Mystery's Elite + Primal Seduction Journey

I know exactly what you mean by this and i have had some of this bloom in some interactions and this was one of them but when it came down to the nitty gritty my brain went to mush. Must mean i need to practice this part more often and open and close more interactions.

Thanks man i appreciate the feedback specially since its coming from someone that has done this 1000+ times already😅

What subs are you running right now that you are in youre off season from PS.? That way if you have ajournal i can follow it .

I didn’t complete my 1000. Retired at 400 :grin:
1000 is just a number . Who knows you may be the MYSTERY of 2020s in just < 500 :sunglasses:

Limitless based custom and Rich crypto , no online journal though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At one point youll have to put that jersey back on its too early for you to hang it up just yet😅
If i become the mystery 2.0 then ill give ZP all the credit lol

Nice,i see youre after those Brain Gains😉
What crypto have you been investing in.?

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Yea , its just hanging temporarily there . :wink:

I don’t invest , I trade - mainly Forex :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:

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It better be temporarily those 1000 sets arent gonna complete themselves😉

I heard thats lucrative if one learns to do it properly. Has Rich Crypto been helping you with that.?

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So far so good. Enough of my stuff :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Back to your journal .

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I didnt mind it one bit. Anything Investing/Trading really intrigues me. Good luck on your accumulation of wealth!:dollar::dollar::dollar:

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Dec 2 update:

Since i work nights my schedule is different than the average person and now that im off work til Monday i have been sleeping through the afternoon and waking up at night which is the equivalent of sleeping in for the average joe😅

This is my first “morning” since running both ZPs and i gotta say I woke up pretty refreshed. The thing is im noticing my energy levels are fluctuating more than usual. Recon isnt really a big issue so far at this time.

Definitely have been feeling some of the feeling of royalty with chosen i feel in control of myself and like the outside world has little influence on me.

I feel this calmness and positivity thats different than usual and im looking forward to how this capitalizes in the future.

Went to gas station and upon arriving i came into eye contact with a girl that gave me some prolonged eye contact

Then upon arriving i noticed women were avoiding my gaze and didnt seem to want it. This always seems to be the case with the more attractive women. The ones that i find attractive always shun me with their look.

So far its been hit or miss with PS but getting looks from attractive women would be great to manifest consistently but im far more interested in being able to grow the balls and go after woman that are attractive.

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Dec 3

-1 loop of Elite

Had to go to the dentist to get a tooth ive been trying to get extracted for a while now get taken out and i was given Laughing Gas as an option which i took and the sensations of euphoria i got from that was amazing.

I cant say that my feelings of positivity were due to ZP or the gas but i want to keep an open mind and not play these lawyer games that Saint mentions with myself.

At the dentists office i would get lively responses from people there like they enjoyed my presence

I notice that some people respond positively to my presence and others dont wether its men or women its like they hate the inner strength im radiating. Its as if people see me and expect me to be weak and get pissed that im not and in fact much stronger than the typical Joe.

At the pharmacy i ran into a very cute girl that didnt lead to anything because i dont like picking up girls that are at work and on a work mode mindset but it can just be me making excuses. Might be a manifestation from ZP that i got a cute girl to be working this day.
She didnt really give me ioi that were noteworthy but it may have just been because she was new and in training and was more concerned of learning her job than to meet someone in that moment i can understand because at work if im learning something at work i want to learn i dont care if Meghan Fox is walking through the door im gonna focus on my task,so this may be what went on in this interaction.

Ill quickly note that i felt really calm composed.

When it came time to pickup my pain medication this old guy smiled at me and insisted i went before him to be attended first almost like he felt my time was far more important and had to have me be attended first. Almost like i was treated like royalty🤔 sounds like Chosen in this specific sceneraio.

The only frustrating thing i feel from reading some posts in this community is when they get lusting gazes from other women or women straight up approaching them and seducing them. I feel these are things that dont stem from the subs specially when they make remarks that it has happened even before the subs usage. I have come to terms that these things are not in the cards for me because i dont fit in the handsome category. Now i dont want you guys mistaking this as a limiting belief because i do wholeheartedly believe i can pull hot women despite this it just wont ever come in the form as them craving me just from looking at me. Which is why i feel a sub like wanted could never work for me.

The party that i had spoken about on a previous post where women looked at me like they were admiring me were women that i had to habe them warm up to me and therefore change their feelings towards me but initially i had to work on them to create the admiration on the encounters at the party.

Even if this build doesnt take me to where i want to be with my success with women i know it will be only a matter of time before Saint and Fire achieve an even more advanced version that will. Im placing my faith in these guys and this company. What they are doing and the mission they have thats improving all these lives is giving them so much positive karma that when they pass away,on their judgement day i have no doubt their assesment will show that they improved so many lives and probably saved so many because some that stumble across this community may have thought about suicide and having these subs literally may have pulled them away from a dark place. Please never stop innovating and improving on the technology you have so many people depending on you guys myself included. I love you guys🙂

So far its too early to say if ZP is creating changes in my reality but i will keep an open mind these next few weeks and hope this build can be the holy grail i have been searching for.

Dreams have been crazy since starting ZP. Almost every dream has had a theme where i am inferior in the dream and it has been having a somewhat negative affect in my waking life.

One dream was where i had my bank account wiped out by a random guy

Another where i was being picked on and bullied by a group of people

One where i was being rejected by women and made feel like a POS

So far my experience with ZP has been a mix of good and bad but in my opinion more bad than good. Im not going to completely lose hope on it till atleast 3 months have gone by. This may be the healing part that Saint mentioned may take place. Not only that but i may be a hard gainer which wouldnt surprise me. So yeah i believe its too early to pass judgement on ZP for
Chosen &
I hope there is a bloom in the near future that completely blows me away .

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Rest day

Today i returned back to work and had trouble connecting with people which is disappointing me because i thought chosen was supposed to deepen connections so far it has had the opposite effect.

I do feel like people are sensing a stronger me however. There is more intimidation from me to the people around me. This is coming naturally im not provoking anyone nor trying to stare anyone down but i can tell people feel my strong aura and get intimidated.

I have always had trouble connecting with people i am a naturally born introvert that it can get to the point of anti socialness

Since i have run subs however i have made more of an effort to talk to people but all this leads to is my mood taking a hit and only small talk which i absolutely hate. So it feels like most of the time im engaging in small talk and i despise that. Which leads to my anti social behavior because neither i nor the people i engage in convos can get the conversations past small talk.

Im getting a headache today. Im drinking more water than usual today and getting slightly hungrier than usual. Its like food isnt keeping me full for long.

So far ZP is showing me just how miserable i am right now in life and just how uneventful it is.i work 12hr shifts and although the money helps me get by and the people are ok. They are not people that i see having in my life outside work. Dont get me wrong theyre good people but i just dont find them being the kind of people id want to get to know better.

Only reason i stay atthis job is because the money is decent and the company is good i like the way im treated here. I dont see myself working somewhere else but i just wish there were more people here that make me feel something inside.

A while back there was this girl here and she made me feel something inside but later on was let go and ever since my time here at work has been very boring.

Its not entirely their fault its my own for not being more social,more interesting,more fun more captivating.

This must be the recon on ZP. Feels pretty bad almost to the point where its suffocating.

Its pointing at all the parts in my life where im doing things wrong followed by this hopelessness that my life will always be like this and no sub will ever help me get the results i seek.

Im not much of a guy that cries but these feelings have made me almost get to the point of crying. No recon has ever led to me getting to this point.

For anyone wondering. i am obeying the listening recommendations.

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Seeing as how im running PS ZP it is really lighting a fire in me to approach women and the fact that my circustances are blocking me from that my mind is going to work on how i can manage to find time to Day game women. Something inside of me is nagging at me to approach.


Somehow all of this internal shifting led me to purchase “Say Hello” by Christian Hudson to equip me with some knowledge in approaching and carrying a conversation with women. ZP is really wanting me to force action to achieving my goals and although talking to women is clearly the best way to have the subs give results which i will do but going in with the approach and knowledge i get from some quality seduction products i feel will get me there faster. Im going to start dedicating one hour to learning Seduction material every day.



-1 loop of Elite

Upon arriving at work i noticed there was an employee that must have recently started. She was an older woman or what i would call a milf that i actually found attractive. It seems PS ZP is manifesting this or my PS Qv2 custom that might be blooming since i havent run it in 8 days because of my transition to ZP.
although she may be from a different shift i credit the manifestation to one of these titles just because of the sheer timing of all this.

