Melody: As Life Unfolds…

@RVconsultant Yeah, all resolved now. Thanks again for your help!

  1. Had a recon day (could have slept all day) which was expected as it’s a new custom and I respond very quickly to subs. However, I still managed to have a good marketing meeting to develop better ways of getting engagement and so forth. I’ve had this feeling all day that I can be productive and should take action relentlessly.
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  1. Some really powerful insights, healing and changes happening today, 2 ish days after a 30 sec loop.

Realised and began healing why I’ve struggled setting and follow through on goals as I’ve been afraid of success with my career and financial life because of the possibility of people turning on me such as family, and friends and getting blackmailed. Luckily I put Ebon manoeuvre in, this will give me confidence in dealing with anything like this.

Secondly, a business idea sprung up like a surge of inspiration and I’m already working on the product development phase. It’s something that will help myself get over some blocks with songwriting and therefore be useful to others. It’s almost perfect for my situation which is pretty unbelievable and it came just after some recon. Very little investment, passive income and helps keep my songwriting as a fun creative endeavour, not a ‘this has to make me money’ which the pressure has been killing my actual creativity to write. Amazing results so far!

  1. Jeeez, feeling on top of the world, really did a great job identifying what modules to put in this one. The self love from blue skies, the I love life feeling from Genesis mogul and carpe diem too and then also more social/ less closed off.
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Man that’s the struggle right there. I’ve tanked my creativity on numerous occasions having those thoughts. Still trying to find the balance.


@Fractal_Explorer Yeah it’s a pain for sure. You end up getting too attached to the outcome and then you realise you can help people like you move past roadblocks and make an income. You know the avatar intimately and naturally.

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2/3 custom, A Dance Between Hearts, came last night and played a 1 min loop this morning…

Results flooded in straight away as usual. Increased feeling of attractiveness and wanting to better myself in multiple ways to become more attractive. Conversation was far more effortless. Felt a lot more sexual, like a warmth in my body and libido increased noticeably. I seemed to have no social anxiety 70% of the time and usually it’s 50%. I had more motivation to shave and take my grooming seriously.

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A Dance Between Hearts - 2/3

New Heartsong Core
Sex and Seduction X Core
Inner Gasoline
Song of Joy
Lifeblood Fable
Sacred Words
Furious Ascent
Dopaminergic Revival
Eye of the Storm
Stress Displacer
Stop Porn
A/SPS: Eyesight

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With a budget and a trust the cores will deliver regardless of extra modules, I included a few I’d like to consistently play regardless of the custom. Modules like eyesight and dopaminergic revival, are pillars, the rest are great result enhancers for the actual goal of the custom.

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  1. Genesis mogul has definitely been expressing itself today. I’ve been highly motivated to begin my investing journey, even if it’s small amounts at first. Simple monthly S&P 500 investments instead of wasting it on material possessions seems to be a good way of growing my money over the long term. Now I have to figure out the online business side of things.
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Created AI-generated images for each custom with almost the same looking guy in each one as an avatar of my future self. (It obviously doesn’t quite look like me but good enough haha) This seems to help visualise the new reality before it occurs.

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  1. I’ve been super on the marketing at work. Seeing increased drive, and motivation to do my best and take tonnes of action. It’s like I know exactly what to do, how to adjust approaching it to get a better result and this is probs a combo of true sell, Genesis: mogul, mastermind and care diem ascended.
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  1. There are so many opportunities coming into my life and so many positive attitude changes and internal changes in general that it’s hard to express in words. It’s also very smooth and subtle like I’ve always been so loving, calm and peaceful.
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  1. I jumped on the opportunity and helped out with my mate with his music recording project. As they were live recording his song, I was sat at the desk making sure the takes were all recorded. After I had some ideas for layering some small harmonies and I was showing signs of being a really helpful guy in the studio in general. It’s been a few years since I recorded in a studio for my degree. It makes me sad thinking that I’ve been sabotaging myself and my career. Working a 9-5 when I could have had a job in a studio or freelancing if I’d networked at uni and kept helping with other peoples projects. I’m glad this positive experience came. I remember thinking as I was sat at the mixing desk, even if it’s not quite songwriting, recording and being a useful person for people in the studio is far better and I can always offer my marketing as a value exchange. Help get customers in. Maybe I could quit the 9-5 quicker than expected.

After reflecting on this past month, massive progress has been made. I realised that my whole sub journey as a whole has been about trying to fix myself internally. I believe this has come from a mix of the wellbeing scripting, omnidimensional, entranced and RAIKOV modules that I’m now at a point where I can sort all my shit out FIRST before going back into using subs properly again. I’ve found a great mindset coach/ hypnotherapist as I now realise as a mentor in achieving what really has been my ultimate goal of ‘fixing’ my self esteem which subs haven’t been able to do for me as the self-sabotage has been overpowering the ability of the subs to help overcome it. It’s sad to admit it but glad I can now because sometimes you have to pivot when something isn’t working instead of constantly reliving that pattern. I’m going to see where I am in June and comeback to my customs again as they will be so much more affective and work 10x better.