My subliminal journey

Be careful with your audition though! Tinnitus is a b*tch…

You could try and run Emperor in your sleep and in the morning, then in the afternoon switch to Primal until you go to bed? Dominate mood in the morning, socialize mood in the afternoon/evening?


And set distinct goals with a pass / fail state. That way, you know if you’re hitting them or not.


yesterday night when I started the subs I felt a snap in my brain as if my brain snapped open, today tho I chilled with a group of friends and I was soooo much more relaxed nothing else interesting really happened tbh


Also I forgot to mention I finally asked a friend who is super good with women and super social for help, like one of the main frat boys but in UK we have sports so like one of the most famous ones there, he wasn’t really helpful coz he didn’t know how to help me other than saying “just be urself and be more social” but I’m glad I did it after being on the fence about it for so long and being scared about it coz I was afraid he’d judge me, I did feel super uncomfortable even for a few mins after our conversation but I felt light afterwards. I really hope I can be social soon and then get laid and achieve all my goals


i had a dream where there were a bunch of chicks jumping out of my rooms window into some trip bus whilst i was sleeping and this one mother and daughter stayed back, i got up was super pissed and the daughter opened my cupboard and took out a jacket and threw it into the bus, i lost it and shut the cupboard and made them leave but instead of leaving the mother just picked up her beer from the desk and went and sat down on the bed, i sat down with her and started talking, after a while even the daughter came in and started talking, wtf does this dream mean. anyways i also noticed these past few days i can not get up on time i keep hitting the snooze button, i read on one of the introduction posts that this happens to someone coz of emperor so i was wondering if its the same. last question, i know its too many questions but pls bear with me, i feel super guilty turning off the subs midway and so i delay myself rather than turning them off, is it ok to turn them off or not recommended. @SaintSovereign


Monday - was feeling lazy so slept instead of going to the gym, had a vivid dream where the t-shirt I was planning to wear to the gym didn’t fit me coz I became fat, later in the evening I cooked with some relatives who live close by, they came down and helped me cook and it was fun, I found a drink I like the taste of and had fun talking to them, in the night tho I jacked off before sleeping which I felt kinda bad about, also I felt super bad about my journal progress being deleted, I’m not blaming anyone just saying it sucked losing my progress a bit

Tuesday morning - I was supposed to get up early but I didn’t coz I kept saying later, I was supposed to do laundry but I avoided doing it


Friday - me hanging out with the group on a friends bday, me being more social then I usually am but still feeling bad that I didn’t get laid

Saturday - me sleeping most of the day but in the night drinking and being super responsible and handling my alcohol well and taking care of others

Sunday - me going for american football and doing an amazing job despite this being my first actual training and it being super cold and I just had a t-shirt and shorts on, later in the night talking with a friend about the truths of life and some of the stuff I have learnt in life and I spoke without and filters, felt super amazing and free

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The tiredness is the result of the extra brain cycles needed to process the subliminal. The ability to process more data can be trained, just like you can train your body to lift more weight by going to the gym. If you’re feeling overloaded, cut the sub off — it doesn’t have to run 24/7.


today was really interesting, i came back after class and was supposed to go play beer pong with a friend who was meeting a few other friends, when it was time to go i messaged him and he didnt reply for a few mins and i automatically assumed, oh maybe he doesnt want me there, maybe the group doesnt want me there, funny how my brain does that, anyways after he replied i met up with them and i spoke to all of them briefly, there was one particular girl tho who was not necessarily hot by my standards but she was better looking then all the others and she was super flirty so i thought fuck it ill bang her, then they were all going out and i decided to join them, however as the night progressed i got less social and more in my head thinking about her and thinking how to get with her, once we went inside the club the group split up and she left with her friend trying to find someone coz i didnt make any moves fast enough, this is one big problem of mine i am super afraid of showing intent and taking lead, as the night progressed i felt more and more cut off from the group as if i didnt belong and even when i was in the place i wanted to approach chicks but i didnt coz i was scared of what would they think of me, especially if i got rejected, i dont know what to do etc… towards the end we split up and i decided ill leave rather then wait for them coz the queue was really long, as i was heading back i realized how i am so desperate to get laid im ready to do anything and so i have no standards and this extreme neediness can be seen by others and hence it puts them off i think, i also procrastinate a lot and dont take much action, partly coz im lazy, partly coz im scared and have internal blockages, and partly coz i dont know what i want exactly (my priorities) coz i want the perfect life without any problems and it doesnt work like that, so i have decided to tackle the 3rd area first, im going to sit down with myself and ask myself who is pranav, what does he want out of life, what are his priorities etc and once i have a rough idea of what i want ill develop an action plan in order to achieve it, ill be open to changes in goals as i grow older but ill work towards whatever i want as of now and give it my 100 percent, i hate the fact that everytime i go out all i think about is getting laid, this has happened ever since i learnt about game and i cannot enjoy myself at all, all im looking for is validation from others and this needs to stop as it makes me hate myself everytime i go out

