Merlin's Rejoicing: Return of the Eleven

What’s mala? Now you made me hungry…

That would be rounds of this beauty.

Saturday 19 Sep 2020. We’re still not yet at 2 months of this program and I’ve already gotten what I consider good results even without seeing any major practical success in real world social situations due to the lock-down. Today’s efforts:

  • Approximately 1 hour of kleem mantra split across two sessions
  • Continued leveling my night elf character in WoW - to level 17 within only a few days.
  • Continued reviewing the sexual magnetism exercises from the programs located during Thursday of last week. I now have an understanding of the exercises I need to combine with the kleem practice to transform my social interactions. This includes exercises in developing nerve force through tension/relaxation exercises, use of mulabandha, and various exercises for being aware of the nature of ones own personal sexual energy so this can be transmitted through the body in social interactions. The amount of practice required makes me glad lock-down is continuing at least another month before travel restrictions are relaxed.

Tomorrows plan is to continue the same while beginning to practice exercises for devloping personal magnetism consciously, and ensure a minimum of one hour of kleem chanting.

The chanting has been helping, but yesterday saw high levels of stress due to system issues working from home. By the end of the day I felt completely drained and didn’t have the energy for chanting. I’ve also felt problems I believe are connected with smoking, even though my intake is lower than that of heavy smokers.

In an attempt to ween off the nicotine, I found flushing niacin online today with a local vendor in our city, as well as B6 for my ASD, both in powder form and reasonably large sizes. I’m hoping this arrives in the next few days. Postage was free. One of the books I had which was destroyed in the fire talked about how to use niacin to quit smoking. I intend to try and follow that method and see how far I can get with it.

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Something has been happening recently with the Kleeming which has confirmed it is working. One of the housemates offered me a cup of milk for coffee when I had run out. One of the other people at the house offered me tablets of niacin while I was waiting for my flushing niacin to get here. Tonight I spent the evening sending klondike memes to some of the lady friends I had, laughing my ass off at an old favourite (Michael Bolton singing Jack Sparrow), and watching reaction videos and just relaxing and having fun… despite some negative stuff that happened yesterday morning and a mountain of stress from today’s system issues working from home.

Again, summary: people starting to treat me as more likeable and giving me shit I need, and being able to relax into vibing with the world again and appreciating humor more… this all seems like the mantra starting to affect my internal and external realities more. I’ll keep chanting and listening to the subs.

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I haven’t been updating this thread for several reasons.

Firstly, some events occurred some time ago between posts that led to me recognizing the need for anonymity in this journal, possibly even going back and removing some posts. Phone calls from someone I no longer need to be connected to for the first time in 6 months, which I ignored. An attempt likely by the same individual to compromise my bank account straight afterwards, which I shut down as soon as I became aware of it, before any damage was done. And then radio silence, following which I informed the relevant people who needed to be alerted that this person was up to something. Taking the necessary spiritual and physical precautions for when our state opens back up after quarantine to ensure nothing further comes of it.

Second, I’m continuing to work with the subliminals and speed-leveling my night elf character in spare time (currently at level 36), as well as keeping up with the chanting. The spirituality has taken a front seat along with personal research and attempts to integrate information learned into my character.

Dealing with all that, I only have the time to keep up with posts and like and a very occasional comment. Happily noting the similarity in experiences with Libertine to my own initial experiences with it. Hoping I get a chance to see its full power in two weeks time or so. Knowing its already working from some of the full on stares of approval I’ve gotten from passing women on the street or on the way to the shops, and that I only need to take appropriate action once lock-down ends here and continue the chanting and subs.

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The GABA and AAK arrived today - an impressive 2-3 days after ordering them from another state. Considering the current COVID restrictions, that is really impressive, I would buy from this supplier again.

Spooned a small amount of AAK and GABA along with niacin into ordinary unfiltered water and I’ve had less than half of it so far, positive effects began almost immediately and I can feel the difference in my thought processes. It will take a while to find words to qualify what exactly the supplements do for me personally, but I’m excited to report on how this works for me. Its combining supplements that have helped in the past synergetically along with subliminals, and my suspicion is the results will be multiplicative. I’ll update in the next few days with observations.


