Mountains of Wealth | The Stark Arc ZP

Day 11 - Limitless Executive

Ran 5 minutes of the track (instead of 7) today because I got a sense that less would be more. We’ll see how it plays out.

Right after running LE, I came to an incredible insight into my past behavior patterns…

I was already at my desk, drinking coffee, and going through some documents to continue working on before I decided to run LE instead of Stark + Spartan today.

So, it seems the motivation scripting from Stark and maybe the self-discipline aspects of Spartan are beginning to shape my morning behavior pattern – because I didn’t feel at all like doing work first thing when I got up today.

While running LE, I spent those minutes expanding my awareness, feeling any sensations in my body that came up. Around the 4 minute mark, the sensations began concentrating in my head, which is why I stopped at 5 minutes instead of going for 7.

And right after I stopped the track, the insight I wrote in my private journal right afterward came from asking the question: what am I afraid of?

And the answer to that was basically that I succeed so easily that I feel even worse about being who I’ve been the past several years.

With that in mind, it makes perfect sense that I made life and this process harder than it needed to be for myself.

But, Life is already hard enough. There’s no need to make it harder on myself in order to feel worthy of receiving it’s abundance…

…and I feel this truth a lot deeper now.

I went and looked through the descriptions, and it might be part of the scripting in Stark that helped bubble that insight up into my conscious awareness.

Stark and its fame generation / center of attention scripting probably helps with healing those aspects of feeling deserving of attention on a larger scale, especially if you know that you’ve done some shit you’re not exactly proud of and the thought of a spotlight on you makes you hesitant to move forward.

At least, that’s what I inferred from this snippet of the salespage:

Either way you will find a new appreciation for being in the spotlight due to the unbelievable, reality bending confidence StarkQ will help you develop. Others might be afraid of being the centre of attention, but not you – after all, what do you have to be afraid of when you know you deserve it?

I have a feeling things will start moving faster for me as long as I keep reinforcing this insight.

Oh, and I decided to move forward with teaching my friend…only allocating about 2-5 hours per week for the next 3 months on it while I keep the bulk of my focus on generating cash flow with my new business.

It’s going to be fun.

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Day 12 - Processing

Only 4.5 hours of sleep last night, and woke up ready to get after it this morning…after making some coffee.

Yesterday, I spent all day in a loop of Learn → Research → Write.

The process consumed me and I didn’t do anything else.

  • No exercise — except for a few isometric holds while cooking.

  • No meditation — only a handful of minutes total focused on my breathe spread out through the day.

  • No cleaning — this is the first thing I’m going to outsource when the cash flow is steady.

There wasn’t any noticeable sense of recon or heavy-headedness thanks to only running 5 minutes of Limitless Executive…only an insatiable sense of MOAR input.

I love learning, so I’ll have to make sure my output matches or exceeds my input throughout the week.

This week is about creating some wins, and testing some of those inspired ideas I wrote down.

The bulk of yesterday’s learning was about creating, processing, and distributing video content — and the strategic ways to break up stories to guide customer acquisition.

Really cool stuff.

Is it coincidence that I want to get comfortable creating/using video for business and come to find the exact information and framework I need to get started?


I love synchronicity.

A thought has popped up a handful of times that I should get started running Wanted, especially if I’m going to plaster my face all over some videos — not that I need it to get started, but a boost in the looks department wouldn’t hurt either.

My hesitation with adding Wanted is: Spartan is already in my stack, and will stay there for at least two more cycles to help keep me healthy and motivated to train – balanced.

Running Wanted will demand even more energy — and “potentially cause recon” make me elevate my perceived sense of worth in relation to women.

Stark + Wanted + Spartan sounds like a killer combination.

I have a couple weeks to decide.

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Day 15 - Processing

The day after running Limitless Executive the second time was great in terms of focused, deliberate practice of a skill I want to develop. I wrote the “nutshell” experience on the main LE thread.

To expand on that a little…

…I also found myself (re)discovering relevant information to incorporate into the mix.

