My Journey With Emperor + Primal Seduction

You could check out my Emperor Q testing journal, that has some raw thoughts/effects as they happened. But overall, I would say it made me an action-machine, who first defines the goal, then breaks them down into steps and creates a routine to get it done in a week, then sits and does the whole thing overnight. On the downside, it did get me so into work that I became less socially active, which made me want to try Stark. About the social side, they are being true when they say emperor is a lone wolf empire builder.


Thank you for your response. I wanted to mix EQ and Stark eventually, however I am still not sure if they would work well together. This is why I have EQ and PS to somehow emulate what I think Stark has in terms of social intelligence and charm.

Do you now have an idea how they differ from the results you are getting? Are you still retaining the benefits you had from Emperor now that you’re using Stark? I suppose it’s premature to ask which one do you prefer, but in case you do I am very keen to read about you experience.

Cheers mate

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Very cool, I have a similar experience ,
did you hit any large personal, career, or financial goals on Emperor during those 8 months or more just laid a better base to get there?

It’s only been 10 days or so, so can’t say anything specific about Stark yet. I had about 40 days of no subs before starting Stark. Yes, the effect was and is still now with me. I don’t think Stark clashes with Emperor in major ways. I might be wrong, but what I feel is that with emperor, you will jump into the work, and put some all-nighters to get it done fast. With stark, you will spend some time to make an optimized plan before getting into work. Either way, you get things done faster. As for the social charm, nothing noticed so far. I can tell things more clearly after I use Stark more.


Yes, I hit one large career goal during this time. But to be honest, I wouldn’t attribute it to the sub, there were a lot of factors involved, including my performance before the sub. But it did push me forward to complete important stuff when I needed.

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