The niacin and other supplements have been helping. Our state/local city is also in the process of reopening in the next couple of weeks, and when that happens I want to be ready to take action with the subs Ive been working with.

For various reasons, which only two people on this forum will have any idea about, I’ll be going dark for a while. A little washed out on journalling without feedback and various things which have told me it would be more profitable to focus my energy elsewhere. I may continue the journalling at a later stage if I feel its justified, but not for now. I’m deriving no benefit from it.

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A quick addendum to this journal after last night.

I went out on the town last night for the first time since lockdown began back in July.

Regardless of my high expectations for the night, while I had some success, it was more educational than anything. Being at two separate bars with my friend I mentioned earlier in this journal, part of what I recognized was the degree of emptiness in these places, “the donkey playing the hurdy gurdy”, people including my friend getting rip snortingly drunk and acting in ways they would regret the next day. I’ve always had a thirst for more than that in my life; perhaps one could say my recognition of the depth of human potential versus its typical descent into entropy has been one of my major sources of frustration.

I was reminded, through a book I purchased yesterday and a conversation or two today about my old love of subtle energy technologies. This is something I need to pursue again to get out of a rut I’ve been in for a while. I’ve successfully used this tech in the past, but its tricky to keep the momentum going. I at least have a new potential focus, along with getting back into the writing.

Despite the lunacy of last night I did notice some gazes from gorgeous ladies before and after the club, but I really wasn’t in a place to do anything about it due to chaperoning my friend. There’s always a next time though.

So as I indicated on another thread, I got Alchemist tonight. The USB lighter that I bought last week had the word “Explorer” on it. When I combined that with the synchronicity of my magickal number appearing at the end of my discount code, and some of the other stuff that’s happened lately (more fictional writing reflecting someone else’s reality who I wrote it for), its clear there’s been some synchronicity occurring.

The thing that turned me off Alchemist for the longest time was the price. Even with the discount it was still just under a sixth of my paycheck, and given 40% goes to rent already (contrary to popular belief, most of us public servants are not rich people, we typically make less than 50K a year… some would argue that makes us more liable to be humble or in tune with the little guy who is struggling), I’m going to have to watch the spending carefully this fortnight.

It made me cynical that one of potentially the most useful subliminals on the site, something that could connect people with their sense of purpose (something all the seduction gurus like Hypnotica and David DeAngelo emphasize) and the spiritual reality, something which would have a deep impact on making all the other aura based subs work better, would be put directly out of the price range of most people without severe sacrifice, and be the most expensive on the site. A clear demonstration of privilege on a site trying to help people break out of that fake cycle of privilege.

I set my feelings about all that aside because I am truly willing to do anything to further myself on my spiritual path, something which has always been important to me even as a child. I reviewed the entire first section of the public library in my home town, most before I finished grade school. I was learning about pathworking and Tree of Life theories on the pyramids and masonry etc before I was done with high school. I hypnotised my grandmother using a book from that same library. Had visions and had very clear communication from spirits at an early age. Then at some stage like many people, put it aside and lost much of it, before going back to it later. I got my first proper Tarot deck, a Rider-Waite deck, as thanks from a woman I helped leave a relationship with a cheating man thanks to an initial deck consisting only of the Major Arcana. I astralled to the houses of many girls I cybered with online. And described their places. And got it right.

Despite that, something was lost when I left 8 year relationship number one. Perhaps even before that, through the trauma of my partner losing faith in my spiritual vision, and through the feeling of repression of my ability to live the life I wanted to live fully due to the limitations of the work I was involved in (something I still struggle with to this day). Some of my major spiritual goals were set aside to deal with what I felt at the time were more pressing concerns, money and human relationships, and while I still experimented, I didn’t have the same level of vision I had back in the years prior to when I left New Zealand.

Things have come to a head where I recognized how much value I brought to my relationships from my spiritual abilities and prowess or knowledge, and how in trying to be a man of the world, much of that was pushed aside. So I have been forced to come back to my roots and my reasons for developing these skills, and refine them in order to move forward. Hence Alchemist.

