Minds Eye Visualisation Techniques

Does anyone have any resources/tips/tricks to use with Minds Eye in regards to becoming better at visualisation?

Minds Eye has helped me massively with my imagery but I’d like some simple techniques I can use to get better at it such as holding the scene, being able to view what I want from 1st person rather than third, etc.

If you have any videos/books/resources/tips/tricks can you link/drop them below please as I’m super interested.


I read fiction books and try to keep the book in movie format in my mind’s eye. I also break things down like the all spark from transformers


Ah I see, interesting. Is that in third person to you then I’m assuming?

I actually wrote down the visualisation I want to see but I’d like to be able to imagine it from a first person point of view.

Most of the time it’s third person. I switch depending on how the book is written

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Try imagestreaming @ winwenger.com


When you pass something in your car try to visualize that exact scene


Hey @Brandon
1 - did you experienced with scripting technique ?! May benefit you !!
2 - to improve your visualisation immensely … do the composing technique from "tufti the priestess book " by Vadim Zealand it’s simple

  • before going to eat (compose the scene of eating )
  • before dialling number ( compose the scene of dialling )
  • before going outside ( compose the scene of wearing your clothes and shoes )
  • before driving the car ( compose the scene of opening the door )
  • before paying the check in restaurant ( compose the scene of paying your check )

And so on every tiny detail in you daily life play this composing technique and yes from your own perspective (like Neville Goddard teaching )

The above technique is helpful in 1) visualisation 2) attention training.
The above technique is the same of what ester Hicks process called segment intending from her law of attraction book .

Segment intending is helpful practice for me . Even before knowing any thing about subs .


How I work on improving my first person visualisation

1 - first I spoke with a family member Who is an actor … and when I asked her what she see she described the scene from the 1st person . Comparing to the other 3 in the room who was seeing it from a third person perspective .

She advised me to work on acting the scene physical first (and I did this with imagining playing on the Multi gym , I wanted to have , doing the movement , changing my body direction to play the different training on the Multi gym ) eventually the Multi gym manifested in my reality after 3 months

  • what my sister told me is not new in law of attraction arena ( Bashar Daryl Anka , Fredrick Dodson and others speaks about the same technique they call it Physicalise it )

  • when my sister Told me this she was speaking from the perspective of training the imagination only . Look Also for the muscles memory

2 - to change the habit of the third person perspective (( I place a mirror in my imaginative scene and I see myself in the mirror I see the frame of the mirror and build the scene around this )) any scene can contain a mirror some how .

  • other way i train my self to break the habit of 3rd person perspective ((is adding speeches/conversation in my scene while looking at a paper , my shoes , ))

I am still progressing to master that first person perspective …

Wish you the best :muscle:


What a treasure this site is :fire::fire: thanks for sharing :pray: it rekindled within me a sense of excitement :surfing_man:

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Happy to read this! Hope it brings you a lot of good things!

Image streaming has brought me good rapport with my subconscious along with good visualization abilities. It even changed my thoughts from just word thinking to pictures, with feelings and sounds. Also not to forget ease to visualize how I want…Very interesting journey


Thank you for showing me this, I’m sure you’ve actually pointed me in this direction before and for some reason never looked back in it. I need it now.

This is super interesting, and also what I want to be able to do. Thank you!

I’ll use this for walking since I don’t drive currently haha but it is a great suggestion!

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Scripting helps me plan out the scene but not necessarily how I can view it in my mind as of yet. I can see it but not entirely which is something I want to work on.

Thank you for this valuable info, it is appreciated!

Your other post is extremely valuable also and will most definitely be used! Thank you!


So I’ve been reading into some visualization stuff and a big thing is to “act as if you already have what you want”

I have little to no experience with manifesting willfully or visualization so how exactly does this work? Like say if you want to manifest someone new, do you pretend they are in your life? Do you pretend to have conversations as if they are in the room there with you?

I am awful at this to be honest so maybe I’m not the go-to guy for answers regarding visualization and manifestation but Neville Goddard is all about how feeling is the key to manifesting. To act as if you already have it is to create the feeling inside of you of what you would feel in that moment, as if you did have it.

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there are simple things like just experimenting with your senses.

One of the most basic ones is they tell you to imagine eating something. I’d say actually eat the thing and then just practice recreating it in your mind the whole experience of it. Also it can be done with textures and surfaces and just remember how something physically feels and bring up that experience later on in your mind. Or sounds, hear something then later on recall it in your mind. Start with real things from memory and as you develop you can take it from there.

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I’m something of an expert. I’ve totally listened to the Complete Reader of Goddard’s on Audible.

Twice. :sunglasses:

Nah, but in all seriousness… there’s a couple of ways to look at this. You can live in the end, meaning, mentally and emotionally be where you want to be. Some call this ‘acting as if’. The idea is to connect your sense of being to how you would be if you had the reality you seek.

Por ejemplo. Let’s say I want to manifest a home for myself. I can relax and allow myself to attain the feeling of what I would feel like as a homeowner. I’m not looking for a piece of crap, so in this image I’m satisfied, happy and feeling fulfilled. I’m aware that I may have a need for a decent garage, so maybe I allow the feeling (vibration) of what that would be like, to have my girl’s car, my bike and whatever else I desire in the moment to be in that garage.

A personal trick I’ve used in order to avoid the resistance (anything within you that whispers/screams at you contrary to your ability to receive/allow your reality) is to ‘flick’ my Eye into the reality, observe the feeling and then let it go, learning the vibration. I then repeat this over and over until I understand what inside of me says I can’t have it and go through a process. That’s one way.

There’s limitless ways, keep that in mind…


A popularized term in similar communities to this one is ‘Living in the end’. What does this mean?

It means, you essentially internalize a reality that implies you have been successful. For example.

Using my house analogy, I might picture myself holding a house key, bouncing it in my hand, putting it in the door to lock it, etc. That’s a rather unspecific way, though. Who’s to say that’s my home?

So, I might picture myself telling someone about how happy I am with my home, or how friggin perfect my garage is and that me and my lady enjoy finally having a fireplace.

I might imagine a conversation with a really cool neighbor.

I might imagine scheming with my lady about how to get the neighbor hotties into a naughty tryst.

The point is, you want to keep it short, sweet and memorable. And practice it.

As this a beloved topic for me (manifestation), I’m more than happy to give my subjective opinion on any questions you may have.

I typed this out without really thinking much as I’m about to go pick up some Hot & Juicy for the fam.

Edit: something I’ve never shared here is that I’ve at times visualized hopping on the forum stoked to deliver a fire ass post detailing how well I’m receiving results. High flow factor suddenly demystified, no?



Hello. good to see some another NG’s fan…
can you elaborate on that part please? sorry, English is not my first language so i might have hard time to understand it. what do you mean by ‘flick’ your eye into the reality? and what do you mean by ‘until I understand what inside of me says I can’t have it and go through a process’?


Start with a very simple image. An apple or a tennis ball. Start with the image, then imagine the feel, the weight, the smell, the color.

Start small and add as much detail as you possibly can.

Manipulate the object in your minds eye. Cut it open. Light it on fire. Then regenerate it. Do it 2-3 times a day for 10+ minutes.

All 5 senses.

Do that for a bit, and you’ll be good.


Sometimes people don’t understand when I say from your perspective. Being the participant not the spectator of your movie scenes.

Seeing through your own eyes vs. seeing yourself in the movie.

I wonder if that even matters so much as finding the feeling of naturalness of the wishes fulfilled.

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