I came across her on my way out to my car and as we were walking towards each other i didnt feel any anxiety upon coming in contact with her. Instead i felt this genuine and natural feelings of calmness and positivity. When she came near i gave the most natural and friendly smile that i cant really remember giving a woman in a looong time. I smile at women more now but most of the time i can feel its forced and not really natural and genuine.

She reciprocated the genuine smile aswell. Scenarios like this dont usually happen for me. Usually women will see from afar that soon well cross paths and either just give a facial expression that says im not interested whatsoever or they will completely do everything they can to avoid eye contact completely.

This doesnt seem to be the case as much anymore ill get it from women that i subconsciously reject. I get better reactions from women that i find attractive.

Its almost like when i come across a woman now if i like her, a surge of motivation and curiousity arises in me and they can pick up on that and basically give me positive signs.

Having more women turn and look my way,could be curiousity or just plainly happening to look my way.

Came across two semi attractive older women on my way out. Seems like they are noticing changes in me because before they would look at me like i was nothing special and now they look at me and i can tell that i am triggering something inside of them.

Im noticing that my presence is impacting people in my environment more than before. Has got be this ZP.

Today marks a week of ZP and perhaps the results may be on their way. ZP hit me hard and the recon was tough but it seems like its begun to lighten up but im noticing that it is working on my inner landscape for now. Im gaining more control over my emotions and how i respond to negativity. Could be Chosen’s effect.

My thoughts and words have become slightly more witty.

Overall today was the best day since i began ZP. Good stuff, i just wonder how much more advanced things can get from here. I have faith next year Saint and Fire will develop a build that makes ZP look like childs play. Cant wait. :slightly_smiling_face:

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When ZP was released i had heavy recon in the first week of the release and in the following week i came down with Covid so i battled that from the 8th to the 20th of this month so pretty much my experience has been recon and missing the other portion of the first 3 weeks due to covid so i havent really exposed myself to others during my ZP run.

Upon returning to work i didnt get any earth shattering results. In fact i suspect Chosen has actually been giving me recon and making me less capable socially and actually wanting to withdraw myself from others even though i consciously want to be around others more but im a natural lone wolf so i suspect my recon is stemming from this battle.

I love the concept of Chosen and its a title that i would love to integrate into my subconscious but so far its been giving me recon aswell as PS ZP. I naturally have recon from seduction based subs so now having chosen in the mix its worsening the recon im experiencing.

Today however a girl from work approached me because she found out i had covid and wanted to ask me what it was like. Ill credit that to the sub because she could have easily disregarded the need to come ask me but the fact that she approached me is enough to acknowledge that the sub had a factor in it. The girl isnt very attractive so my motivation to flirt with her wasnt there.

Overall i haven’t experienced any of the amazing results others had in their journals but like i said its gotta be due to being out of commission for most of the month. I guess i was hoping that at the very least it would have improved my rslationship with the others in the household but so far things have remained the same but definitely has not been an improvement.

One thing that has continued to be apparent is the reduced effect of others energy to mine. I still get affected by some peoples energy but this is something that has reduced dufing my subliminal journey. I hope it gets to the point where i can deflect negative energy from anyone.

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Rest day-

Since i have started my sub journey i havent really had a consistent positive mood. Today however i experienced my first sincerely felt positive day. I was greeting people,striking conversations,and even caught myself singing to myself which i havent done in a long time. Only times that has ever happened is when i am in a good mood. The best part about feeling like this is that i didn’t have to force it it was something that came naturally.

I just hope external results catapult in the next few months of running ZP because that’s the one area that i havent seen skyrocket like for some members here. There has been small external ones but nothing out of this world reality bending.

I hope that changes in the coming months.
When i first ran PS ZP i spoke of that internal flame in me to wanting to approach women. It hasnt really grown since. With some women there is still this part of me that holds back and refuses to approach. I wonder when this will be a thing of the past.

I wish PS ZP was stronger at initiating and making happen the act of approaching a breeze. I still do it but i have to force and psyche myself up to do it. I wish this process was made easier and effortless. Perhaps it is in this ZP version and i just have to be patient til then.

