Main Discussion Thread - Q

USA has 4 time zones… It’s 1016am in California and 117pm in Florida…

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I think dark mentioned somewhere that saint is from the west coast, so I’m guessing its early morning for him, which means its should be out in a couple of hours, brace urselves guys, I know I’m super excited to check out the Q store.


I have a strange feeling that I end up purchasing two subs because there are so many options


@DarkPhilosopher did you see the serum x ? and face changing module ?. if so please share.

The countdown begins. :slight_smile:
T-Minus 15.


I think you would actually lose some effectiveness.

Besides, you can take a couple modules that are all geared towards the same goal and combine those with a support modules that increase stackability for that sub, integration and communication between the consciousness and subconsciousness. Maybe one or two like a limit destroyer or belief changer and you’ll be at 10.

Would you really buy a sub with only 1 module and 99+ USD build costs?

As for Saint not being active here, he’s spending all his time at the store right now. I can literally see it change as I refresh and browse. Lots going on there.

Strange feeling, eh? Hope it’s nothing serious, there’s a pandemic going on, you know? :wink:

The advice I can give people is to go onto the store with a goal in mind. Sex, money, learning, spiritual development etc. Then quickview every module and add the ones that “click” for that goal.

In the end you end up with a whole bunch of modules in the cart. Write them down, then open each of them from the cart and once you get to the end of the list, eliminate one and start at the top again. Until you reach 20. Or less if that’s the goal.

Otherwise it’s just too much to remember.

Yes, yes, share what exactly?

Days? :wink:

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For me, it is only about achieving goals. If I can have one very focused subliminal that is enough for me to reach a certain goal, why would I want more modules?


Granted, but there are multiple modules that approach the same goal using different methods. But who knows, maybe there’s a technical reason behind the 10 minimum that we don’t know yet.

My idea is that if you combine the right modules they become more than the sum of their parts. So the effect is increased. You would miss out on that with the one module.

I guess you’ll see soon enough.

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And I’d rather put everything I want (at the moment) together so I only have to worry about one sub. No more fomo when a new title drops because it doesn’t fit in an overly dense stack.

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Attention! Q Store link incoming!




There we go


surprised pikachu face


:heart: OMG OMG OMG OMG :partying_face:


Every reply that isn’t the link (including this one) :angry:

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Thank you Saint


I look forward to this more than a vaccine for covid… like way more…

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Waiting for link mood music


Go forth and build. I know I’m supposed to write an inspirational speech here about how this has been the dream of @Fire and myself since we started this company, but… I’m incredibly tired and I’m taking a break for a few hours, haha. Just know that we’re very proud of what we built.

A few things:

  1. There will be bugs and errors.
  3. Please send those bugs and errors to @Fire and myself PRIVATELY via PM. This is so we can keep up with all the issues without having to hunt them down.
  4. @Fire is moving your SubClub Elites coupons over right now. It may take awhile though.
  5. The site is moving a bit slow. That’s because we haven’t turned on caching and deployed our CDN. Didn’t feel like having to constantly clear the cache while working on it.
  6. Descriptions of each module aren’t completely fleshed out yet. I’m about to make a thread for you to ask questions about modules. It’ll take awhile for us to get to those questions, because I’m totally about to take a nap, haha.
  7. Yes, you can buy. Your accounts have already been transferred over to Q. Same username, same password. For those without an account, both sites are linked now (or at least it should). If you open an account on SubClub’s site, it’ll be available on Q (and vice versa).

Have fun, and I’ll be back in a bit to answer questions!


Lmao Saint is replying right now as hype reaches a climax :cowboy_hat_face:

edit: First!

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