Myths of the Great Pearl

Lol, honestly, I do not think you’d love to train with us.

It only has 12 machines and it’s a full body workout, we can coach and host 12 people at once — our business plan is a unique one :slight_smile:


Been on a washout, having terrible reconciliation for almost 3 days now. Well, the recon is still manageable to be honest, it is more like I’m feeling tired and exhausted, sensing loads of processing.

I have been listening far less than the recommended listening schedule. The moment I hit 15 mins the Titanic sunk lol…


Anyone know if it is best to do like a 3 min loop of my stack as a measure for recovery? Or should I just washout until the overexposure is gone?

I think I would washout and return stronger, after a few days away.

So, I feel like with Zero Point you will not be able to hide.

Either you align with the objectives or will face tremendous reconciliation. Decided to drop Primal Seduction as it’s Primal aspects are conflicting with me. Moreover, I’m not interested in the numbers game or having sex with dozens of women.

I’m more a Man of class, virtue, and manners.

Ascension gives me respect and admiration, yet I want to be loved equal to the respect I’m gaining.

Only then will I have found balance and equilibrium.


3 minutes works like a charm for me.


Might get this Custom but with True Sell module instead of Core.

The Pearl of a Great Price

See, the purpose for me, the life that has meaning to me is the one often overlooked by the great majority. It is the life Mystical life of the the Soul, to see beyond the veil, to know and feel it. The life of the Soul, the true life that nurtures and brings everlasting peace and all things of a positive nature. The source of all pleasure and joy, that which all people seek for in material world but never find.

But make no mistake, the path is simple; it is one way and forward, but not an easy one to trod.

This means I must swim against the current and to do so evasively in fear of being opposed as were the Greeks during the Roman invasion…

To walk the path in Silence is the best approach until sufficient strength is Soul power is gained.

There will be a huge battle upon this Earth and I want to be prepared. Drawing from past lives, to walk a path of Soul, of knowing who we are and what we are capable of. Truth sets us free because it liberates us from the imposed lies and illusions (things appearing real), deception is what we fight against.

I’m passionate about Alchemy, about the perfection of the being within, the experiments which I’m about to pursue will inevitably set me far apart from my fellows, my tribulations have hard and difficult but it had to be done… to balance that karma is to be set free. To truly begin a journey from book unwritten, an empty page, a new… beginning.

The Mind is the only way IN… and out.

It is a journey… a very rewarding one, but it comes at a great cost… yet knowing that the reward outlasts the costs infinitely the seeker ever strives to arrive at his destination. A will forged under the blazing fires of tribulation.

The Pearl of a Great Price, and Oh’ only if the people knew the Pearl they had within them… :sparkles::wilted_flower::writing_hand:

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I feel like the combination of Wanted, Chosen and Ascension suits me.

Wanted has a Way of making me elusive, mysterious, and secretive which suits my inner-world and personality since I’m a complex being with a great many secrets, different from others and I that must remain unknown… people may seek for it, but they will be walking into a maze with endless pathways and never finding the grail within.

Chosen on the other hand, brings out the Light within, and helps me to spread it around to becoming virtues, honourable and to possess of qualities that makes a Chosen One, Chosen—he is a unique person that often perplexes and inspires others.

Meanwhile Ascension helps me to become an outstanding individual, someone who is his own Man, has a strong will, and is imbued with masculine qualities that allow him to impose his Will on the world and achieve his greatest most thunderous and gasping dreams.

A deadly combination of ambition, inspirational virtue with a shade of the night and Mystery to keep the deepest secrets that make him who he is hidden and cloaked under his many personalities.

This is the combination for me.


Goodbye, see you soon.

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Washout, rest, and collect your thoughts. Your higher self will let you know when it’s time to return. Then start back slow. Please keep in touch. Peace.

Zero Point is absolutely another level of technology, the smoothness is insane, and reconciliation is barely noticeable if you know how to keep your system healthy.

Will have to clean up this journal and start anew.

Lot on the plate right now but will return with some Glorious testimonials.

To reveal where I believe Zero Point, among other tools will catapult me in year none would ever believe – the proof will be in the pudding :wink:

Will be continued… :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles:

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Amen…dealing with this myself.