Male enhancement

I’ve done ME exercises on/off for a bit over 6 months so it is difficult to know what comes from exercises and from the sub alone.

I could have been more consistent with the exercises and the ultima, but this was more like a fun project during lockdown than a huge priority for me. Being consistent with Khan ST1 and the DR ST 1 has been a bigger priority.

I haven’t done before/after measurements since implementing the sub, but I have noticed gains when looking in the mirror the last month. I could do a measurement today and report back in a month or two if that helps anybody out.

So far, I’ve only implemented the ME module in the Ultima mentioned above. However, Since I recently decided to go name-embedded with my core modules, I wrote an e-mail to support this weekend asking how much it would take away from my core, if I added ME, Height Inducer and Deep Sleep to my core. If it doesn’t take away too much, I’ll add these to my cores in the foreseeable future starting with DR ST 2.


sounds great, when you say name embed your core-I assume you mean make a custom?
Adding some physical change modules and deep sleep in a custom with a core, likely won’t effect your experience with the core of that sub much at all in the beginning, and certainly not a month or so in. But keep us updated with what they say. I’d be curious to know. Sounds like your running khan and DR stages together …nice :slight_smile: strongly leaning towards the same.

Yes custom - I’m still relatively new here, so my lingo isn’t 100 % on point yet :D. I wondered if adding eg. Deep Sleep to a core would mean that Deep Sleep would take up 50 % of the total script of the custom, but sounds like that isn’t the case.

I actually did Khan ST 1 first. I was planning to go on a Khan journey, but when the second wave of lockdown started, I could see that I wouldn’t be possible to take action on Khan ST 3 and 4, so I decided to do DR ST 1 and 2 before moving to Khan ST 2. But I’m sure they’ll go nicely together.


Would love to hear your experience with khan 1.

Sure thing man.

For overall body morphing I just added Male Enhancement, Facial Morphing and Physicality Shifter - Sexiness. No boosters like the DNA module.

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Apparently yes. I was reaching almost 4 months with my custom but changed my priorities.
So like, 3 months 20+ days and YES! Increased length.

@Azriel Forgot what the inch’s like in cm. Thanks man! Now a proud member of the Biggus Dickus Club, and the second one as well. Gentleman’s Club of Subliminal Physical Augmentations.

Only for the customsub with Q power level I got, haven’t tried custom Ultimas yet. Although I’m very interested in them, just that saving cash for another big investment of mine.

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Thank - that is amazing in 3 1/2 months.

I know this is a pretty strange conversation to have in a group of adult men, but do you think you had any girth development as well?


If I recall, there’s been minimal changes with girth. Barely 0.5 increase in 3 months. I attribute that since I don’t have a problem with my current girth, just seeking length in here.

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That’s still pretty good in 3 months. Did you do any exercises?

Not at all, I heard of Kegels but I haven’t made any exercises at all. Should I adapt them?

Look up stretching and jelqing and go easy if you decide to start - but seems like you’re doing fine just on the sub. It does work but it takes time (at least without the sub).

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Excellent! Will adapt this exercises soon enough. Thanks man.

Excellent choice. Impressive results! Thanks.

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Don’t want to hijack the thread but let me give you a brief answer :slight_smile:

My experience with Khan 1 was very much similar to what you can read in other forum posts. In the beginning i tried to mix some other subs in an overloaded myself with loops since I was new to Subclub. After that it was tough but not overwhelming and not super eventful. A lot reflection, sadness and anger in periods and a lot of sudden joy, appreciation and excitement in other periods.

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I reckon Subclub should release a FREE Lite Booster/Flusher subliminal that can be used 1 LOOP daily, and this particular sub should be geared to flush any limiting beliefs, doubts from the subconscious that prevent results from the main titles used, and also at the same time boost all subliminals effectiveness and allow user to get quicker and consistent results. Many folks have a lot of limiting beliefs and stubborn brain lol. I could be using a sub like this… This would help a lot PPL for sure.


Why should it be FREE?

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People love freebies!:grinning:.
—In this case all parties involved would benefit. Would you be more inclined to invest time/money on subs if you knew you had a tool that WOULD literally boost your results quicker with consistency …? I know I would. PS. If NOT free, then it could be the same price as the old superchargers… $9.99 I think some of them were.

Thats why we do some healing :slight_smile:

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With all due respect Slasher would you work without pay ?. How would you like it if i said to you Hey Slasher i can offer you a top notch job but there is no pay ?. I think you would politely turn me down my offer !. You agree ?

Saint and Fire both have families how can they possibly sustain themselves if they are going to churn out free products ?. SC is not a charity foundation or a goverment backed project.

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Well, it’s not exactly a free product so much as a product enhancer.

SC would get more clients/subliminals bought, while the clients who currently get less results would get more of them.

Sounds like a Win/Win situation.