MALKUTH, Building : BUILDING, Malkuth

The next 6 days will be processing days. Next scheduled sub day: 26 November 2022.

I’m noticing that my system appears to be starting to adapt well to the rhythm of this routine.

My last play day was Tuesday 15 November 2022. And I’ve noticed subtle (to me) manifestations over the past few days. Almost as if they spiked up the moment I switched to processing.

Today was also odd because I didn’t meditate until 7:45 pm. Not my preference, but it worked for today. Went to the park and ran through the taijiquan form two times. Knees are still adjusting to practice. Keeping the stances high.

Last week when I practiced, a dog sat down and chilled near me.

Today, little children did. I started off with about 8 minutes of static standing posture, zhan zhuang. Some kids stopped in front of me and watched for a while. Then waved. I used my hand to wave back. later 6 more kids came back and stood around me. Then one of them started mimicking my movements. Another older man walked over and hung around my sphere a bit.

Then at the end, someone dressed in white robes came and watched as I ended my form. Then gave me a little nod/bow and walked off. All I knew was my knees hurt.

lot of work to do tomorrow.

grateful to be alive.

We’ll figure this crap out.

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Is this Tai Chi?

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Taiji literally refers to the cosmic principle of Integrative Polarity that gives rise to all material phenomena. That principle is represented as:




“Quan” means Boxing Method or literally ‘fist’.

Taijiquan, thus, means ‘The method of fighting inspired by the principle of Integrative Polarity’

It gets shortened to Tai Ji, or Tai Chi.

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Nice to know that you are doing Tai Chi. Somehow suits your personality.

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Result - Manifestation

I just opened up an e-mail that arrived this morning and saw that I had been contacted out of the blue to offer two 1-hour talks (somewhat) related to my professional area (in which I do trainings and supervision).

The contact is willing to pay ~300 USD for each talk. But, they’re also asking for it to take place in 3 weeks, which is a busy time for me. So pretty tight.

I am free to refuse, and I’ll take the day to choose.

I’m sharing it here, however, because it’s clearly a manifestation.

I can think of 4 to 5 modules (and more) that gave rise to this.



Result - Manifestation

Got another offer for work that will bring in some additional pay. This one is internal to my job. The first one was practically from out of nowhere.


This week feels like another point when I’ve started to experience clearer and more obvious manifestations from my stack.

As I’ve mentioned above, I’m running a heavy stack. Three 20-module Terminus2 customs.

I layered them in one by one. The first program was begun on 12 August 2022, the final program was put in place on 1 October 2022.

Now on 22/11/2022, I’m starting to experience a somewhat increased flow of manifestation. Very interesting. I can also tell that things are really only just at the beginning.

I was actually expecting to have to wait much longer before seeing initial results.

I feel like this week I’ve seen initial RICH and Secret Source manifestations.


At this point, pretty much waking up every day with a sense of having been dreaming. Some I remember, some I don’t.


Result - Manifestation

This one was internal. As I walked and reflected last night, I got the idea for three initiatives/projects that I could propose in my current job. They’re only ideas and I’m not wedded to them. But if enacted they could lead to my work being more satisfying and motivating.

I don’t know if they’ll happen; but it’s the fact that my mind organically generated the ideas that feels like the significant manifestation. (I see you Emperor…and Spiritual Reality Alignment…and Quantum Limitless…and The Merger of Worlds…and Ascension Chamber…and Chiron…and Mastermind…and…)


Today and tonight I’ve been finding myself thinking about consciousness and levels of consciousness.

Not in the sense of a simple easy progression. Not in the sense of going from “worse” to “better’.

I don’t think that 25 years old is “better” than 20 years old just because it’s further along the path.

But it’s also true that from different altitudes different views become possible. And sometimes, when we reach a particular view, it can resolve some of the conflicts and contradictions that may have trapped us before.

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If I have to pay you $1000 to be my friend, then the friendship is not worth $1.

If I don’t have to pay you anything to be a true friend, then the friendship is worth more than $1,000,000.

With some things in life, the more they cost, the less they’re worth.


Ultimately, you can only be enslaved to your mind.

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Okay, tomorrow is the 10th processing day. Saturday 26 November is a subliminal exposure day again.

During these 10 processing days, I started to notice more results. Am interested to see what happens next.

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Informational Manifestation tonight

Making important connections about my functioning and about where healing is needed.

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Must have watched this about 60 times already.

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In a definite mood tonight

A bittersweet longing

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The Process Continues…

Day One of a new Play Period. The third play period of my complete stack.

In the past 1-2 weeks I observed a number of clear manifestations and results. From all three of my customs.

Things are just barely getting started, and it was already enough to amaze me.

In a conversation with my wife, I noticed Whispered Power at work. She’s a firebrand and an action-taker and that leads to interesting interactions for her at times. As she was telling me about a vexing disagreement/conflict with some partners, I spoke to her and noticed that my tone and energy were deep, quiet, and peaceful.

Secret Source and RICH manifested an out-of-the-blue brief working opportunity in mid-December.

Sage Immortal, Alchemist, and others have been manifesting high-quality actionable sources of insight and direction with regard to my Inner Practices.

And the beat goes on…