My journal - EmperorZP + PS ZP

Doing the Billionaire Stack - EOG + HOM + Rich

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Gotta get rich hahh😁
I also realized that

Hi I am back, I was struggling a lot between my goals and after a lot of thought I decided to first go for social and romance side, then money !

So I am going Khan St1 + Wanted ! It gave me some real profound realisations as I am typing this (love how much I cried :joy:). I always kind of wanted to dominate people in an aggressive way and hence I was always serious kind of guy and I always avoided talking to people richer than me. I used to feel I am above them so I should not talk to them although a part of me never felt confident with them, but now I realised it was a deep insecurity which I got from my previous relationship, which I was trying to cover with this false narrative by myself. I first some healing over my heart with WANTED and then all the flashbacks of my previous relation started coming over, I realised how it gave me a lot of insecurities, and it made me cried. As soon as I found those insecurities I attacked with Khan :crossed_swords:, I felt a fire in my heart that was breaking everything down. It felt so good. I further asked why was I not being social with people better than me. I realised that I had started placing people who are rich, above me in terms of worth, and hence problems with esteem.


Continuing i just went through an incident where a guy was insulting me and i wasn’t coming up with a comeback. It lead to memories where I was bullied and insulted and couldn’t come up with comeback. My friends actually meant no harm, they were just looking for cheap laughter off me but it hurt my self esteem tremendously ! I now realise I used to get too much in my head by what they said about me. My whole self esteem was based on their validation and when they made fun of me , my self esteem destroyed !! This was also a reason sometimes I had problems in social circles !

I want to base my self worth from within and not from surroundings. What should I do?


I had the same issue for a long time, and this was something that I fixed way before my SubClub journey. The good news for you is that you realize that it’s a validation issue, you want validation to come from within, you knew your friends meant no harm. You’re already half way there!

Now understand that this could take a while, with any type of healing and mindset shift.

  1. Write down all the qualities that you have that are good. Not bad, just good. Re read them for a few days or maybe a week and accept them at a core level. If you need to look at the list once in a while

  2. Don’t obsess over these types of situations, you will drive yourself nuts. Let the situations come to you (don’t start dissing people lol) so you can react accordingly. In the beginning it will be tough

  3. Referring back to point one, after a week write down things you want to improve on. Be honest with yourself. After you’re done with that, write down things that can be improved within a month. Start small.

  4. If you don’t have any then find hobbies that you would love to try out. Also (if you’re able to) physical fitness is a must. You don’t have to go crazy but even 3 days a week is beneficial. Plus it will really help WANTED. This will also add depth to your character

  5. After a week from point 3 write down things that you don’t like and could change or not. We all have qualities that we don’t like, but we tend to focus on those qualities and never the good ones. This is why I am having this step later, so you can focus on the positive for a few weeks rather than the negative.

Now the points that I have made don’t necessarily correlate with what you’re asking, but I also had an issue with bullies in the past and this is what I did. Being honest with one’s self leads to self acceptance, this leads to self love and self respect.

Plus with you running Khan ST1 and WANTED self acceptance is imperative for types of subs and this will allow you to take the action to make these subs do their internal work. Since following these guidelines I have had improvements all across the board, and not just social situations.

Remember this too, most of the time bullies are people that have a lot of issues with their egos. They also tend not to love themselves very much either, that’s why they mess with people because they need some kind of twisted validation.

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Just yesterday in night I went through this situation. I was grounded in my own energy. I somehow feel when you are centred within the self, all of this just gets easier. I was more like just observing without any judgements. But I observed I had a tendency to eject myself and isolate myself in such social situations. This time Khan told me “You ain’t going anywhere, enjoy fighting yourself, haha…”, and then I stayed there !


Hell yeah dude that’s awesome to hear! Keep it up, cause more will definitely come, but holding your ground like that is a great first step!


Hi everyone I just realised something very interesting about sexuality! Sexuality can be used for sex (very hard to guess :slight_smile:), but not only this, it can also be used for creativity or thinking, and also money or living a life of abundance.

I realised this and when I ran a loop of Limitless and I was solving a problem and while I was coming up with ideas, I noticed a tickling feeling in the exact region where healing due to Khan TR occurs, and sex-related subs act upon, also called as Swadisthana or Sacral chakra (if you are into spirituality). When I focused on that point and started utilising sexual energy for thoughts I came up with many ideas. I now understand what Napolean Hill meant my sexual transmutation. This energy can be used for creative purposes and learning. This also allows money into your life (I realised this in the same manner during EoG run)!

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We as men are unable to look a beautiful women in the eye, because she symbolises something to us or reminds of something. We are fighting a competition among so many men for her.

We start thinking we don’t deserve to defeat so many men as so much competition is there. This creates fear so much that we would not even enter the battlefield, ie. look in her eyes or express sexual intention. This is the level of trauma society faces.

Till we truly believe we deserve to win over all these men, we can’t subconsciously feel worthy of attractive women.

Mods you can close this journal. I will start a new one soon.