Million Dollar Luther šŸ¤‘

Oh no I canā€™t have that, I realized someone may find it offensive lol


Iā€™ve been doing this new thing when working out, where I increase my concentric velocity on lifts.

Fast concentric, slow eccentric.

I intuitively feel like itā€™s better. Have I been working out non-optimally this whole time? The fuck, lmao.

I donā€™t know, I was reading some interesting shit on google.


I was once doing bench press and went to failure but couldnā€™t lift the bar and didnā€™t have spotter. I nearly died, true story. Hahahaha. Did not touch a barbell for a good while.

Good thing my Viking Rack has the safety bars


Lol I think this is pretty common. I did this too.

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very long rant

My goal is to make 7 figures a year.

I have went bananas for the past 3 months doing everything from monk mode, busting my ass, dealing with people who canā€™t read my website properly and annoying people that I shouldnā€™t be annoying.

I am exaggerating the negatives immensely and nitpicking. I should be grateful. Iā€™m still able to get enough sleep and somewhat fuck around. However, I believe that one can manifest anything and I have ambitious goals that most people would say arenā€™t ā€œpracticalā€. Maybe Iā€™m being too perfectionist and my standards are too high. Maybe I should just chill out like one my buddies just texted me to. They donā€™t understand that I have dreams. I canā€™t sit idly while my dreams are just sitting there waiting to be snatched. I know I can do this shit.

When you focus on things, you will inevitably succeed and with this increase in income (if I calculated everything correctly) Iā€™m expected to bump into 6 figures.

In society this is supposed to be some benchmark and Iā€™m supposed to celebrate.

Instead Iā€™m sitting in my underwear after having just worked out and ranting on an internet forum.

Iā€™m not too thrilled because:

  1. This shit is nowhere near ideal, I bit off more than I can chew or at least more than I would like to chew.

  2. I think I found something better suited for me but I canā€™t do both. I have to choose one and then if I doā€¦ Iā€™ll bump back down below 6 figures. Basically, itā€™s like back to the drawing board type of shit and the amount of time and energy I invested into this (literally doing monk-mode for an entire month, reaching out to people and saying no to sexual encounters). Like fucking seriously. Yeah, I will stop now before I start swearing and a moderator swoops in to edit my post.

When you come from the lowest of the low and upgrade who you areā€¦ you realize that there is no time to waste.

24 hours in a day, you have 1 life to experience everything you want. That was one of my biggest realizations when I was a ā€œloserā€. One of the turning points in my perception. It was that ā€œholy shit, I am sitting here doing nothing, just limiting myself when I could have everything Iā€™ve ever wanted.ā€

One of the worst things you can do is want a better situation or life and then do nothing about it.

Having goals and then doing nothing to reach them.

No way, man.

No fucking way.

It still drives me to this day and Iā€™ll be damned if I go back to being a complacent sheeple. No, now I have more firepower than ever. Maybe everything came together to give me this millionaire mindset. Not everything is linear Luther, you said it yourself.

Yeah, I keep having to take this humble pie and get my ass kicked by my own mind. Story of my life, so be it.

Iā€™m not congruent with my ā€œyou can manifest anything, broā€ and it irks me on the highest level. Like wanting to punch walls level of ā€œirkā€. This is just recon though and I know it.

I have a lot of work to do.

I am going full monk-mode from now until the end of June.

Nobody @ me, PM me, reply to me, no nothing.

Subliminal Club is amazing. Their products all work. take action, journal and listen to the wise people here. Yadayadayada. There is nothing to talk about, there are only results to manifest and goals to achieve.

Iā€™ll update when I come back.

Cheers. Luther signing off.


Iā€™m in 90% of monk mode.

This was a MEGA post in my offline journal, so much so that Iā€™m bringing it here.


This might be one of the best quotes, if not the best that Iā€™ve ever come across:

ā€œPeople think focus means saying yes to the thing youā€™ve got to focus on. But thatā€™s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. Iā€™m actually as proud of the things we havenā€™t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.ā€

ā€• Steve Jobs

Itā€™s this concept that ā€œFocus is about saying noā€.

This is so deep, from everyday practical levels to the deep esoteric and metaphysical levels. Itā€™s relevant in every aspect of life and experience.

I spent a whole day thinking about this (it was part of a recent shift) and I still do because I practice it every day.

When it comes to manifesting your desired reality and experience the most important factor is your ability to focus.

