving us bad information, how can we use that to make better products?

And then you two have the audacity to call yourself “critical thinkers,” claiming that we’re banning you for being one. Give it a fucking rest.

Even if I told you everything that goes into scripting a Zero Point title, you still wouldn’t understand it, because you don’t understand yourself or the people here. You don’t understand that these people just want to live their lives and they want their subliminal titles to reflect that. You instead keep coming here, mindlessly going on and on about concepts that were meant to be meditated on and cherished in the heart and the people keep expelling you. They sniff you out quickly, because you underestimate the intelligent of the people here, thinking they are beneath you spiritually.

You are the one attempting forcing your will on people. And to lie to these people, to hide the fact that you admitted to us that you have mental illness and suggest that they are all mind controlled automatons who cannot think for themselves is disgusting.

That’s why you are not welcome here.

I’m finished with them, but I wanted to talk about the concept of “critical thinking,” at least how I see it, as illustrated by an experience I had yesterday.

At Father’s Day dinner, my family brought up the recent “UFO” news and the such. And when I dismissed it, I again heard a comment questioning my capacity to “critically think.” I simply chuckled and reminded them that a person can only “critically think” to the level of their own knowledge (or ignorance). Which, of course, garnered a rather negative response. Then, I told them my opinion, summarized as the following:

"Light travels at 186,000 a SECOND. And a light year measures the distance that light can travel in a vacuum in a single year, which is around 6 trillion miles a year. And the closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri, which is roughly 4 light years away. You do the math on that.

And considering the fact that the speed of light is a universal speed limit, you are a suggesting that an alien civilization that has the technology to either travel the maximum speed of light without issue for years straight, or can tunnel through space / warp the space around it (like vessels in Star Trek) would somehow “crash” in someone’s backyard.

Our ships look the way they do because we use combustion propulsion to fly vessels into space. Without that, there’s no use for things like “wings” and the such, unless this enlightened alien species of yours just likes the aesthetics.

These ships wouldn’t “crash” like you’d see in a movie, with aliens scurrying from it to go hiding. It’d probably look more like the vessels from the movie “Arrival,” that simply seem to appear and disappear into a higher dimension. There’s no “crashing.”

What you are looking at is a hoax. And just like vampires were the rage years ago, then werewolves, then superhero movies, now comes the return of the UFO narrative – not necessarily because of some alleged government conspiracy, but because people are bored and UFOs now make money.

There’s your critical thought."

Before you come here questioning and accusing us again, I suggest you do some soul searching to determine what your limits actually are. Because quite frankly, if I receive another “I AM YOUR KARMA” type email, I’m taking all those correspondences and posting them publicly.

Go find another imaginary enemy.


I thought I got a bit of an H* vibe from that post, but I didn’t say anything because honestly I had better things to do than (and simply couldn’t be bothered) to read 600 pages of single-spaced text and I figured someone else would flag it if so.


We can play a game of who is the first to find out Hermit alter user. Hint, the longer the text, the more likely it is him.


If y’all think we’re joking or overexaggerating…




IMO Hermit was clearly unbalanced even back in 2020 (after COVID kicked off) when he started posting all that witless Q conspiracy crap, and even started making his first forays into building a cult here when he demanded members get all their information only from him. I’m glad his ban is now truly permanent.


Can someone be a " critical thinker" and follow organized religion? Don’t they cancel each other out?

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Depends on your definition of the word “follow” as either something akin to blind faith, or more as guidelines and a blueprint.

I follow an organized religion, and it encourages me to think critically, experiment, and have a reasoned logic-based faith.

Then again, it’s not one of the mainstream religions where you’ll be ostracized for asking too many questions. So there’s that too.

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That is so incredibly unhinged.

I am sorry you guys have to deal with that, must be such a huge bummer.

At the same time, I’m grateful that you don’t let it discourage you from continuing to make amazing products :heart: :pray:


This is deep af, and something I’ve noticed has been appearing in myself and in my life more and more since the release of the Revelation titles.


Depends on the religion, some embrace knowledge and others probably wish it were still legal to burn heretics at the stake.

“If the concept of rebirth or, for that matter, any other concept adhered to by Buddhists were to be empirically disproved, given the crucial importance of reason and empirical evidence in Buddhist thought, we will have to accept the new evidence and reject our previously held concept.”
― An Introduction to Buddhism, The Dalai Lama

But, this isn’t the thread for that. I just wanted to toss that quote in as I appreciate how welcoming of critical thinking it is.

edit: It’s the mindset of “no evidence will sway my belief” that is the problem, regardless of what belief it’s about, either for or against. You could swap remote viewing, energy healing, ghosts, the existence of aliens, whatever, in place of religion, and it still stands.


Any update on the time table for the " Transmutting "?

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Originally it was 2020.

Then it was 2021.

Then 2022.

Currently it’s expected in 2023.

Next year it’ll be in 2024.

and so on


Most people will glance over this, but IMO this is also the reason for the “presults” and “results without even running the title whenever a new one is released”

That’s because we connected as a group.
I do not dare to explain it, but the signs are IMO obvious.

And I am not the only one reporting these effects any time a new sub is released.

Everything is connected.

The funny thing is. The person who truly understand this, lets go and lets life unfold.
The person who doesn’t, tries to tell you you will be TRANSMUTED IN THE CORE OF THE GALACTIC SUN or wtf


Don’t be ridiculous. Of course an individual can be a critical thinker on one subject and not one in another. But before we even get there, we’d have to define what your statement means.

Are you suggesting that every individual who is Catholic, for example, is less of a critical thinker than yourself? The Roman Catholic Church is what, 1 billion people strong?

Do you really have the gall to profess with a straight face that your lack of belief in spiritual matters by default makes you more of a critical thinker than 1.2 billion people?

If so, how to do explain the people within that group who are more successful than you? What would you blame it on? Luck? Nepotism? How would you dismiss their success to cover up your own failings?

I’d say the same thing if we reversed everything. I have atheist friends who are extremely successful and wise. Is it their lack of belief that made them more successful? No, they are hardworking, moral individuals who want to help people in their own way.

To imply a lack intelligence, or even worse, less intrinsic value as a human, as based upon religious belief or lack thereof, is exactly the kind of stuff that leads to war and conflict. Including on this forum, so we will have no more talk like this.


This guy has too much free time.

Thank you for this response. The default atheist response of “lel religious ppl r dumb becuz dey believe in imaginary person in da sky” is not just annoying, but also hilariously ignorant.

Ignoring what is universally agreed as one of (if not the) most essential aspects of virtually every civilization’s populace since the dawn of mankind, is woefully arrogant to say the least.


Is there anything such as morality or they beleive in Karma?

Besides, everytime Islamophobes talk about Islam, I tell them the exact same thing. “Bro are you sane? 1.2 billion people are muslims and you think there is no element of fact in their scriptures? The heck!”

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