Manifestation: Explained

It matters for me, I am curious.

There are two forms of manifestation, active and passive. Our subs utilize both methods. Qv2 was active manifestation heavy. ZP is balanced.

Both starts with strong intention. Active resolves when you actively take steps to manifest something. You want ice cream. You want it bad. You drive to the store and buy some ice cream. You want to know what manifestation is, so you come to the forum and you ask. That’s active.

Passive is different and more esoteric and controversial. Passive manifestations are the ones that get the most hype here and is generally what people call “getting results,” even though that’s inaccurate, as a sudden drive to actually achieve something is a result.

Anyway, with passive manifestation, you set an intention in the subconscious mind using a various modality, and then the subconscious mind manifests it automatically, as that’s the known prime function of the subconscious—to manifest situations that will keep you alive and safe. But the subconscious is malleable, just like all things, and you can mold it to respond differently to a situation though a mixture of passive and active manifestation.

For example: if you’re afraid of dogs, but you set an intention to realize that most dogs are friendly to humans, that’s the passive part. That belief alone, however, won’t eliminate the fear response when you see a dog. The active part, approaching friendly dogs for adoption, for example, and petting them will reinforce the intention until it becomes reality.

In the case of your example, setting the intention of meeting your perfect match informs your subconscious to start looking for opportunities. Now, the mechanisms of how this works is the esoteric part, but we’ll skip that. Once you begin the active part, you’ll reinforce the passive.

As above, so below.


This dude definitely on wanted

This was exactly the answer I was looking for Manifestation when I submitted a ticket few weeks ago.

Is TIME involved in this ?

as in

The more actively I chase the intention , the sooner my reality will change ?

That’s more intensity/focus than it is time.

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I find this thread very interesting, thanks for it op and many of the excellent posters who have added.

Some years ago I was wondering how you could not like someone yet be drawn to them. How some people have the famous reality distortion field. I used some rapport techniques at work back then so I wondered what else was out there in the world of rapport.

That’s when I can across this “coach” who in his spare time does santaria (sorry for the esoteric reference op.) so I’m reading this transcript of a seminar he did and I’m looking at it through this critical, materialistic view thinking “this just sounds goofy. There’s no way it’ll work.”

But I’m thinking to myself I honestly don’t know how the thing that lead me to ask these questions happened, I like a puzzle, I’ll try it and see what happens.

A person asked me to brunch. I didn’t think it would work so I casually, half heartedly tried it for five minutes or so. When I switched from pacing to leading and this person I know and respect just started following me with no awareness it was happening my jaw about dropped through the bar.

After lunch I rushed home and reopened the transcript looking for what other techniques were in it. I read them and said “this is crazy. There’s zero chance this will work.”

And the cycle repeated. Honestly pacing and leading works. That’s like level 1. The other stuff was more level 2 and probably wouldn’t have worked if not for some gateway stuff I did the same day, coincidentally.

That’s when I stopped caring how. Epistemology and phenomenology might not be opposites, but poles of the same thing. I understand ops desire to know the details. But if a genie showed up and gave me a magic button to press that resulted in free on demand pizza, even if I couldn’t figure out how the button worked, I’d still press it. Pizza gremlins or not.


Support isn’t going to be able to answer metaphysical questions, ya’ll, lol. They don’t have that kind of knowledge.


Yes. There are a lot of factors that can influence passive manifestation.


In short: your brain/mind is not a passive objective observer of reality. It is actively participating in the generation of phenomenological content.

This is different from what we are usually taught as children.

We’re generally trained to imagine ourselves as: Passive Objective Observers at the center of the Universe

That is not because of a conspiracy. It’s because it seems to be the case.

The sun seems to be rising and setting and moving around the earth in a circular pattern. And so that’s what many people were taught and trained to believe.

Until they looked more carefully.

At that point, heliocentrism replaced geocentrism. And today in 2022, those who continue to look more carefully (and even those who don’t look that carefully) have long since abandoned a heliocentric cosmos.

Similarly, when you stick your hand into a bucket of ice-water, what seems to be happening is that your nervous system is passively and objectively sensing temperature.

In fact, your brain-mind (most notably) the oldest parts of your brainmind are actively generating the sensations that arise in response to the stimulus.

How do we know this? Here are just two sources of evidence:

  1. People with damaged or unusual nervous systems will generate alternative sensory experiences in response to the same stimuli


  1. People with enough patience and focus can generate alternative sensory experiences in response to the same stimuli.

Your brain and sensory systems are less like “Windows onto the world” and more like a computer monitor displaying a generated image that you call 'World".

Pardon the pun, but I won’t resist: Your ongoing sensory experience of reality is less like ‘a window’ and more like ‘Windows’. (I hear your groans as praise.)

This is only discussing small-scale manifestation. The manifestation of a sensory experience. I believe that this occurs on a much larger continuum of manifestation.

And that, my friend, is my opinion.

But in order to construct a satisfying account or ‘proof’ that works for you, we would need to have a sense of your own first principles and primary assumptions.

In other words, rather than simply asking ‘Why does manifestation work’? You would need to actively express something of your own view of how you define manifestation and what makes you think that it might or might not exist.

It’s okay, either way, though. You’re alive, you’re here, and your mind is basically doing what it needs to do; whether you explore this particular question or not.


All hail the Glorious Radio Towers :wink:

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I wanna give more examples to make this clearer, please correct me if I say something wrong:

  • MOGUL: You want to make money and be rich. Mogul makes your subconscious open pathways and give you ideas on what to do, but you need to consciously execute the ideas you have and not wait for money to magically come.
  • STARK: Innovation and fame. Your subconscious (passive) will set your reality up that people are interested in you and you can create innovative things. The active part is actively working on things you want to innovate, actively go into areas where you can be seen (or your work, because I know you said Stark can also make you Steve Jobs. A very successful loner where HIS WORK IS FAMOUS before he was).
  • PRIMAL SEDUCTION. Your subconscious sets you up that you KNOW how to seduce and your sexual skills are LEGIT. But you still need to actively approach/initiate to create the scenario.

In other words, as you said, people only focus on the passive manifestations to come to them without doing anything. And, yes, some things just happen seemingly “out of nowhere” but only because there was an environment for the subconscious to manifest it and you took action towards it. Maybe that action was also somewhat subconscious. But it was action you took.

In other words, help your subconscious to make it real by building an environment that favors it. As in, actively work on the goals of the sub you listen to.


If you want a quantum physics point of view on manifestation and the breakdowns of how it works I suggest you listen to Mark Haughton(youtube) he breaks things down in a way everyone can understand and how to apply. He also talks about universal law which has helped me alot during my journey.

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