Main Discussion Thread: Seductress for Women

First, I am sorry you getting overt threats of violence. It is likely such threats against you are illegal, and I hope you can get this resolved and stopped.

To be clear, SC is here for personal development. This idea about SC being a part of a Golden Age or social revolution is in someone else’s imagination. SC is for the individual for their personal goals and plans.

SC was and is politically and socially neutral, and aspires to be a light house for those journeying on the sea of personal development. Each person can buy SC subliminals to build the life they choose.

My concern for all is that you and all those involved are safe, and that you are leading the life of your choosing without harm to others.


The flip side of that is subs such as Ascension, A4W, Seductress and so on…they help people become more of who they already are. Removes the blinders and artificial limitations we’ve placed on ourselves.

I was loathe to run DR1, even after I bought The Dragon, because of what it might do to my relationship if whatever stuff I have in there gets removed and I realize I want a different relationship or something.

A good friend recently shone the light on the above part about the subs just revealing who we really are and if a relationship falls apart because of that, then it probably wasn’t a solid relationship in any case. More like a relationshit :wink:


I know (and I will stop this topic after this).

I didn’t mean you will pick sides, you will likely be like the companies making pickaxes in the gold rush. You just provide the tools, nothing else.
You can use a pickaxe to build, shape, and find gold. Or to cut someone’s arm off.
HOW you use it determines the outcome.

Still, this didn’t stop people from calling the pickaxe companies out for making money in those times.

And you do well to take the stance you take (which is none). Best move forward.

I just don’t answer.
It’s the best thing you can do. Block and don’t engage.
Or as Saint says, ban on sight and proceed with what you were doing anyway.

I will add a disclaimer to my post above just to make sure.


Since my wife DID listen to seductress I can report. She had about 2-3 loops (QV2) and she said she didn’t feel anything.
Mind you, it was her first ever sub experience, so it is likely hard to judge for her.

I DO notice her being more feminine and self-confident about her body (watching the actions, not words, as you should).

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And I disagree. If you’re man enough, you will be able to handle her.

And I absolutely agree with @SaintSovereign. It will only bring out what was already in her.

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Last few posts deleted. Back on topic. Experiences, reviews and questions for those planning to run or already using Seductress.

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I agree with this. I’m having some issues because I’m growing and developing at an incredible rate, and my wife isn’t. It’s causing her to have some rather unhealthy reactions. Possibly because she fears that I can do “better” and I’m likely to leave.


Yes if the distance gets too big between you two, this will end badly.

It happens quite often that one party elevates themselves and the other wants the “old self” back.

Recipe for disaster.

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Maybe it’s me and my traditional upbringing but I think of my wife as the woman I’m destined to be with as long as I live so if I were growing “fast” I would hope she would at be willing to grow with me, uncomfortable as it may be for both of us.

I just remind myself that I’m the only person I have control over. I can lead but I can’t drag her.

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I just randomly found this text in the general instructions PDF of any sub:

If you are worried that title sounds too masculine, but you still want to run it—do not worry. Consider this metaphor: Some women are afraid that lifting weights will cause them to have develop that competitive bodybuilder physique, so they avoid heavy lifting like a plague and focus on cardio.
What actually happens when they start lifting is exactly what they were looking for—amazing sculpting of the body in the places they always wanted!
Or a subliminal like Khan which is highly focused on sexuality and social dominance will help women become incredibly comfortable with her own sensuality and emanate a presence of mind shattering femininity.

I did NOT know that virtually ALL titles are Unisex?

I mean I remember @Fire saying (in this thread somewhere) that Khan will be very taxing on women, but it still works. Which really sparked this mad conversation (which I don’t want to reboot).

I don’t have a question, just wanted to add this for anyone who was confused (like me).

RTFM, right? Well…

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Thanks for quoting this. This is why I once mentioned that PS could be run by women but couldn’t remember where I got the idea from (whether it is beneficial is debatable and upto the person running it ofcourse)

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Y’all. Make another thread to discuss this.

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Yeah, uh, mine was very tongue in cheek :joy: but thanks for pointing it out. Taken out of context it could be seen as something else.

That said, this is still in my main custom that I just reordered to get v2 of everything. Still no rawr.

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@SaintSovereign @Fire I couldn’t possibly thank you enough to the both of you for creating this sub

I’m legit just finding out about this one today, spent the majority of the morning reading this, very interesting read of this post…

This is exactly what I have been looing for to get my wife her previous life back rebuilt, I think after the healings are done I will ask her to get this. The objectives literally defined everything she was before her mental health breakdown.

as for the insecure guys… damn chill lol, what guy does not what their SO to be self sufficient and confident?? this Sub topic I feel brought out the mentality a lot of us hold and the kind of unsecure relationships we have.

As I said before the objectives of this sub were an absolute reality of my wife (of 14 years) before 2018. and I’d say definitely will pull her back on her feet and dominate her life her business.

Sure you can counter Seductress with Khan or so, but don’t have the mind set of countering her, if you begin to counter your partner it will only lead to an end of a relationship, A confident women knows and trusts the man she knows who values her, AlphaMale or not… Anyways… just my 2 cents


Great input!

I think a bunch of guys are getting triggered by this idea that seductress will help her attracter “her dream man.”

As if maybe that’s not them.

If that’s your fear, keep running subliminals!

MY Grlfriend started this recently. Been going through lots of anxiety this week even just from 1 loop last week. I recommended she stack it with Elixir or Chosen, both of which make her feel good, and elixir specifically helps heal blockages, which is her main goal of listening to seductress.

The healing is definitely working fast!

Its difficult at first for her, but definitely valuable.


I am also thinking on this set, currently once she’s back in the country I am planning a Paragon cycle to do some healing from her anxiety and see where it goes, tho I know Seductress will bring her old self back but she definitely will fall partially into that anxiety again with Seductress, so adding Elixir and or Chosen might be a good idea. right now it’s baby steps, starting with paragon, and def need to get her off those anti depressants…

Paragon wouldnt heal her anxiety, its for physical healing… pain, cold symptoms, arthritis, stuff like that.

Anxiety healing: Chosen has been better than anything else for my girlfriend. Of course emotional healing subs like regeneration have a long term impact, but Chosen will stop her from having a panic attack and drastically reduce anxiety in under 30 mins.

Seductress also heals anxiety… specifically around other women… but it heals it by first stoking the anxiety, just like regeneration and DR make you face your fears, so does seductress.

I read here that Paragon would help in the mental health department, obviously after the physical healing, and she does need some physical healing actually. but it seems Chosen might be the next option along with paragon, the anxiety really came out after it was just too much, seems a lot of buried emotions were finally released.

If the anxiety stems from a physical condition like thyroid problems for example, then once the thyroid is back in balance the anxiety would likely fall away…
If there is a vitamin or mineral imbalance in the body, paragon would guide you to the right supplements, foods, etc. & once that gets balanced out, the anxiety falls away!

I had great success on Paragon with physical healing that led to emotional rebalancing.