Multi stage refresher

If I listen to a multi stage for 3 cycles each stage and then stage 4, but I stop after 3 cycles of stage 4, in the future if I pick up said multi stage again do I need to restart each stage (if so can I do 1 cycle each stage or do I need to do 3 cycles again) or can I continue straight with stage 4 because it contains all of the previous 3 stages (not sure to what extent).

Also is there a benefit to listen to a multi stage sub again after you have given it a year of dedicated listening (3 cycles each stage and 3 cycles of stage 4), and if so what is the benefit.

Lastly, I know the recommended pattern is 2 break 1 break. I was wondering what this becomes if a multi stage is added. Can I do 1 multi stage with 2 normal subs, or even 2 multi stages (with a normal sub as third or just stick to the 2 multi stages).

Thank you for your guidance.

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No you dont

There is always something more to gain from all stages. They are made in a way where you build upon them with time. You may learn a lot more if you run all stages all over again rather than just the 4th one I would assume.

And yes you can combine two multi stagers with one more major. Although it might be more challenging. Some people get recon and quit. Some don’t. That’s up to you.


Got it. Thanks a lot for your guidance mate, appreciate you.

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It might depend on the program. At this point, some 4 stage programs have all the stages in stage 4. For others, each stage might be different.