Matt’s final journal [Chosen Limitless Sage ZP]

After dreaming about using my new found voice more and after waking up, the day yesterday feels like a dream, too. It was wonderful. My voice is still deeper and more beautiful, so it wasn’t just a dream.

I want to keep you guys posted with full disclosure. I drank alcohol yesterday before going to sleep. 3 beers, what is a middle dose for me. I drink only every other week, but yesterday I wanted to party, my new found self.

Results were that I listened to limitless because I lost some self control and didn’t wait for 2 days to pass.

I will report, when I notice something from this combination. My influence on chosen seemed endless and vanished 25% with the beers and limitless. Probably because I became 80% more introverted and disinterested in influencing people.

Limitless made me rhyme better. And I will see if I work better today.

Still missing the rush of the first ZP experience now. But it’s early in the morning and I am confident that there is more to come!

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The self-made genius, the big guy, the chosen one, the Matt persona, he felt flabbergasted at his new-found mental capabilities. Writing deep texts was easy for him now. He wrote a sales letter for one of his hobby projects and read it a few times to find its full meaning. He thought to himself: “Soon enough, I will write a book” and fell in love with this idea.


Damn, I have never been called “Inspiring” so much.
About my focus style, I have to say I am still all over the place.
Just because, at this level, I have to share so much.

I want to talk to everyone.

Going Attention deficit disorder style. But I see this as my true self.

The guy, Matt, did talk too much and noticed it. So, he stopped talking and focused on his jobs. He could simple switch into “Work mode” after his creative endeavors. First he worked at his day job, later he planned to enjoy some more creative work. He noticed more and more manifestations of the potions. For example, someone wrote positive comments about his creative work on Instagram, someone shared his story on instagram calling it “inspirational”, someone offered to retweet his tweets - and many others, too many to deny the reality of the potions called ZP.

At this point, the storyteller stopped intentionally.

Matts fear was that this would end, like all the high times he had in the past. Once tasted, he never wanted to give up this feeling and would do everything to keep it up. It just was too good to be true. But it was true.


Ok, it seems like my influence can be used for one of my old creative hobbies. I hope to get through it.
It’s a middle size project and I already found one person to help me.

Can’t wait for the first loop of Sage Immortal ZP tomorrow.

Some rest would be good now, and a meal.


So far, I have read the beginning of the book, these are some “screenshots” I made:

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Exactly. Can’t add enough. This book is great.

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New manifestation: People on Instagram following me. After weeks of no new followers, I got 4-5 new followers randomly in the last few days. One of them a member of the local parliament (high status).

I think this stuff does work. Hahaha.


After asking a spiritual friend if he would choose money or occult knowledge and getting the answer: occult knowledge. And after asking him about choosing Love or occult knowledge and getting the answer: Love… after that, the Matt guy was confused. But he was firm in his decision: Tommorow he would take the potion for spiritual knowledge. Not his older love potion or the money potion. He thought to himself: Money will come by itself with the Leadership potion. The spiritual friend, one who was able to see the future, too, and knew Matt for a long time, also suggested the Matt guy, to get a new career in his passion.

Listening to an audio book about Poker theory. It’s about decision making.

The fear of missing out is back at the moment. But I am the one who said that time does not exist.

I am just writing here to clear it up for me.

It would be nice to have more money but it is not necessary yet. So my idea of running R.I.C.H. Instead of Sage is based on fear. In a disbelief in my abilities. But now writing this it appears to me that with chosen and limitless I don’t have to disbelieve in my abilities. It’s full on belief with these titles.

And I can run RICH at a later point in life. This is just the beginning.

So why Sage? Someone was joking my ZP stack would make me into Jesus baby.

Sage is a title I sometimes ran in QV2 or Ultima. And I always found books by „accident“ which had information for my life puzzle in them. And here I see another puzzle piece: I want to write infotainment, non-fiction but entertaining. And with Sage the research work of this job will be easy.

Later when I am finished I can exchange it with R.I.C.H. to sell more copies.

This is just one vision of many.

I also hope that Sage will help me to find the answers to some last questions I have about my lifelong journey of alchemy. I want to connect some dots.