  • I wasn’t satisfied with my cold outreach message → instantly came across something useful in my files
  • I wasn’t clear on how to differentiate the offer → found another immediately useful piece of information in my files
  • I didn’t have a clear pathway for prospects to follow → learned a pre-selling method that fits perfectly with how I want things to operate

All that was great. The past 2 days have been a whirlwind of learning, processing, planning, visualizing, and writing.

Then yesterday (hours after running Stark + Spartan), strong symptoms of recon started showing up in the late afternoon.

And when I asked myself why, the answer was simple: I wasn’t EXECUTING.

It’s like my subconscious was saying, “ok, enough information. PUT IT OUT THERE ALREADY.”

And I realized I had fallen into one of the oldest (and deepest) of all my limiting beliefs: trying do it “right” the first time.

Granted, there are times when getting it right the first time is critical, like tying a proper figure-eight knot on your climbing harness. But this isn’t one of those moments.

This is more along the lines of “you really can’t get it so wrong the whole thing explodes” so I get as many tries as I want, hypothetically.

I’m developing a new relationship with my bent for perfection…

…I no longer feel like it’s coming from a deep place of fear and insecurity, like I’m worried about “doing it wrong”…

…it’s more about caring A LOT about doing something well and to the best of my ability…

…and I can use those high standards I set for myself to achieve a lot more than I have…

…all I have to do is reign it in and remember the context, so I only learn and prepare as much as is needed to begin testing.

The real fun happens when my idea / plan / skill gets put to use, and I see the results in real time.

So, today I begin testing.

Day 16 - Stark + Spartan

This past week, I’ve done very little to improve my fitness beyond the daily minimum of light stretching and some movement stuff – generally while in the kitchen making coffee or a meal.

I tend to get obsessed with new endeavors and can spend full days and weeks doing little else because I get so engrossed in the cycle of learning → researching → writing.

I’m not complaining or whining about it…just want to make a note for posterity that I realize this is a sub-optimal strategy and there needs to be MOAR and faster execution once I think I have an MVP to test: spend less time in mental masturbation, and more time testing the hypothesis.

Case in point…yesterday, I said:

Well, it went more like…


So close.

Well today, I get it in…the inbox.

Day 6 - Processing

Dropped off of this journal for awhile to get focused and figure out some stuff. I was definitely experiencing some recurring recon, and I have a hard rule that if I’m (noticeably) feeling “off” I don’t post.

In fact, I limit my communication on all channels because I don’t trust my ability to effectively communicate when my emotions are like dark clouds on the horizon.

Anyhow, here’s the quick and dirty update for the last six weeks or so…

  • the Spartan oomph to workout didn’t last after the first week – overshadowed by recon from Stark imo

  • Spartan did help me push through about 12 miles of obstacle course on a mountain side with ~5000 feet of gain
    (it was one of the hardest things I’ve done this year…and amounted to being a pure test of will because I wasn’t conditioned for it. As in, I didn’t condition seriously at all for the three months leading up to it. Not a smart move. Do not recommend.)

  • swapped out Spartan for RICH and ran a two sub stack of Stark + RICH last cycle

  • more recon ensued, but a bunch of little manifestations happened too

  • at the end of that cycle, an ex-client came out of left field and I got an unexpected payday for helping put out a fire – a nice manifestation from RICH

  • and for the current cycle, I kept Stark + RICH, and added GLM

  • only ONE loop of GLM a couple days ago got me to pull the trigger and reach out to do business with a “bigger fish” in a market I’m interested in – got a positive response and we’ll see where it goes from here

Those are the more obvious results I can recall.

But “smaller” things happen regularly that surprise me and push me to continue forward.

I notice more and more how the positive internal changes are spilling out and being reflected back to me in different ways.

Last thing I’ll say in this post is that GLM is a must-try if there’s anything you’ve been on the fence about, or uncertain about what to do next because this sub will clear all of that right up. The next thing you know, you’re taking action and the reasons you had that stopped you beforehand stop making any sense.

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Day 10 - Ascension Chamber

Sundays are for AC, but not until this evening.

The past week has been great in terms of sticking to a new fitness program. It’s 6 days of work and 1 day rest per week, but it varies in intensity daily from heavy to light to make it manageable. And it incorporates active recovery and cold showers immediately afterwards, which is working out really well.

