MECHARC - Marathon to the top

23 Feb 3

  1. Quantum Limitless 2 - - – - - - : Day 15 : 5 : 63
  2. Stark Core Custom Q - - - - - - - -:Day 56: 4 : 118

Optional Booster

  1. Love Bomb Ultima = 18
  2. True Social Ultima = 1
  3. Iron Throne Ultima = 1
  4. Beyond Limitless - - - - - - - - - - -: : 9
  5. Paragon Ultima - - - - - - - - - - - - - : :
  6. R.I.CH Ultima. - - - - - - - - - - - - : : 18
  7. Masculinity Ultima - - - – - - - - -: : 1
  8. Commander Ultima - - - - - - - - -: :
  9. Sanguine Ultima - - - - - - - - - - -: :

2. Ascended Mogul - - - - - - - - - : Day 14 : : 30
3. Power Can Corrupt - - - - - - - - : Day 7 : 0 : 9

  1. Emperor: House of Medici - - - - Day 109 : : 168

I say do what you think is best. May your days get better and better as time goes on.

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If the past is any indication, that will be released in April, man.


24 Feb 3

  1. Quantum Limitless 2 = Day 16 : 6 : 69
  2. Stark Core Custom Q = Day 57: 5 : 123

Optional Booster

  1. Love Bomb Ultima = 18
  2. True Social Ultima = 1
  3. Iron Throne Ultima = : 1
  4. Beyond Limitless = 9
  5. Paragon Ultima =
  6. R.I.CH Ultima. = : 18
  7. Masculinity Ultima = :
  8. Commander Ultima = :
  9. Sanguine Ultima = :

2. Ascended Mogul = Day 14 : : 30
3. Power Can Corrupt = Day 7 : 0 : 9

  1. Emperor: House of Medici = Day 109 : : 168

How is it going at the business/job front @mecharc ?

Still pretty bland. I feel my mind opening up. I’m seeing more opportunities. But have not seen a fruitful one yet. before, I wouldn’t even see any opportunity infront of me.

One example is, my dad was an investor willing to invest and set up business to anyone willing to give the effort, yet I never grabbed that opportunity. I didn’t even see it as an opportunity.

Now I’m seeing opportunities, trying to pursue them. But in material terms, it’s still at 0 results in both business and job. @Hoppa


25 Feb 4

  1. Quantum Limitless 2 = Day 17 : 8 : 77
  2. Stark Core Custom Q = Day 58: 8 : 131

Optional Booster

  1. Love Bomb Ultima = 18
  2. True Social Ultima = 1
  3. Iron Throne Ultima = 1 : 2
  4. Beyond Limitless = 9
  5. Paragon Ultima =
  6. R.I.CH Ultima. = : 18
  7. Masculinity Ultima = :
  8. Commander Ultima = :
  9. Sanguine Ultima = :

2. Ascended Mogul = Day 14 : : 30
3. Power Can Corrupt = Day 7 : 0 : 9

  1. Emperor: House of Medici = Day 109 : : 168

I’m glad you are persisting!

1 Like

26 Feb 5

  1. Quantum Limitless 2 = Day 18 : 4 : 81
  2. Stark Core Custom Q = Day 59: 4 : 135

Optional Booster

  1. Love Bomb Ultima = 18
  2. True Social Ultima = 1
  3. Iron Throne Ultima = : 2
  4. Beyond Limitless = 1 : 10
  5. Paragon Ultima =
  6. R.I.CH Ultima. = : 18
  7. Masculinity Ultima = :
  8. Commander Ultima = :
  9. Sanguine Ultima = :


  1. Emperor: House of Medici = Day 109 : : 168
  2. Ascended Mogul = Day 14 : : 30
  3. Power Can Corrupt = Day 7 : 0 : 9
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How do you try to pursue something? Like you want to but can’t get yourself to, like you are pursuing them but they don’t work out?

Haven’t worked out yet.
Still trying.
Will release details once it goes either way

gotcha -I’ve found with tangible results and metrics there’s only two things that matter

  1. Amount of action
  2. Quality of actions

If your at a loss for 1 it’s a mindset issue-or a time management issue-which is a mindset issue
if your at a loss for 2 - get perspective, coaching, feedback from people who are successful at what your looking to do.


Doing you own form of training and comparing can help with two sometimes

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Core :

Quantum Limitless Stage 4 (10/10) - Sharp Mind, Continuous Learning, Unlimited Productivity
Business Savvy Modules

Instant Business Tactician (10/10)- Self Explanatory

Way finder (10/10) - Find out the way to get things done, even if it seems impossible now.

Furious Acsent (10/10) - Prioritise taking action over sitting back in fear.

Trail Blazer (10/10) - Innovate to Improve people’s lives

Secret Source (10/10) - Find out the earning potential from innovation.

Mastermind (10/10) - Efficient Management

Submodel Alpha (10/10) - Play all possible outcomes in mind

Sacred Words (10/10) - Be persuasive with words in my writing.

