Need help chosing a stack

The stacks I’m interested in are the following

DR LD/Gen/ QL 3



DR LD/Gen/Reborn

Also have to factor in life chargers but that’s for later.

I’ve done dumbbell curls for the past couple of days.
I’ve helped with some chores. I’ve thought of ways to “multitask” and making my own study method. I hope that counts towards some kind of action. I know about 70% of the things I need to start learning or doing, it’s just the act of doing and staying on course.

I have some goals for the next 21-45-60 days( I may switch stacks if most of the goals are accomplished or the situation needs me to).

1.Relearning the basics of math and teaching it to my sister.

  1. Learning different memory and learning techniques and teaching them to my family.

  2. Learning a skill to teach myself and dad so we can bring more money to the house on the side that will allow him to retire and not worry about when the the retirement money comes. That way he can focus on the business at the house.

  3. Working out.

  4. Building deeper relationships and rapport with people I know before I leave in 60 days.

  5. Be able to read strangers and potentially build great rapport with potential friends, customers or more.

  6. Sticking to a hair/skin routine.

  7. Building a daily habit of meditation.

  8. Improving my sleep quality so I can be more productive and prep myself for lucid dreaming. As well as getting up much earlier. No more “5 more minutes”.

  9. Cooking and learning things like like photography ( I already have a camera) and the basics of SEO/dm.

@AnswerGroup @Billions

Just run Gen/DRLD, see what it needs, and reevaluate your stack after a cycle.

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That’s an option.

There’s too many goals( some I can’t) that needs to be accomplished and too many factors to keep account for.

I remember you said something about executive giving a “12 hour work day” vibe and RM was something impressive.

What does the answer group do? I thought there would be a couple more people here.

Genesis and DR: LD are good but can get heavy. So if you don’t want to focus on some healing perhaps different combo is recommended during this goal posts you have. Otherwise I recommend you only run Genesis + DR: LD for 3 months.


For the objectives you listed in your place I would have used Love Bomb and Mind’s eye since memory techniques require visualization (e.g. memory palace) and this can help you prepare for lucid dreams. Even if you want to learn new skills, visualization can help you

Love Bomb can help you with all this

Answer group consists of SaintSovereign and Fire, the two minds behind SC.

They get tagged daily individually and with the answer group tag. But since they’re very busy with creating subs and managing their company, they can’t answer every question.

If your lucky, they’ll chime in, if they’re busy, likely not.

You can also mention @Forum_Ambassadors which is a group of renowned members of this community that can help with most questions as well.


Sorry I ain’t respond in quite some time. The past cycle went decently. I used dr, Gen and index over QL. I used the true social life charger and I swear the affects lasted for two days! I’m doing Index the new limitless and ROM. The synergy in the copy and objectives is nutty. True social will help build rapport here and there until the next cycle, hopefully if all goes well and I can afford it, I’ll get a custom of this stack and use daredevil with another sub like UA or a chosen sub or true sell or a love bomb sub. Imma make a journal on here, which will be my very first journal online which is crazy :rofl:, in the morning.