Focus is the bandwidth of consciousness. Itā€™s the electrical current that powers your desired reality. That is why the more you focus on your desired reality, the closer you will get to experiencing it - until you are.

Focus is a subset of your awareness and attention.

What is your attention focused on?

What are you giving your attention to and who are you giving your attention to?

On a daily basis. No, on an hourly basis.

This is a question that one needs to begin asking themselves.

Right now, youā€™re giving your attention to this post which is a good thing because itā€™s designed to uplift you rather than drain you. This post is meant to help you reach your desired reality quicker and more powerfully.

How much electrical current are you giving what YOU want?

Focus in terms of goal-setting, action-taking, planning, thinking, seeing, doing, manifesting, visualizing, imagining, concentrating, feeling, knowing, etc.

Your mind is a CPU processor, what percentage of processing power are you allocating to your goals, dreams, aspirations and desired reality?

How much are you wasting (not contributing to what you want) and how much are you giving to other peopleā€™s goals, dreams, aspirations and desired reality?

Now you know why everything is set up to hi-jack your focus and attention.

Now you know why everything is constantly fighting for your focus and attention.

Your focus and attention is incapable of being ā€œwastedā€ because on a pure metaphysical levelā€¦ the nature of it is creative. Itā€™s literally dynamite and more precious than you can fathom which is why everybody is constantly fighting for it.

We often use the term ā€œcreate realityā€. All of the realities already exist, youā€™re merely shifting your attention to the one you desire - through focus.

Iā€™m going to tweak Steve Jobs quote:

ā€œPeople think manifesting your desired reality means saying yes to focusing on the reality that you want. But thatā€™s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the infinite other realities that there are. You have to pick carefully.ā€

When you integrate this, you will lose interest in anything that isnā€™t contributing to your goals or desired reality.

You will see the power of your focus.

You will say ā€œNoā€.

Iā€™m saying ā€œNoā€ everyday because Iā€™m tired of not experiencing what I want to experience.

Arenā€™t you tired? I donā€™t know about you but I donā€™t settle for anything less than what I want, which is why I usually get what I want.

I know I create my reality.

I know I have the potential to experience what I want and I know I ā€œdeserveā€ to.

Iā€™m finding that the more I say ā€œNoā€ the more Iā€™m getting closer to my desired reality.

Watch some random clips on YouTube for 20 minutes? No.

Scroll through some TikTok real quick? No.

Watch this 2 hour movie? No.

Watch porn? No.

Read random journals on Subliminal Club forum? No.

Make random bullshit posts on Subliminal Club forum? No.

Go back and forth with strangers on the internet? No.

Iā€™m running my goals, desires, dreams, aspirations and desired reality through my head, all day.

The intuitions, pings, nudges, guidance, manifestations and synchronicities have 10x folded.

Doing this combined with subliminal work is damn near unbeatable.

Anything that doesnā€™t align with my vision for how I desire to experience life, whether thatā€™s lifestyle, wealth life, sex life, social life, etc - is of no interest to me.

It will just use up my CPU processing power. Itā€™ll just use up bandwidth and dissipate energy without any contribution to what I want. Either that or someone takes it to make their reality stronger.

Thatā€™s what an energy drain is - look around you.

Most people arenā€™t experiencing what they want because the energy used to create what they want is constantly drained out of them or used by someone else to get what they want.

Pour all of your energy into the reality you wish to experience and you will get there incredibly fast. If you also remove the blocks and get your subconscious mind on board with the help of subliminals, then you will take off faster than you can imagine.

Everyone has an infinitely powerful processor. Your mental bandwidth is invaluable, itā€™s priceless.

The Loser:

  • ignorant of how to use it
  • uses it to create more of what they donā€™t want
  • cries and complains in helplessness
  • uses it to help other peopleā€™s realities instead of their own

that last one is key and is majorly a self-worth issue.

The Winner:

  • knows how to use it
  • uses it to get everything they want in life
  • lols at everything and has infinite gratitude

The winners understand that they are creating their reality.

This is so simple. Itā€™s just that most people are ignorant of how powerful their minds are and therefore ignorant of how powerful their focus is.

You are very powerful.

Focus is one of the mechanisms in which your consciousness uses to shift between realities and have different experiences.

The game of life provides the highest levels of dopamine and once you have embraced the limitless potential of this game and realized that it is possible to experience all that you wish to experienceā€¦ then you have not unlocked limitless dopamine but transcended it altogether.

Kick ass and get everything you want. :100:



To reiterate (for myself and for potentially others):

All of these things use your energy.

All of them.

Iā€™ll grab one of them, for example ā€œrespondingā€.

Any time you respond to someone, you are focusing your consciousness in a way that creates a gajillion different reactions.

Through the umbrella of focus, you are thinking, feeling, intending, seeing, taking action, etc.

If you know the power of your consciousness, then you know what Iā€™m talking about here. Iā€™m talking in the realm of things not even ā€œexistingā€ unless collectively agreed upon. Thatā€™s the type of scope Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ Iā€™m not talking about Tony Robbins motivational talk ā€œFocus and take action!ā€

All of that thinking, feeling, intending, seeing, taking action, etc.

These are all equivalent to chemical reactions that expend energy.

All of that uses energy and mental bandwidth. Consciousness bandwidth, lol.

Through focus, you are expressing consciousness in so many ways - that all use energy.

Iā€™ll grab another, ā€œseeingā€.

When you scroll through Twitter and see someoneā€™s tweet about what they ate the other day, your mind is focusing on their reality and you are giving their reality energy.

Merely by ā€œseeingā€.

This is all taking place on a metaphysical level.

For people who are familiar with the term ā€œalchemyā€, essentially whenever you do these things:

These things require a focus of your consciousness (infinitely powerful) that creates an ā€œalchemical reactionā€ whereby you are using your energy.

This is because everything is energy. Consciousness is energy.

The takeaway, is that most people drain their energy when they can use it to create their desired reality.

When you look at what kind of ā€œalchemical reactionsā€ people engage in through focus:

Most people arenā€™t directing their energy towards their desired reality.

They are either wasting it completely or directing it towards someone elseā€™s reality.

When you can direct all of this towards your desired reality while running subliminalsā€¦ you will take off faster than anything youā€™ve experienced.

Start being more cognizant and high ROI of what you engage in from a consciousness/mental bandwidth perspective.

Maximize your ā€œalchemical reactionsā€. Control them. Direct them. Say NO to ā€œalchemical reactionsā€ that donā€™t feed your desired reality.

By saying ā€œNoā€ to the everything else, you automatically feed energy to what you arenā€™t saying ā€œNoā€ to - which is your desired reality.

Focus on your desired reality and you will direct all of your energy towards it.

This is will result in it manifesting much more quickly and powerfully.

Make your reality stronger. Use your mind, use your energy. Use your focus.


Letā€™s take the average male in his 20ā€™s or 30ā€™s.

This guy works a 9-5 slave job, has a non-existent dating life, is 50 lbs overweight and is depressed.

No judgement, weā€™ve all been there. Especially me.

So this guy, weā€™ll call him Percival. He comes home every evening and just surfs the internet, watches some good olā€™ porno. Maybe plays some video games to take his mind off the shitty day at work. Binge watch some random Netflix series. Scroll through a couple of social media newsfeeds. Oh a new movie came out? Letā€™s watch that. Surfing through social media, oh whatā€™s this? Another dumb TikTok trend hahah letā€™s go and watch that. Whatā€™s Donald Trump up to? Goes down nonsense rabbit holes. Visits his favorite sub-reddit. Laughs at a couple of memes. Starts watching funny videos and entertainment channels. Might watch his favorite streamer. Gets triggered by some random YouTube comment and writes an angry message trying to prove them wrong.

Okay, stop right there. Enough.

This guy is saying:



What is this guyā€™s goals? What are his dreams?

Maybe he doesnā€™t believe in manifesting or the ā€œcreate your realityā€ business. Okay cool, but letā€™s say hypothetically speakingā€¦ if you sat him down and asked him:

ā€œHey man, whatā€™s your ideal reality look like? Like what would you be doing?ā€

Percival: Shit man, you know. I would love to pay off all my debt and maybe have my dream job where Iā€™m leading a tech company. Maybe making 6 figures a year or something like that. Living in a nice house somewhere off the coast with a hot wife. Maybe lose like 40 lbs and be in shape. Driving one of those new Corvettes. A man can only dream though, eh?

A man can only dreamā€¦

when he is unable to focus.

Percivalā€™s entire mental bandwidth, all of his attention and focus when he comes home is directed towards nonsensical bullshit.

Instead of focusing on his desired reality, he is stuck in the reality he hates and pisses away all of his energy. He drains all of his energy.