I want to know myself and find out what spiritual mastery can mean for me.

Today I found a text written 15+ years ago by me. And there were predictions about where I would live today in it. And it was 80% right. I thought: WTF.

Answers would be appreciated although I have some basic ideas already about who and what I am.

@Brandon - Note to myself: He asked me to Tag him tomorrow when I run my first loop of Sage. :grin:


I posted a lot lately. Not only here but on social media, too.

I decide to channel that energy now in more purposeful ways. For example writing projects.

Still will post in this journal when I notice something extraordinary. For example with Sage. Some things will be better suited for the Sub Club Black Forums.

Sunday will be the second loops of limitless and chosen. And in the next three days there will be some socialising because it’s weekend.

How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?


Open the refrigerator, put the elephant in, close the refrigerator.

How do you put a giraffe into the refrigerator?


Open the refrigerator. Take the elephant out. Put the giraffe in. Close the refrigerator.

After running Sage Immortal in the early morning of day 3 I feel calm and carefree. The loop took forever as if time slowed down. After 10 minutes feeling wise, I was 4 minutes in.

Curious where this journey will take me… I am hungry now. Time to eat.


@Brandon here is my first result of one loop of Sage Immortal after a little nap:

I had the idea that we are all interconnected in some sense. We feel the same in different timelines. When I want to meet my old self I know where to look for it. There are still people stuck like my old self out there. So yes, I understand what the slogan „We are all one“ means but completely different from what I expected. More like in the movie „I heart huckabees“. We humans are connected by our humanness. Never alone.

If I am feeling depressed there are plenty of people who are knowing that feeling, too. Who are even in the same state.

Same is when I am in a higher emotional level.

Never alone, all one, all interconnected.


Just disagreed with a decision of the boss at my day job. It’s on.

Setting boundaries, even if I have followed instructions closely in the past. The worker bee speaks up, awakened to be his own boss.

EDIT: Just realized that my boss is also a helping friend of mine. It’s not a master/slave relationship. We can talk. So I apologized for my critique of his decision and explained myself and my vision of the result of his decision. Still felt powerful to talk about the boundary. And I see it as a manifestation.

EDIT2: I am avoiding challenges. And I am learning new things by not avoiding those challenges. The software project is live at the moment with high traffic and I have in my head “Never touch a running system”. But its a new life experience for me to break that belief and begin touching the running system. Zero Point will help changing those beliefs that hinder me from acting at my full potential.



It’s easy for me to make decisions now. In the past, I wasn’t concerned with food much, never knew what to buy in the grocery store, always bought the same unhealthy food. Today I had the insight to buy some good whole grain bread instead of white bread and also buy my favorite toppings for the bread instead of the usual cheese and salami.

Also got a compliment from the day job boss for my solution for the problem. Now I hope I can realize it in high quality and put it online.

Outside people are following my lead. The woman at the bakery was more engaged than usual, recommended me a different bread, but I stayed firm and said: Next time.

I noticed I am still a little shy and hide my true self sometimes. That’s probably because I am not used to being so visible. Not even on Khan QV1 I felt so visible. Also, I feel connected. No hard feelings for all people.


@AlexanderGraves In a parallel universe, I would do the same thing. I always saw it as my destiny. But now I invested so much in the “Artist” brand. Maybe I can connect both and start a “Self improvement for Artists” brand. Thanks for the inspiration.

Edit: I notice that my spelling gets worse the more I write. Probably because I write down what I get dictated from my subconscious very fast and without censor.


Here we are. Limitless is doing its job:

The software project I thought would take 6 hours and later had the insight that it would take 90 minutes, in reality took 60 minutes.

Brain is on fire.


Absolutely. Double down on the niche!

Best way to make big bucks. Narrow it down as much as possible.


What a neat idea :ok_hand:

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Yes, now I have to start working on it.

At the moment with ZP I am waking up early and have no problem to get out of bed because life seems worth living and exciting.

After the initial effect that I wanted to socialise a lot through social media and with friends, I now want to get into work. That means writing something for the future.

This is the second rest day since ZP start for me.

Woke up at 6 am.