Fenrir (10/10) - Be ruthless yet kind

Tech Savvy and Tech Skills

Index Gate (10/10) - Programming

Technology Prodigy (10/10) - Technology

Superb Netwroker

Transcendental Connection (10/10) - Form strong connection with anyone I like l.
Troch Bearer (10/10) - Be a leader.
Dragn Tongue (10/10) - Verbal Wit
Eagle Eye (10/10) - Read people
Invincible Presence - Be present in all Interactions
Direct influencing Aura - Influence and Persuasion
Productivity -
19. Stress Displacement (10/10) - Work through stress

Other still Uncertain of these modules:
20. Raikov (8/10) - Model other successful Organisations / Entrepreneurs
21. Potentiator
22. Total Non Chalance
23. Inner Voice

As of today, I am still not happy with my custom. Let’s see if module pack 5 can cement my decision

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My native language is my let peeve.
I’ve always avoided it.
But now I’m giving efforts to improve on it

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I wonder if you feel more accepting of yourself in general.

it’s more like “While in Rome do like the Romans do”.

The difference is that I’m not complaining about my presence in ROME @RVconsultant

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27 Feb 6

  1. Quantum Limitless 2 = Day 19 : : 81
  2. Stark Core Custom Q = Day 60 : : 135

Optional Booster

  1. Love Bomb Ultima = 1 : 18
  2. True Social Ultima = 1 : 2
  3. Iron Throne Ultima = : 2
  4. Beyond Limitless u = : 10
  5. Paragon CO Ultima =
  6. R.I.CH Ultima. = : 18
  7. Masculinity Ultima = :
  8. Commander Ultima = :
  9. Sanguine Ultima = :


  1. Emperor: House of Medici = Day 109 : : 168
  2. Ascended Mogul = Day 14 : : 30
  3. Power Can Corrupt = Day 7 : 0 : 9

Thank you for clarifying!

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Core :

  1. Quantum Limitless Stage 4 (10/10) - Be able to see the cogs of the machine, the lines of reality that make up events, chance, situations, people. able to learn everything desired to to detect lies, distinguishing truths from falsities generally and in information you find, develop intuition. consolidate and master information and skills during dreaming and sleep. creat optimal models for studying, understanding and memorizing. Have unbreakable concentration. Troubleshooting, pattern forming and predicting. Creativity, IQ, memory, learning, troubleshooting, pattern forming, understanding, speed reading

Business Savvy Modules

  1. Instant Business Tactician- Know instantly what approach you need to take in any business situation – how to lead a meeting, how to negotiate, how to resolve business situations etc

  2. Furious Acsent (10/10) - Love the thrill of taking risks and reaping great rewards. work on eliminating my desire for constant excessive comfort that holds me back from my potential. Instead, steadily increase Comfort Zone to include greater and greater heights.

  3. Trail Blazer (10/10) - Create inventions that will help and change the lives of many. Be an Innovator

  4. Secret Source (10/10) - Find out all the sources of money that you can create, Look out for opportunities that seem unorthodox

  5. Mastermind (10/10) - Careful Planning, Organisation and management. Plan grand plans that will help you achieve your goals with utmost creativity and rapid efficiency.

  6. Submodel Alpha (10/10) - prepare for any situation that you might go through and react in the best possible way.

  7. Sacred Words (10/10) - Persuading others in written form

  8. Fenrir (10/10) - achieve my goals in any area of life, through pure, calculated cold-bloodedness and indomitable, feral spirit.

  9. Ultimate Writer - create amazing works of literature, including fiction, nonfiction, marketing / sales copy, research reports and more. Craft compelling characters and dialogue that will leave your readers both in awe and craving more. generate amazing plots based on life experiences, as well as the observations seen in society as a whole. Improve prose, word choice and ability to convey complex ideas in writing.

Tech Savvy and Tech Skills

  1. Index Gate (10/10) - Rapidly progress in my coding language and learn any new ones with more and more ease

12 .Technology Prodigy (10/10) - Rapidly increase my skill with any technology while also learning and understanding its intricacies. Be a technological innovator

Superb Netwroker

  1. Transcendental Connection (10/10) - Take all desired relationships to the next level.

  2. Troch Bearer (10/10) - Be the inspiring, dependable figure that lifts everyone up and pulls your team to overwhelming victory. Inspire and encourage those around you and build deep trust at the same time. Have the patience to get through to even the most stubborn team members

  3. Dragn Tongue (10/10) - Improve speech and wit is an inescapable part of becoming a powerful. Become better and better at reframing situations into being advantageous for me, as well as improve more and more in debates and public speaking. Be witty and funny in my very own way.

  4. Eagle Eye (10/10) - Easily be able to know what each movement of another person means, as well as to rapidly develop My knowledge of human behavior and put it into practice effortlessly.

  5. Direct influencing Aura - Directly influence any person

  6. Alpha of Alpha - lead other alphas and accomplish great things. Status, leadership, confidence, dominance, authority and more are all characteristics that are needed

19. Stress Displacement (10/10) - Easily remove all feelings of stress and replacing it with positive feelings.

Missing 1 module.

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