Microloops to sweet spot?

I’m on the micro loop bandwagon but can I please get a clarification of the definition of " sweet spot "?

@SaintSovereign @Fire

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It’s exactly like it sounds. The spot where you are getting results you are happy with, while experiencing a low enough level of reconciliation which you are satisfied with and not experiencing too many or strong reconciliation effects.


I was thinking that’s what you meant but I wasn’t sure. Thank you

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The usual way is to start low, from anything like 30 seconds to three minutes. Main point is, you don’t feel recon. Then you increase exposure step by step (10 second, 30 seconds, whatever). Once you feel recon you can decide if the recon is tolerable, if you can endure more without problems or if it’s to much.
Then you adjust listening time until the recon is the way you want it (none at all - tolreable).
Then you’ve found your sweetspot.


Very nice explanation.
Should be part (in the beginning) of the “how to” instructions.


It will be in the new instructions.


3 minutes KB St1 is my sweet spot :yum:

Testing this schedule this week
Day 1: KB St1 3 minutes
Day 2: WB 3 minutes
Day 3: Rest, see how I feel

Last time, I noticed a slight recon when I stacked the MP3’s on the same day with a 4-hour window apart. This wasn’t something that was intolerable. I figured that if I separate them day by day, it should be fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

Definitely feeling KB today :muscle::grin: Feels freaking awesome :ok_hand: