The content and the tech – possibly TOO far. The purpose of this test is to determine what the limitations are for a single file. Q uses both AI and cloud computing to create titles, which means we could fit more into a title than we have in the past. We’re not even sure if the subconscious will comprehend the amount of data we’re trying to fit into a singular file – and it’s A LOT. If successful, this means we can make extremely powerful titles very quickly. If it’s not successful, we’ll just cut back on the amount of data put into one file until we start seeing success.
So, let’s temper our expectations a bit. We deliberately went beyond what we thought would “work” just to push the boundaries a bit. Of course, there’s sufficient protections within the script itself in regards to data processing.
Also, we may be able to create our first “hybrid” file. Note, this step will be done by hand. Q isn’t yet equipped to create hybrids.