I don’t know how this is all going to go, but I guess that’s part of the adventure. I’m still not fully back here on the site, the need to focus on my own writing and keeping my mental health on track while working full time from home has taken up a lot of my time and I can’t be dedicated to reviewing these forums on a daily basis and replying to topics for little or no gain. So for now it’ll be little comments here and there.

I don´t think that 100 dollar for 4-6 month of growth is that expensive. Around 20 dollar/month…

$149. US dollars! And I’m not arguing or changing my opinion.

Thats the version that includes Ultima. There is a version for 99 dollar.
I´m not arguing either. 150 dollar can be much, especially if you´re alone with the household bills.
Best of luck with Alchemist! I´ve got it aswell and will start after Dragon Reborn.

Version with the Ultimas is $179. I got the one without the Ultimas.

Alchemist Core is listed for 99 dollar. The one for 149 includes Remote Viewing and Astral Projection.

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Yup, it does. But I’ve always considered those two abilities as key to personal freedom and growth in the spiritual realms. You can get so far with meditation and pathworking or magic, but to be able to break that barrier of space and project your consciousness out into different realms where you can learn is a game changer.

Remote viewing, if you want to call it that, is easier. I don’t think I’ve ever been successful in AP. One of the few times I went lucid in a dream and entered the physical realm was back in my uni days, where I was able to see a slip advising me I had a package waiting in my postal box at the uni while I was sleeping in another town. It was a unique experience seeing the note with such clarity and the act of trying to read it returned me to my body.

Anyway, I know America has a different way of doing things… people use credit cards and go into debt to faceless credit corporations or lenders (and this happens with other people in other countries as well), me I’ve always lived within my means and on what I’ve earned myself through hard work and normal eight hour days (or longer). So my thinking is biased as a result of this perspective. But I can’t deny that to be able to use these programs legally is a mark of Western privilege and available only to a select few of us, those with enough disposable cash or those who see enough value in these things (such as myself) to forego a little comfort to invest in ourselves. It is what it is, even gurus can charge tens of thousands of dollars for a retreat without batting an eyelid nowadays meaning many of their disciples are privileged individuals who take up an illusionary mantle of sacrifice in order to receive something they perceive to have value which in reality is right within every one of them but inaccessible, often because of that privilege. It’s a strange world we live in… I think some people will look back at this period in human history and shake their heads and wonder how we strayed so far from our connection to the deeper reality… but then the magnetosphere being weak and in flux is one of the primary causes of the ignorance that pervades this world at the moment and that is a temporary situation.

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The world is what it is. No better way to change it than to change ourself.

Please write about your experience with the sub.
I´m very much looking forward to start with it.

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I’ll write about it, although really all I can write about is my journey as I use the sub. It’s very difficult to establish a causal connection between the subliminal and some action you take. It’s a very subjective experience.

I can only infer the effects Stark and my custom have had from the fact that the insights coming out of me watching certain self help videos have led me back down the path of recognizing how my abilities in this field have always been one of my primary gifts to the world, along with my poetry and writing when I do get down to them. Stark is meant to help you see these gifts with clarity that you bring to others and help you make best use of them. And it took action in the real world of trying the club scene one more time and recognizing the emptiness in the environments I was attempting to socialize in to recognize the contrast between this and what I had experienced before when meeting people in other social circles, such as the OTO when that was my scene some years ago, or various people in the poly pagan community who were much more intellectually interesting and satisfying to talk to than some of the vapid individuals you find getting drunk at clubs.

I could argue though that I would have come to those realizations anyway without the subs. But its impossible to tell, perhaps the subs gave me a nudge in the right direction at the right times. The question of what is the correct answer to that causal relationship is probably something that will never be answered by my own logical brain, as interesting as the answer might be. The only thing I’ll really have to judge on is my degree of success with things that were difficult before (such as AP). I’m looking forward to finding out how effective those modules are.

Yes, OTO and Pagan communities might differ a bit from dance clubs. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did a Tarot-reading on Alchemist with a positive outcome. I think there is potential for deep change with this sub. It should also provide a boost to other esoteric practices and meditations.