How much of that is directed towards:

Paying off debt, having a dream job making 6 figures, living off the coast with a hot wife, owning a Corvette and losing 40 lbs?

Oh, Hockey game is on tonight. Connor McDavid is about to spazz and get a hat-trick.

-Watches hockey game-

Dude Connor McDavid is such a beast!!

Yeah he is, thatā€™s his reality.

But again, what does that have to do with:

Paying off debt, having a dream job making 6 figures, living off the coast with a hot wife, owning a Corvette and losing 40 lbs?

Percival doesnā€™t know how to say No.

Dear Percivalā€¦

What the fuck does the new Netflix special have to do with you living on the coast with a hot wife?

Answer the god damn question.


If Percival listens to subliminals like WANTED, Heartsong, Primal Seduction and puts himself out there and most of all says ā€œNoā€.

He will get his hot wife with ease. His mental bandwidth and therefore energy wonā€™t be getting drained and used up constantly. He can create what he wants.

Let me break it down like this:

Percival comes home from work at 6 pm, he goes to sleep at 10 pm.

In those 4 hours, he either can sit at home doing all types of nonsense.

Or he can listen to Heartsong, do some visualizing of his ideal wife, maybe do some journalingā€¦ then make an action plan for getting out of his 9-5ā€¦ start reading a bunch of books and etc.

Like dude, whatever you want out of this life is right thereā€¦ say No to everything else and you will get what you want.

The relevance of this post in the Subliminal Club forum is thatā€¦ when youā€™re running subliminals, you need to be able to say No. Thatā€™s the key to everything.

Your ability to say No is a reflection of how badly you want to experience your goals, dreams, aspirations and desired reality.

All of your coping mechanisms, escapisms, running away from fear, etc. Just say No and focus on what you want. Process and execute the script.

Run the subliminals and focus.

Focus is about saying No.

Alright Iā€™m out hahahaha


Wait, one more. Last one lmao.

Mike Tyson, one of the most famous boxers of all time, said something like this:

ā€œI run at 4am because I know my opponent is sleeping. It gives me an edge.ā€

While his opponents were sleeping, he was focused on his desired reality.

This is the thing about Focus.

While everyone is draining all of their energy in stagnationā€¦ youā€™ll be there focused like a laser beam on your desired reality.

Every time these people focus on nonsense while taking 0 steps towards their desired reality, youā€™ll already be 2 steps closer to yours.

Not that itā€™s about comparing your experience with anyone else - itā€™s not a competition. But for those who like that type of thinkingā€¦ itā€™s there as well.

Run subliminals, say No and win everything.


Win everything, get everything you want. :100:


Dang, that song is good

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When people score in soccer, they yell ā€œGoal!ā€.

Makes sense, I mean the goal is to put the ball into the other teamā€™s net.

When they have done so, then they all yell ā€œGoal!ā€. They accomplished their goal.

Why have I never made that connection before?

Anyways, life is like a soccer field as well but hereā€™s the thing.

When you set a goal and want to accomplish itā€¦ who is the goalkeeper thatā€™s attempting to stop you?

Itā€™s you. You are actually the goalkeeper trying to prevent your own goal.

So who is shooting? You. Youā€™re shooting.

Youā€™re actually holding on to the ball as well.

All you have to do is turn around and put the ball into the net. Your own net.

Scoring your own goal.

Thereā€™s no one else on the field, itā€™s just you and your empty net.

All limitations are self-imposed. All obstacles are merely perceived.

Your goals are as easy as you want them to be.

Youā€™re the shooter, goalkeeper and perhaps even the referee. Letā€™s not go there Luther, lol.


Someone may have seen my reply to someone in the Khan thread, where I used ChatGPT to answer their question.

Iā€™ve been using ChatGPT a lot recently and thought that was a good opportunity to use it in the forum.

I think that ChatGPT can maybe even help people with custom-building.

For example, say I want to build a custom and Iā€™m looking at 2 modules:

Gentlemanā€™s Speech and Dragon Tongue. Here are the module descriptions:

Gentlemanā€™s Speech: Refine your speech and manners to the highest level by adding Gentlemanā€™s speech to your custom. Removing filler words as well as the uhsā€™ and ums will help create a more refined and higher status image of you, while the overall improvement to the elegance of your speech will assist in creating more articulate explanations of any of your thoughts, ideas and systems.

