Main Discussion Thread - Q

It’s the question you ask that gets you journaling. So I just make sure to write something about each and every module.

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I wonder why this happens :thinking:

When would name-embeddening-by-default come for the standard subs next year? (I call this event the namebeddening :slight_smile:)


We should make a bet in the emperor’s lounge, winner get’s a free module in the Q store :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Who is sponsoring this free module

Can you write more details please? Thank you in advance

If I had to guess. Ultrasonics go deeper/further away from conscious awareness. Masked is more shallow. Depending on your nature one might be more suitable. In my case I’ve always had control issues and my conscious mind is nosy as hell. If it cant get in on something or understand how it’s working I get anxious.

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Next year? Phew! Saint, you can relax now, they don’t want it this year anymore.


This year please please please :pray:


I said this because Saint said in some reply that it’s coming next year. If circumstances have made it more likely to come sooner, then great!

Too late, we’re taking a break now. Blame SubUser. :wink:

You know how it goes. It comes sooner than we expect it too, until the very last moment, then we get one or more little delays. :slight_smile:

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@pacman You should of said this month. :wink:
@DarkPhilosopher :wink:


This month or this week, or tomorrow please.

It would be interesting to see a mainstream add for subclub and how the public would react, i feel like all the business comes from us on the forum getting all hyped for the newest tech.:laughing:

If you’ve seen what happened to the seduction industry once it became too mainstream. Was it last year that the anti-campaign started that caused dating guru’s YouTube channels to be deleted by YouTube? All because of a combination of a few bad apples and the built-in fear of people who weren’t ready to understand yet.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever it is we have to offer to the world, if we do so without expecting a specific outcome, the people who are ready to receive it will be drawn to us. Subliminals is one of those things where I don’t even remember how I got there, and finding SubClub is a series of coincidences. But I was ready for it when it came into my life.

So my opinion is to let it be like it is. As SubClub expands with the Boys following their passion, it’ll attract more and more people and they will spread the word to like-minded people and SubClub will grow that way. Eventually the momentum will be so great subliminals stop being a pseudo-science and the word comes to terms with it.

But over-exposure too soon may bring the anti-subliminal people to the foreground, those that are now either oblivious of our existence or simply don’t care enough because they have no idea how big SubClub already is. And they will start spreading horror stories, backed by “evidence” of manipulation and reprogramming.


Yea, I’d rather keep this on the down low. It’s a bit too fringe, really.

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I’m I the only one who wants to keep these a secrets :joy:

The powers of the universe reserved for the open minded, karmically blessed, and alchemically ready few. lol


As much as I would love for the founders to bear their fruits, I would love for this stay very lowkey as well. In my opinion and worldview, EVERY thing that becomes too mainstream becomes corrupted in some way, shape, or form. I do not believe Saint or Fire have any prediposition whatsoever for that, but once you have to start dealing with bigger, external forces with not-so-good motives, things start to get dicey, especially if they think your work interferes with theirs.

Let me become the Khan Alchemist while others watch their reality TV. Still, at the same time, I would love for all of humanity to reach their fullest potential and break free from the game we’re all playing.


I think going foreward I am going to have two customs both using the same same core. One for energetic and spiritual development and the second focusing on masculine development, physical changes etc.


We’re very resistant to any kind of outside sources influencing our business and how we run it. We’ve already created close to a 10 year roadmap, as well as our long term business philosophy, which we stick to heavily. Our biggest fear is the emergence of scammers attempting to capitalize off an industry that’s primed to explode. And, it’s already happening. We’ve had people outright steal our files and try to resell them as their own. There’s also the “competitor” we mentioned in another thread that’s selling complete silence as “ultrasonic” and “masked” files with no vocal track. In other words, a 100% scam. Everything about that outfit is fake. They’re now running Facebook ads where they’ve bought thousands of fake bot likes and all the comments on the ad are from their own friends and family. It took us two years to get our page to 20k+ likes because they’re all from authentic people. This page went from 0 to 11k in a day.

This nonsense hits our industry and the legitimacy of it. People will be turned away from any kind of esoteric / alternative self-help methods as a whole because of this nonsense. It’ll be up to you guys to make sure everyone knows when a company is producing quality work versus total nonsense.