Main Discussion Thread - Q

Grr…it’s annoying how my glasses fog up so easily in the cold and with my face mask on. I want to get contacts next year.

A mutual friend is getting LASIK soon and I’m curious to hear how that goes. I’ve thought about getting LASIK for some time, but I don’t like the error rates and the horror stories I’ve heard. I thought it would be better than that by now.

So that brings me to project Hero in the works. If that yields something that can legitimately give me 20/20 vision and not need glasses again…sign me the hell up!


Would you recommend that one does a sub washout before starting listening to his custom subliminal?

If yes, for how long?

I’m currently on 4 loops of RegQ and 2 loops of Elixir --> 5 days on, 2 days off.

I was thinking of starting my custom sub after the 2 days off… or would I need a longer washout?

For context: my sub is focused on healing the masculine, contains Regeneration and I will pair it with Elixir Ultima in the first month or two of listening.

No need bro @renet1

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Thank you!

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Welcome. Enjoy! =)

I think it’ll be great!

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@SaintSovereign when are you going to release the „running multiple subs/customs“ guidelines?


please share your experiments to maximise results Elme?

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@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher

Is still the minimum of modules you need to built a Q custom 6? Or could I also built one with 3?

3 is doubtful, I believe you need a certain minimum to make it work. As far as the actual minimum, as far as I know it hasn’t changed. If it was 6, it would still be 6. RV will probably know, he is disciplined enough to make smaller customs, while I cram as many modules as possible in there. :slight_smile:

Q: 10-20
Ultima: 3-6

But some people have made customs with more or less.


For Qv2, minimum of 10, maximum of 20.

For Ultima, minimum of 3, maximum of 6.

@bujin got it!