I’m down a little over two pounds on the scale from seven days ago, and starting to feel stronger already.

GLM effects are starting off strong and not only in terms of my attention to fitness.

I found myself thinking about my definition of masculinity, and the behaviors I associate with it. And I realized, I don’t actually have a solid grasp of what it means to me. Or what it would look like if I expressed it completely, moderating its expression on MY terms.

I didn’t get into PUA culture, or red pill anything, because I didn’t like the vibe in those circles. I poked around a bit and resonated with certain concepts, but never looked deeper into it.

I guess you could say I was a “late bloomer” to those concepts and the world of reality creation because for the most part, I was able to create the reality that was comfortable for me: I had girls, I had friends, I had income, and it was all good…until it wasn’t.

Well, I find myself going deeper now.

One of the things I’m working on consciously is my expression of power.

There was a deeply negative association with the idea of power…a combo of my home environment, religious upbringing and societal programming…and so the idea of running GLM and deliberately developing my power created a sense of hesitation.

So I looked up the definition of power as a starting point to breakdown my apprehension, and it worked.

Of course I want more of the “ability to act or produce an effect” and have “influence over others”.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with having power. It’s what you use it for that makes the difference.

Clearly, I’m repeating that for future me :laughing:


Day 17 - Stark + RICH + ACh

Some interesting highlights for the week:

  • landed a new business to partner with, meeting tomorrow to discuss his offer; and sending agreement afterwards
  • came across a good talk on influence (and how to stop procrastinating) at the perfect time
  • got random discounts and freebies on various things
  • a neighbor I’ve never met before invited me to hang out at the pool with her and her friends
  • and people have been a lot more deferential towards me, except this one guy this morning who shit tested me in a literal way

I don’t want to hype up what I’m doing with business right now because it feels like I’m at an inflection point where things are in flux, so I’ll just say that I’m stoked (and almost holding my breathe) and look forward to sharing what’s on the horizon.

I’m starting to understand how a lot of my issues have come from an imbalance and suppression of my masculine energy. GLM is helping more than I expected with noticing the behaviors that end up making me feel like “I should’ve said this” instead of what I did say, or do.

Here’s a light-weight example of that…

Earlier today, I walked to the store. As I was crossing the street, this short, greased-hair, homie-looking dude walked next to me.

He ripped two, forced-sounding farts as we walked. And since we were side by side, I could see the smirk on his face.

Now, a few different thoughts passed through my mind like, “Bless you,” and be careful on the next one…stuff like that.

I said nothing.

Then he started to walk faster, and I thought, “He better not try and cut in front of me with that fart cloud.”

And that’s exactly what he did…smirking the whole time.

Now, I had a complex emotional response to this dude that prevented me from “accidentally” tripping him, or outright telling him he better not even try it…because I was kind of shocked that he reminded me exactly of a guy I was close friends with growing up. From the look, down to the passive aggressive behavior.

And I felt bad for that friend in a way. His home life was shitty. He wasn’t that smart. And I would stand up for him when people would talk shit…because he could be obnoxious and he only knew how to run from confrontation.

Anyway, all that to say…I let this random dude cross my path with his fart cloud trailing him without saying a word. And I was not happy about my silence and the lack of any expression, immediately.

Thankfully, that dude’s gas was weak and there was nothing to notice. But still, it created a strong realization about how I express myself in the world and the stance I take with random people.

Lessons can be learned in the oddest moments, huh?


On a less gaseous note…

That neighbor I’d never met before who invited me to the pool with her friends, literally stood in front of my open window and undressed down to her bikini. Bending over all slow and everything, then just stood there on display facing away for a minute.

It was surreal. I had to shake my head and ask myself if it was really happening.

I’d seen her twice before this moment, but we never spoke. And now this.

I tried to reject the possibility that this could be some sort of result from the subs, but this is too out of the ordinary to ignore. No other windows were open, and she could’ve done that at any other point around the pool. Plus, I caught her looking into my place while I was working out.

When I walked out to go for my run, I opened a brief conversation and it led to her inviting me to hang with her and her friends…i think it was the second or third thing she said.