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i had two vivid dreams, dream one was i kept telling my parents how i keep saving money coz they give me money and expect me to spend very controlled, i was saying i even use a shitty shampoo just to save money
dream two i was at some place talking to someone i dont exactly remember but all i remember is saying no pain i dont like pain, i like more sensual sex
i feel like my brain is afraid of judgements and so it censors all info and sometimes it shoves it down so i cant remember rather then making me deal with it
ps these two entries were from yesterday night

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today i missed my class coz i was super tired, but once i got up i did the things i had planned to do including going to the gym and today the gym felt kinda fun and effortless a little and i actually did better in some exercises than i usually do, after that i went for a social and spoke to 2 friends i had called and we were just bantering and having lots of fun, the guy i asked for advice seemed really friendly to me but for some reason he texted back something rude when i texted him bye (maybe he was drunk and trying to text someone else or maybe im just using that as a rationalization coz i look upto him), i wanted to approach this chick who i had spoken to a long time back and after debating it for a few mins i went up and spoke to her and she gave me a really good reaction which surprised me a bit, lastly the chick from yesterday i texted her and she was investing a lot on text so i invited her to my place to chill (wink,wink) but ofcourse she left me on read coz i didnt game properly and i shoudlnt have asked her to come to my place directly coz that can cause anti slut defence

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i spoke to a guy who i thought would help me give me resources in order to figure out what i want out of life but we spoke about some other stuff and he had a lot of good ideas and taught me a lot, i still need to figure this out asap so that i can make an action plan and follow it in order to get the life i want


also i signed up for a 12 week mentorship programme which may help me tremendously in terms of game but lets see how it goes, ill try my best to internalise the concepts and do all the missions and i hope i dont pussy out, as for my subs im still feeling super tired even though i removed 4 hours from my cycle i guess its not because of the amount of sub loops but the amount of subs at the same time, currently im running
primal x2
limit destroyer
emperor x2
primal x2
limit destroyer
emperor x2

should i make some changes or plow through the tiredness

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Emperor and Primal can both tax the subconscious. It might be wise to focus on one and then add the other back in a bit.


It really sounds like you need to get a handle on your primary goals. If getting comfortable and successful at being social is it, I’m pretty sure Emperor is the wrong subliminal for you. It’s got messages and suggestions that are literally the opposite of being social.

As others have said, Primal is very supportive of sociality. If you want to be social AND make progress towards financial riches, Ascended Mogul appears to have a good combination for that.

But, it’s really important you figure out your priorities and pick a sub that aligns with that.

The advise against switching subs for people that get impatient and then quit a sub before it has a chance to provide the full effect. But, if you know the sub you’re on is not aligned with your priorities, it would be foolish to stick with it just because you already started it.


@myspace123, I’m going to agree with @Kaprice here. I’ve been reading your posts for awhile now even though I don’t comment. I can clearly see that you’re dealing with a solid case of self sabotage. You’ll be surprised what your subconscious can do to prevent you from changing. Your subconscious is literally feeling threatened by the sub. It will deploy all sorts of strategies to make your efforts unsuccessful. That will include jumping from one sub to the next one, using the wrong sub, using the sub the wrong way then feeling overwhelmed and quitting, etc…

I don’t think you’re ready for Emperor and you probably want to get too much done too fast.
Remember this : YOU DIDN’T GET FUCKED UP IN ONE DAY, YOU’RE NOT GOING TO SOLVE EVERYTHING IN ONE DAY. Here is what I would do : pick a sub that gives you a solid foundation. Forget everything else. Run that sub for 3 months or 6 months. Commit to that. Maybe add Stack Modules that help you get that solid foundation: Rebirth and maybe Limit Destroyer. When Regeneration comes out, add that to your stack because we all need emotional healing. Based on what you wrote until now here is what I would do if I was in your shoes : Ascension + Regeneration (when available) + Rebirth. Run that for 90 days. No excuses. Then see if you’re still the same person. All that playing around with Emperor and Primal when you’re not ready for it, is your subconscious making sure you don’t change. Build a solid foundation first. Forget everything else.


I second what @ksub said. Ascension & Regeneration would be perfect for no less than six months if not a full year. Maybe add in some Slayer to supplement. Not necessary but I highly recommend it


@James what’s slayer

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Yesterday I finally stopped emperor after our long journey together, I ran only primal,rebirth and limit destroyer. As for the events of yesterday nothing much but I went for American football training yesterday and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to play in only a T-shirt without any layers when it was snowing outside, needless to say I may have ended up getting sick but I don’t think I’m fully sick yet, when I was back there was this chick who took care of me which was really,really sweet of her.
P.S. why do u guys think I should run ascension instead of primal

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How long did you run emperor for?

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