Medici the Golden Khan Journal

A man of value is valuable even when he has nothing.

I had 5 days off of subs. I broke the processing period this morning to listen to Paragon and give my immune system a boost. One of my kids is sick and I need to remain healthy.

I am now weighing my options whether to start my cycle early or use the rest of the week for processing and start my new cycle on Monday.

Either way the processing days have been good. I went exploring the Universe with some magic chocolate over the weekend. I celebrated another successful orbit around the Sun. And I spent time with my minions.

All the while little awarenesses were opening up to me.

“The Drip is in the details” - An NFL commercial
“The God is in the details” - Me

“Are you doing what’s vital to the title?” - Sinful the P
"What is vital to the title of Husband, Father, Man? - Me

At one point during my trip, I stood in my backyard staring at the trees moving in the breeze, my attention was drawn to a little pool of rain water that had collected on my generator’s cover. Inside little tadpoles were swimming. I took it all in. The Universe is teeming with life, looking for the right conditions to proliferate. Look at all the organisms just on this planet. Look at all we have extracted from this planet. All the goods we have have been dug out of the Earth or harvested from it in some way shape or form.

I was overcome with immense gratitude that everything had happened the way it had.

In a world of so much, so many still have so little. And the battle rages on over who is allowed to have and who isn’t. Which brings me to my opening quote. I have had nothing before. And yet for the longest time there was a fear of starting over, starting from nothing again. That fear is gone. Not because that reality can not come true, but because who I am in the face of that reality is someone who has everything they need when they need it.

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Everything, too, is pleasant for which we have the desire within us, since desire is the craving for pleasure. - Socrates

A quick update. The washout period was interesting. I could have gone longer, but the 5 days off was a challenge. As a long time listener, using subs daily as been a habit for a while.

Post washout, I have lowered my listening. A strict 1 loop of each sub, some days only 1 sub. Playing it by ear depending on how I feel. A side benefit of using X3 is that I have come to embrace less is more. I am getting way more out of my 20-30 minute workouts. I have embraced slow reps and heavy but not too heavy weight. I am applying this philosophy to my subliminal listening. I’m still listening everyday M-F and taking the weekends off.

  • Workouts are increasing in intensity.
  • Drinking more water and consuming more EAAs.
  • From the front my body is definitely changing, from the side it doesn’t show yet.
  • Unexpected time off from work was just what I needed to get a bunch of personal stuff taken care of.
  • Many places I go, I get called “Boss”. Strangers say hello to me.
  • My wife and I went out to eat lunch and after placing our drink orders, the waitress grabbed my bicep while walking away. I didn’t make anything of it at the time, but it did strike me as different. My arms aren’t big and I had on a hoodie. I’ve worked food service before, I know that slight touches between the shoulder and elbow can increase tips, but this was on a different level.
  • An opportunity for an additional professional certification has presented itself. It’ll position me for addition work, in case of a slow down in my industry.
  • Spending some quality time with my kids, taking them to school and doing many of the things I don’t get a chance for during my regular working schedule.
  • Finding pleasure in the mundane modern versions of ancient human practices. We think we are doing something different, but the more I study history, the more I see we have been doing the same activities tweaked by culture and technology. And in 100 years we will be forgotten and replaced, and very few will speak of our herculean efforts.

Yet we still do it. It’s good to be human.


This week I added Spartan to the mix so I’m now listening to MGK, Limit Destroyer, and Spartan.

Why Spartan? I want to get the most out of my workouts. I know if I push my body harder, my results will follow. Every workout a chisel being struck by a hammer and revealing a little more of the potential within.

And it’s already helping. This morning I altered my X3 only Pull workout by doing kettlebell swings with a resistance band around the kettlebell for increased resistance at the top of the motion. This was a great warm-up before deadlifts. My entire posterior chain was lit up from two rounds of 25 swings.

It is also increasing my desire to move to OMAD. I’m already plant-based so I have to do a bit more research on recipe combinations so that my feasting hour is packed with enough calories.

Why OMAD? To maximize my body’s use of testosterone during fasting periods.

How? The body releases more testosterone in fasted states to maintain muscle while hunting for food. I’ll workout hard and consume water with essential amino acids added to it post workout and throughout the fasted period. The aminos will provide my body the building blocks for muscle while fasting.

For more info read/listen to Weightlifting is a Waste of Time by the inventors of the X3. It’s an inflammatory title of a book, but the nutritional info included is top notch. And it must be because they advocate for a carnivore diet plus fasting, and I couldn’t be further from a carnivore, but still found it useful info.

I’m also considering rebuilding MGK and making it a strictly Khan based sub and separately build a wealth sub. Having three cores in one sub isn’t too much to handle for me, but I might be prolonging my reprogramming with so many cores in one product. Only considering it for now.

I’m still getting results just not in all the aspects I would like right now. And this is by no way a complaint, just an observation for myself.

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Quick update.

This morning, after my workout and rehydration, my pectorals were on swole. The biggest they’ve ever been. I’m nowhere near Robby Robinson, but jeez. I’ve only listened to Spartan 3 days this week, and surely was not expecting to see any physical results so soon.

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Washout time.

I’m going to take the rest of the week off. Am I experiencing recon? No.

What I have been experiencing is desire for less. I’m sure this is partially the script of Spartan, but overall I’m looking at how can I maximize my results while reducing my workload.

To this end, a week long question has resulted in the following choice, drop Limit Destroyer and replace MGK with Stark ZP.

That’s right.

I haven’t listened to Stark since the Qv2 days, but I remember it fondly.

So starting Monday, I will stack Stark and Spartan and follow the listening guidelines. This stack will be it until the end of the year which means I will get at least 2 full cycles in before the end of the year.

I no longer feel the desire to bring empires to their knees, instead I want to build solutions for a better future.

Mods please lock this journal.

They might not see this, so I’ll tag em for ya lol

@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher