My problem with Q

I noticed that the Q platform is not better for me.
I feel more irritated, angry, resistance, annoyed, pissed.
The old system was better for me, i felt i accepted the sub more and was at peace.
This problem is with all Q subs i have.

I felt i needed too report this since it wont go away.

Ultima seems better but i cant make major subs with it hm…

If anyone have ideas how to fix my problem your welcome.


How many loops are u doing of Q

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I have tried 1 loop per day and up to 7 loops per day. The more loops the more pissed i get, the effect gets stronger.


Which sub are you trying??
7 loops are def out of the questions dont even go near that.
Are you taking any rest days

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7 is too much with Q. It’s for this reason you feel pissed of.

As they say, Q version is really dense and go from 3-6 times the old versions. So with 7 loops you have a minimum of 7x3=21 loops to 7×6=42 loops.
A lot of loops!


No rest days, usually i go by the feel, if I’m tired i stop until I’m not.

Will take this weekend off and see if it helps.
Back to 1 loop per day after.
Do you know if its anygood play 1 day on 1 day off?
If it leads to better results for me, im willing to try rest days.


Have you tried to run SanguineU? What you experience may be a form of reconciliation.

This is textbook reconciliation. Cut down the loops.


You can try that for a week and see how you feel.
Which sub are you running?


Think it depends on the individual , i ran Q loops 24/7 …never had the results he mentioned

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@Badboi said he has tried single loop too. He’s not talking about high-loop-recon.

He is an experienced SC user and a forum devotee (meaning: not only an old member, but extremely regular at checking - never missed a day.)
Simply put, he already knows all these common replies, and he’s tried experiments for months before posting this problem.


Maybe the problem is the sub you’re running too. If you are getting resistance on Stark, try Ascended Mogul. Or go for one of the healing ones, like the new DR. Maybe there’s some belief about how you’re not worthy of results that you need to heal.

Then try pinging Saint/Fire.


Looks like he needs to do one loop every 3 days…

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That’s a good way to put it. Same for me.
It’s not that Q subs don’t work - but I would take ND versions over Q any day.

On PrimalTech and NewDawn, I had an active relationship with my Subconscious Mind.
I had very clear nudges. From new ideas, to reminders of books, principles, people - the mind always offered hints to move me forward on the sub’s goals. :ok_hand:t2:
I could even hold meetings between my conscious & subconscious to reconcile the differences.

QuantumTech onwards, the subconscious has become unconscious again. :smile:
Over the months, I’ve developed/uncovered practices to pull ideas and directions from the mind.
Conscious Reconciliation is even harder. Like with Dragon Reborn now, I wasted a week of progress because I misinterpreted a nudge which led to a seemingly unresolvable conflict. :weary:


On the loops, stick with one, but test different times of the day to play it. Food, water, and sleep - all seem to affect how Q works on our minds.
Some subs work best when listened to earlier in the day, some just before sleep, some after you’ve already had ample calories (eg: lunch).
If you have a stack of two files, test them back-to-back, and also when separated by several hours.

How is your action taking going on? With the kid, pandemic, job situation, and all. If it’s a pushy sub, it may need actions.
Treat all Q subs as if they were WeaponX. Don’t look for better mood, ideas, etc. Journal daily about how you respond when in the process of action taking on the sub’s goals.

HTH :+1:t2:

Tagging: @Abu_Nasir, @Fire, @Hermit


Spot on @Simon
When i did IF and ran subs i was extremely tired and results were very slow and subtle.
I also noticed that my calorie intake increased drastically on khan.


Explains why Dragon Reborn pushed me to break my carnivore diet/OMAD and do a “normal” diet with sugar, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vegetables, etc. I just eat less of everything


You should take the weekends off.

I think 2 rest days per week are really necessary. Try it out.

Also start with 1 loop, increase slowly to the point where it doesn’t feel like too much.


My personal take on this is: if you were having “concrete” results with the old ones and stopped having results with Q or anything else, be pragmatic and stick to what gives you results. We’re not professional testers to continue to spend money buying subliminals just to report our results - or the lack of them - in the forum.

I don’t know how the subliminals are made, don’t know what makes the scripting in Q different from the older ones. I just know that I stopped having results with Q. So, as I’m only interested in real results, I returned to the previous versions.


Ok so i want to know, whats you schdule for the week as in days on and rest day?
Plus how many loops were you runnning too

I’m not running Q. Tried many different approaches as I’ve been here for quite some time.