But, nothing happened. I had other things to take care of – we exchanged some words when I got back since they were still at the pool and she introduced me to her friends. Then I went inside.

Another moment where I felt shitty about my behavior and asked myself, “what the fuck are you doing. why don’t you go out there?”

Two interesting moments that showed me the way to be more free flowing and express my masculinity.


Washout Day 4…potentially swapping Stark out for HOM next cycle

“Slow and boring is where the money is…”

Was something I heard this morning that got me thinking about how I’ve jumped from business model to business model over the past few years, trying to find “the magic model” that would get me out of the feast and famine cycle, and into an upward spiral of success.

I know that any ONE of those models could’ve gotten me to a comfortable level of ongoing financial success…because other people had done it. But, I didn’t get there before I switched things up and essentially started over.

Looking back, I’m glad I went through all that because I got a taste of what I like and extremely dislike, what I’m good and not-so-good at, when it comes to business and working with other business owners.

The journey has taught me a lot about myself – and has been the ultimate self-help experience :laughing: .

And now, I know I’ve finally found IT…the model I’m committing to until I reach a new minimum, comfortable level of ongoing financial success.

The coolest part about it is: there’s absolutely nothing new about it…because it seems obvious when applied. But it IS magic.

It’s based on the “slow and boring” work that a lot of experts / business owners ignore or just don’t have time to do, so I get to partner with their business and become found money for them. A paycheck and not an expense, which is very useful to others in times like these and a fantastic paradigm shift for me.

But, how do I know the honeymoon phase of finding this “new” model is over and I won’t just jump ship for a new one in 6 months?

Well for one, the new skills I get to practice (and am having to improve quick to succeed) are the skills I actually LIKE doing…because it’s magic to use words to influence behavior (kind of like subs, huh?):

  • persuasion
  • negotiation
  • offer creation
  • delegation (this is new for me)

For two, I only have to work with a select few partners to make it financially viable for myself, which means I can go deeper with helping partners accomplish their mission and create new sources of revenue…at least, that’s my ideal. Partnering with select folks who are doing good in the world (and I would enjoy a beer with) is basically all I want to do, and am now doing, instead of trying to get as many new clients as possible every month.

And for three, as one of my new, fledgling partnerships seems to be going tits up (because I was more excited about helping someone out with this in lieu of listening to my intuition…he’s a good guy, but a couple red flags went up for me), I’m actually MORE energized by this happening than less… which is not how I would’ve responded in the past.

This was a little longer than intended, but it’s a good milestone marker in this journal…I might be a little pumped up about this.

And I think the combo of Stark + RICH + GLM is :fire:

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Looking up info on stark and I have NEVER RELATED TO A POST SO MUCH.

Thank you for doing more unpacking than planned, this was extremely helpful.

I really relate with the idea that I also have hang ups around being the center of attention. I actively don’t want that. But, simultaneously, stepping into the spotlight is one of the next steps in my evolution too. Sales and persuasion is important for me, but it’s really about getting known in the social domain and building a deeply connected inner circle of high value people for me that I don’t just know, but trust, connect, share, experience life with, deep comraderie, not just acquaintanceship.

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What was the next journal that came after this one? I wanna see more about Stark + GLM!

Looked at the excel sheet, and I swapped out Stark for HOM at the end of that cycle.

Funny, the swap happened after 3 cycles of Stark (in a 3 sub stack). Same as the first time I ran Stark earlier in the year, I swapped it out for Mogul after 3 cycles in a 3 sub stack.


Seems like Stark started to dig into something sensitive around that level of exposure and my subconscious said “Nope. Not today,” and pulled a "sleight of Mind :tm: " on me to induce a swap. Felt the same thing after ONE cycle of LBFH albeit much stronger, so not as “sleight-y” and easier to counter…which led to an intense breakthrough.

It’s definitely the idea of “going public” and putting myself in the spotlight that created a high-voltage electric fence around my growth in that area, which is just fear.

Anyway, thanks for asking! And glad you found something useful.

Your posts come at an interesting time. I haven’t gone back through many of my old journal entries yet and it seems like it’s time to do some analysis.