Minimum Age for listing to Subliminals

Objectively, yes.


There’s an inherent ambiguity to pediatric development. If you have any experience with children then you know that, in general as a group, they have an amazing level of plasticity and adaptiveness. They change very quickly and sometimes unpredictably.

My son was already quite brilliant, in certain areas. He has a particular and unique way of communicating that I sometimes find difficult to capture because 1) it’s different from me and 2) it’s more about the style than the particular word choices. But the other day, one happened that was so easy to remember that I made sure to lock it into my mind.

I don’t remember what we were talking about, but I was saying some idea or an other to him. And he decided to give me his full attention. He said:

'What exactly do you mean?


I looked at him like, ‘uhh… okay, Captain Picard.’ And then…I elaborated. But he’s always communicated a bit like that. hahaha.

Anyway, I say, yes, there was an objective improvement, because I actually have the results of his schoolwide and nationwide aptitude testing comparisons.

Yes, the numbers were higher than the previous year’s. Yes, this year’s scores were also in the upper percentiles compared to others who had taken the same tests.

Would this have been the case without exposing him to the stimulus of Limitless? I think you’ve talked about intelligence assessment in some related topics, so I’m sure you know that this is not an adequate grounds to establish any conclusive interpretations, right?

His performance before on that test was pretty good too.

There is one class (foreign language) that he really does not enjoy and with regards to which he tends to have low motivation. I think he was half-hoping to score low enough that he would be placed in a less demanding level in the next year. His performance is getting better in that class too. Though he’s still not that into it. On the other hand, his mom’s really into it and she spends time with him working on it 2 or 3 times a week. So… You know what I mean?

Anyway, to make a long story short, I think that my son could be taken as a reasonably valid example of positive supporting evidence of Limitless’ efficacy with a child.

You asked about intelligence, grades, confidence, memory. They’re developing well, and I’ve seen nothing to make me think that Limitless is either ineffective or negative. As a person, though, I tend to defer judgment for a bit of a long time (as in several decades sometimes).

A subliminal program that I think could show much more dramatic results for my son might be something like Ascension. Or a title for having more calm, easy enjoyment of people. That’s an area where he could really use some help. He’s assertive with his friends, but super-withdrawing with pretty much anyone else. But I need to think for a long time before deciding whether to try any other programs with him. I’ve used two so far: Limitless and Regeneration. He knows about both of them and has approved them but also doesn’t care very much (or openly express any care, to be more accurate).


Wait so, doesn’t the program say that it can dramatically increase iq and give you eidetic memory? It doesn’t appear that your son has gotten these benefits, unless he already has them. Perhaps if he is already very intelligent as you said in some area’s, they won’t improve as much. I am unsure, but I don’t think I will listen if these benefits are not guaranteed, or even if something close to that can happen. Again though, it may be different with younger kids or something.

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I have two reactions:

  1. Due to how subliminals work, there will be individual variations and unpredictability in the specific expressions of a subliminal. This is simply a fact. The subliminal focuses on bringing about a particular result, but the precise means or path by which you get there can be highly variable.

  2. Conscious intention. As @Fire was bringing up a lot in the Module Pack #5 discussion. Subliminals are a mental technology. They work with your mind. This is key to remember. So, your areas of consistent focus and priority guide and influence how they unfold.

My son has no particular interest in eidetic memory. In his case, it may possibly be strengthened, but might not. In your case, if you’re valuing it highly, and expressly trying to develop it, I’d say that would increase the chances that you’ll see a result in that area.

Those are my 2 cents, as they say.


I wonder, what affect Ascension would have on a child that hasn’t gotten to puberty yet? (Open ended musing)

Without knowing the scripting, it would be difficult to estimate the effect on a growing boy but I wonder.


Just noticed this for some reason.

It’s too late for my guy. haha. The pubes have been released.

But I don’t think I’d have played it for him before anyway. Would seem too much like experimenting on him. But I am seriously considering integrating some Ascension into the mix for him at some point in the not-too-distant future.


If you do, I hope I’ll come across the post! If I had these titles prior to eighteen, my life would have been a bit different I’m sure.


I’ll admit to having that same thought with a degree of frequency that should probably be a little worrying.


I suppose that depends on the direction of thought and the witnesser. You strike me as a more enlightened being than some, I’m sure those thoughts don’t derail ya :smiley:


Depends on the day. I’ve got a freaking lot to learn, and I’m grateful for every day that we stay on the rails. (Not sure if that’s the royal we, the familial we, or the species-wide we.)


I think it will work well. But myself, as a teenager, I would choose StarkQv2 and Renaissance Man. Creativity and charisma. He will become a genius

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Was that the friendly, inclusive customer service ‘we’ that gets everything included except the solution? :thinking::joy:

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Sometimes I imagine what subliminals I might actually advise my younger self to play. I think it’d be my 15 year old self. Not much earlier.

My answer has changed.

Today, interestingly, I think it would be Dragon Reborn and Emperor Fitness. Possibly for a good year. Ascension and Limitless would be next in priority. Those would be helpful for dealing with the life of a teenager.

But as crazy as it may be my starting priorities would be Wisdom, Emotional/Psychological Health and Resilience, and Physical Fitness.

Once I feel like I have that stable Emotional/Psychological Core established, then I start the flashier stuff.

The number one blind spot I’ve observed that people have in life that tends to f**k things up for themselves and others is excessive egocentrism/ego-fixation and an ego-shaped blind-spot. (The opposite is no good either. Got to find a balance.)

I think that problem basically comes from a deep-seated and subconscious fear and perception that ‘I Am Not Enough’. That then leads to desperation and defensiveness. And we don’t even know it’s happening.

I think to some degree this is unavoidable. No matter how fast you run, you can’t reach the finish line before the starting line. Wherever you start is, by definition, the starting line. And some lessons are only learned when you’ve passed a few finish lines and experienced what happens then.

So, no matter what some lessons will probably have to be learned the hard way. But I think that having a solid, resilient, and flexible emotional/mental foundation could go a really long way and smooth out some of those lessons. That would be my first priority with my young self. He’d probably be cool with it.

After Dragon Reborn, I’d want him to do Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. By that time, hopefully we are spiritually mature enough to be able to handle a little money and sex, and all the bullshit that comes with those. Then it’s creativity and innovation time.

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Don’t waste your time. Talk to your child about girls, his problems at school, finances and hobbies. It’s better not to guess and get to know him better, this will help you choose the perfect audio

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I’ll tell you, the number one priority for every teenager is the love. First love is the best and in my opinion it is in everyone’s interest to achieve it and build a good relationship. A broken heart at a young age is the biggest injury, everything must be done to prevent it. Regeneration and Ascension if he has any problems are the best


@Meng123 Have you linked this to your FAQ?

Yeah,i did.probably should put it in the other minimum age post as well though

Cause i have this one too but only limitless was recommended for under 18

I think if I were to go back, I would start with DR, tough as that would be.

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So is that a blanket statement, or confined to Limitless?


Limitless I guess. Saint said the same to me

Thank you for your input man!