MALKUTH, Building : BUILDING, Malkuth

An iterative creative/productive approach focuses on successive completions.

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I’m pulling away from the framework of Subliminal Play Periods. They’re legitimate; it’s just that I’m committed to a long-term duration with my stack. So I’m thinking more in terms of a 28-week cycle.

2 days a week. 3 weeks on, 1 week off. Simple.

In the meantime, I’m allowing things to change and evolve in their various times.

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Remember: All you need for things to be good is for things to be good.


Trust the Process

Of Failing and Succeeding

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Another play day.

Grateful for every one.

Did it with seated meditation today.

Last two weeks or so have been integrating some standing meditation. Zhan Zhuang practice. 站樁. Today went back to sitting for the full hour.

Mentioned it above but RICH in my custom (with the help of other modules) has already manifested 600USD for a 2 hour commitment. There will be preparation work required too, so technically a bit less.

I took no direct action to receive this work opportunity. People who I did not previously know literally contacted me out of the blue. After deliberating for two days, I chose to do it. In part, I accepted it because I want to thank and honor the manifestation process itself. I’ll give it my best and trust the rest.

RICH (and Secret Source and Sultan and others) are in my PATHS custom. At the same time, Yggdrasil, Jupiter, Ascension Chamber and Void of Creation are in my NAISSANCE custom. They likely all contributed to that manifestation.

Right now I’m thinking a lot about the Sapiens custom. Particularly the Human Insight/Human Connection modules in it: Eagle Eye, Empath, Mercy Protocol, Way of Understanding (and also Entranced, Whispered Power, and even Wisdom Personified). All actively processing and integrating within me right now.

As for the timing required, I have no idea.

Three fully-packed 20-module customs. Each in Terminus2 build strength.

I was mentally preparing myself to wait much longer; even for initial expressions. Yet they’ve already begun coming.

These three programs represent the culmination of everything I’ve run in Subliminal Club since I started on September 1, 2019.

This is it.

This is what I want.

Barring fundamental upgrades to the tech, there’s nothing that I want to change in my current set-up. I am walking with it; living with it; and growing with it.

I always think of it in terms of ‘growing a new body’.

As an example:

It is said to take the human skeletal system about 10 years to fully regenerate and remodel itself. This means that if you provide your skeletal system with beneficial resources (environmental, nutritional, fitness/activity, and so on), you can reasonably expect that 10 years from now, you will see the full fruition of those beneficial factors. They’ll be expressed in a high-quality skeletal system.

You’ll see positive changes throughout that entire 10 year period, but in general, you’ll require that full 10 years to see the ultimate expression of what you’re doing.

Same with prenatal nutrition and resources. No matter how high the quality of nutrition, exercises, and practices that you use (as a pregnant human woman), you’ll need (and want) to wait those 40 weeks to see the ultimate result. It’s supposed to take 40 weeks. If it takes 5 weeks, then something’s wrong. Faster is not always better.

For some cycles we have clear timeframes. Others are less well-understood. But cyclicality is a reality of nature.

So trust the cycles and let them do their work.

I’ve provided this excellent nutrition in the form of my subliminals, my practices, and (hopefully) facilitative attitudes.

Now walk with it and let it work.


There have been these gradual, ongoing, and subtle shifts in my work tasks and commitments that, as I reflect on them, are serving to align my work more and more with what I want it to be. It keeps taking me by surprise.

And as this movement keeps happening, it’s becoming easier and easier for me to conceive of ‘next possible steps’ that will enhance that alignment still further.

I just noticed it again.

I have this task to do that is kind of hanging over me. And I was processing my feelings and thoughts in order to manage my responses to that task. To avoid unnecessary angst, for example. And as I was processing, I was struck by this inexorable aligning movement and manifestation that has been happening and is continuing to happen.

I just need to show up and give it my best (and my wisest).

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Dope music from an earlier era of NYC culture:

This was from the clubs when I was a kid. (But I was not in the clubs.)


Woke up from very active dream life.

It felt like there were so many things happening. Rapidly receding now.

Time to meditate.

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Don’t use memory as an escape from the present.

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Still pushing myself to work on this task. Really don’t want to do it. It’s required by my job.

I’m thinking that for my next play period (starting on December 24, 2022), I’ll do my first trial Healing Retreat, lasting for just one play period.

The purposes of the Healing Retreat are:

  • To continue absorbing the beneficial influences of my POOLS Bioenergetic Healing and Drakari Internal Healing customs

  • To allow more processing time and bloom opportunity for my ongoing stack

If I follow this plan, it means that from 14 December to 20 January I will be resting my stack. 21 January, I’ll pick it back up again.

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With how my plays are currently scheduled, I end up basically having two phases:

I. Active listening phase: this phase spans 18 days. (I play on Saturdays and Tuesdays for 3 weeks. From the first Saturday to the final Tuesday there are 18 days.)

II. Processing phase: this phase spans 10 days.

I’m starting to notice, I think, that during the Processing phase is where I’m seeing some of my strongest results. I guess it’s a kind of bloom-related phenomenon.

The most obvious and marked result so far has been the one I keep mentioning: an e-mail from a stranger offering me a lucrative short-term working opportunity.

I just went back and checked the date of that e-mail and, yes, it arrived right in the middle of my most recent Processing phase. Also during that Processing phase, I found important teachings and pointers for some of my developmental practices. Interesting.

The next Processing phase begins on 14 December 2022. I’ll have 10 processing days. Then (as mentioned in the previous post) I’ll switch to my Healing stack for one play period. Wonder if I’ll keep seeing results and bloom effects from my current stack while I’m on that Healing stack? We shall see.

I guess this experience may gradually give me more clues on how to work with Terminus2 programs (e.g., exposure-to-processing interval ratios and so on).

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Spirituality, for me, is about Ontology, Cosmology, and Purpose.

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I wrote this 7 years ago. It’s popping back up in my imagination. Got a bit of this mood in my heart.

I want to make a little video for it. Probably won’t have time for that until Spring.

How far the fruit falls from the tree (4x)

I’m taking my time
I’m walking about
I’m saving my distance for the lion of heart

I’m taking my time
I’m looking around
I’m saving a space for the things I’ve found

How far the fruit falls from the tree (4x)


…: :exploding_head:

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I often evaluate who I want to tell ‘yes’, based on the grace and balance with which they are able to receive a ‘no’.


Nostalgia is such a liar

Such a beautiful liar


I’ve been working with Sapiens for almost 4 months now.

The productivity modules in this custom have a lot of heavy-lifting to do because they’re working with some of the most intractable aspects of my nature.

Carpe Diem Ascended, Productivity Unleashed, Victory’s Call. They’re all being processed.

And I am noticing movement. I am avoiding less, and my proactiveness is gradually increasing.

In both the Western zodiac and the Chinese zodiac my basic nature happens to be represented by The Bull. This is apt.

Takes me a while to get moving. And once I’ve really gotten moving, I’m not so quick to either stop or change course.

So, for me, it’s important to give processes enough time to build up momentum and steam.

Although I’m slower to get started than others, after enough time has gone by with consistent enough focus on my part, I usually find that I’ve caught up to the pace. And sometimes I’m still going strong after others have chosen to stop.

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You think you’re losing,

because you didn’t get the respect of someone who you don’t respect.

Think about that.

And then work, train, and learn to first develop true, compassionate respect for yourself.

That’s the seed from which the entire garden grows.