I know im in recon because im just having this feeling in me that seduction based subs won’t ever work for me. I have this thought in my head that tells me if they work for me they will workfor anyone. Recon from Chosen cleared but now PS recon has begun to surface in the second half of my night.

I apologize if it sounds like im attacking the subs thats just how i sincerely feel.

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The beginning of ZP Cycle 3:

My stack will now consist of:

Ascension ZP

Like i posted on the ZP thread CFW is working wonders for my internal world and filling it with Positivity,Love and all those higher emotions but it feels like it is causing too much of these feelings that it makes me act less masculine which bothers me.

Seems to me ill be switching my Elite custom for Ascension ZP to see if it will help me with the masculinity and confidence side of things.

Im very hesitant to remove CFW because its really changing my inner world for the better but hurting my masculinity it must be the Regeneration in the script overpowering the alpha sub.

I feel no horrible Recon running this stack which is unusual because i would experience alot of recon before adding CFW.

My brain injury is also healing more and more slowly but surely. The inflamation it gives my frontal lobe is what really hurts my day to day life. Ive noticed the more my brain heals from my injury the better im able to express the script.

For those that have never experienced a serious brain injury youre lucky because me currently being an person living with one and knowing that ill come out from it stronger dont realize how much your life changes from one moment to the next.

Next month marks 6 years that i have been living with this hell every day,every hour,every minute and every second.

One example of how life altering it can be is i was a basketball player before my injury and a pretty decent one. Once my injury hit i had to retire from the sport because my injury was so bad i would lose guys on defense and overall hurt my game that my team disnt want to play with me because i was no longer able to play the game at that level anymore. Not because i sucked but because my injury and inflamation hurt my frontal lobe big time that i couldnt make split second game changing decisions anymore.

It dumbed me down so it hurt me in jobs because i wasnt able to grasp the knowledge to work these jobs and forced me to take lower paying jobs that were more my current slower speed which led to me hurting finacially

It hurt me in approaching women. Before my injury i had no problem approaching women and talking to them because my brain would work very well that i would just say the right things at the right time. After my injury i lost that ability and any time id approach my mind would go blank. id forget what to say and my approach became very unsmooth.

Every day i wake up i know im at a huge disadvantage mentally and knowing that i cant do abything to instantly bring me back is frustrating. Its like when an athlete gets injured as bad as they want to get back to the court to play they are forced to sit out for months they cant just instantly heal and come back.

Its the same here its like a cut that you have to wait for it to heal and you have no way to make it instantly heal.

With that being said i came across a Russian Peptide by the name of Cerebrolysin thats actually meant to heal brain injuries and i got an injection yesterday and i feel like its taking effect i feel its beginning to heal me so looking forward to this treatment and what it does for my brain. I hope i can come to being a fully functional human being again and live my life differently than i did in the past.

Just came back from a 5 day washout and the bloom was pretty cool on it i noticed it around the 3rd or 4th day.

The positivity and love traits to my personality became stronger in the bloom aswell as my social skills which im not sure which sub in my stack led to the sociability but it is a rather nice effect. Went out to do some bowling and be at the arcade and stuff and noticed some IOI from some of the women there along with some others giving repulsed looks. So pretty balanced in that department.

Made eye contact with a girl that i caught looking at me for a good few seconds that i could see was an ioi before i looked away because it sort of made me uncomfortable. The interesting thing is the ioi were coming from women that were more attractive so that was pretty cool. There has been some improvements in that area so looks like theres hope for me🙂

I actually would like to switch PS ZP for Primal ZP when it comes out because im unfortunately going to be transferring to another building in my workplace where its going to be a sausage fest. The rest of the company will be moving there next year when they finish the expansion of the building im going to and finish making it bigger and would not be ideal to have PS ZP in my stack until then. The cool thing is that once they finish most likely more women could be hired that i could interact with. I want to focus more on my inner game as far as confidence,positivity,sociability,self esteem,so switching to primal could prove to be beneficial but im still unsure about doing so. I feel like even though i dont do approaches like crazy ill still be interacting with some women so thats why im debating leaving it there.


I’m glad that it’s working for you. I wonder if it could help with my brain injury.

You’ll definitely come out stronger :muscle:t4:. I’ve been dealing with it my whole life. I know it’s made me a strong person

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Hey @RVconsultant can you do me a favor and close this journal I plan on beginning a new one and have no need for this one.

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