If I listen to a multi stage for 3 cycles each stage and then stage 4, but I stop after 3 cycles of stage 4, in the future if I pick up said multi stage again do I need to restart each stage (if so can I do 1 cycle each stage or do I need to do 3 cycles again) or can I continue straight with stage 4 because it contains all of the previous 3 stages (not sure to what extent).
Also is there a benefit to listen to a multi stage sub again after you have given it a year of dedicated listening (3 cycles each stage and 3 cycles of stage 4), and if so what is the benefit.
Lastly, I know the recommended pattern is 2 break 1 break. I was wondering what this becomes if a multi stage is added. Can I do 1 multi stage with 2 normal subs, or even 2 multi stages (with a normal sub as third or just stick to the 2 multi stages).
Thank you for your guidance.