Dragon Tongue: Improving your speech and wit is an inescapable part of becoming a powerful individual, and while all our majors contain modules for mastering wit, it is an excellent idea to focus further on your Dragon Tongue. You will become better and better at reframing situations into being advantageous for you, as well as improve more and more in debates and public speaking. Being witty and funny in your very own way will easily become natural.

If I ask ChatGPT to combine them and give me a description of how they would manifest in tandem with each other:

The use of both the Gentlemanā€™s speech and Dragon Tongue modules together can have a powerful impact on your communication skills. The Gentlemanā€™s speech tool helps refine your speech by eliminating filler words, uhs, and ums, while incorporating a higher level of elegance and status to your language. This not only helps you create a more polished image, but also enables you to articulate your thoughts, ideas, and systems with greater clarity and precision.

When used in conjunction with Dragon Tongue, the results can be even more impressive. Dragon Tongue focuses on improving your wit and communication skills, allowing you to reframe situations to your advantage and excel in debates and public speaking. This, in turn, can make it easier to apply the principles of Gentlemanā€™s speech and create a more impactful and persuasive message.

The combined use of these modules can help you become a more powerful communicator, with the ability to engage and persuade others with ease. Youā€™ll be able to deliver your message with greater confidence and charisma, leaving a lasting impression on everyone you interact with. Whether youā€™re looking to advance your career, build stronger relationships, or simply improve your overall communication skills, the combined use of these modules can help you achieve your goals with greater ease and success.

I ask ChatGPT, which one is better?

If one is looking to improve their overall elegance and refinement in their language and manners, then Gentlemanā€™s Speech may be the more appropriate module. On the other hand, if one is looking to improve their ability to communicate persuasively and effectively in a variety of situations, then Dragonā€™s Tongue may be the more appropriate module. In many cases, a combination of both modules can be highly effective in improving oneā€™s communication skills holistically.

Maybe Iā€™m reaching a little, but I see potential here and some usage. Lol.

It sure begs the question. What if Subliminal Club had their own A.I. chatbot?


I donā€™t know, I personally find all this stuff pretty cool lol

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Pure. freaking. Genius.

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This is completely accurate, how could it not be?


I asked ChatGPT:

If you could create a hypothetical module that was a combination of the 2 (Gentlemanā€™s Speech and Dragon Tongue) and had the best of each of them, what would you call it?

If we were to create a hypothetical module that combined the best of both Gentlemanā€™s Speech and Dragon Tongue, we could call it ā€œThe Elite Communicatorā€ or ā€œThe Refined Dragonā€. This module would aim to refine your communication skills to the highest level by helping you remove filler words, speak more elegantly and articulate your thoughts and ideas more effectively (like Gentlemanā€™s Speech). Additionally, it would help you become a more powerful and persuasive communicator, mastering wit, reframing situations to your advantage, and becoming a more confident public speaker (like Dragon Tongue). Ultimately, this module would help you become an elite communicator with both the refined and powerful skills needed to succeed in various personal and professional settings.

The Elite Communicator or The Refined Dragon. Hahahahaha


cover art options




Recon is like dark tunnel.

Before you step into that tunnel, youā€™re excited and focused on your goals.

Once you step into that tunnel, things become dark, scary, uncomfortable and unsettling.

Most people become so focused on how uncomfortable the tunnel is, that they forget why theyā€™re in there in the first place.

The more you focus on the uncomfortable nature of the tunnel, the more difficult it is to move through it.

You have to move (shift/change/release) and you need to have a mindset that facilitates this movement.

The key is to anchor yourself to the excitement and focus that you had before stepping into the tunnel.

This causes you to ground yourself in the present moment, rather than being up in the recon clouds going in circles and prolonging the process. Being in recon can unground you very quickly as youā€™re swept up by inner discomfort or turmoil.

When you focus on your goals, it creates an understanding in your mind that grounds you.

Itā€™s like coming back down to earth from the recon clouds.

The grounding allows you to move through recon at a faster speed and you are essentially ā€œunstuckingā€ yourself.

The more you focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, the more easy it is to move through it.

The next time youā€™re in recon (anxiety, frustration, anger, sadness etc).

Donā€™t avoid it or cope with it. Just focus on your goals.

Anytime youā€™re in recon, just immerse yourself in your goals.

Think about your goals, what itā€™s going to be like when youā€™re experiencing them etc.

Simply doing that, while youā€™re in recon, allows you to move way faster through it. You can even do this as a meditation.

This is all my opinion and what works for me.

Being grounded and present while youā€™re in recon, is key.