Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Customs NOW LIVE

I will report after a week of practice :slight_smile:

And here is the problem, most people do not know what they want.

Granted, they may say they want wealth but what they really want is the ability to spend money not actually make it. Also, they do not know in which arena they want to make money in.

As for the article you linked to, it is a load of rubbish. Take for example the actresses listed, they simply got on with their job until they got a break. Take example Armani, his success started in 1957 when he got a job as a window dresser and not when he started his company in 1975.

Its bollocks.

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7 hours after the loop of ZP^2 : pure bliss, inner peace, confidence, power feelings !

ZP^2 is an excellent investment


Stark Chosen is a nice combo, where can I read about your journey? :slight_smile:


I will soon open a Journal :wink:


How have you planned your listening patern in the end ?

Once a day first, if too much once every other day.

The effects are still very strong since the loop (14 hours ago)

You complete mad lad :joy:

Of course it’s ZPT2 ahahaha what did you expect
Is there a rezason why you don’t plan any rest days ?

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No I will have rest days but I will experiment :wink:
I knew it was very strong but … I feel it for real it is not virtual anymore !

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Good journey mate :fist:t2:

Don’t destroy your mind on the process tho
Except if it is to be reborn

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ZPT² users


And me @unusualfellow :wink:


It’s an exciting build. I think you will be very pleased :slight_smile:


Is there any non-custom sub that has Alexander’s Play module?



Praying for your brain.


:rofl: thanks bro !

Who knows… some folks here call Khan ST3 the harem sub… so perhaps there’s something related there.

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Khan is hard for me to listen because it is a multistage sub…

Do you know any other which helps to build or maintain an harem?

I already have threesomes on the regular with my wife and other girls, but would like to have more than that with some women


If you keep listening to what has made you threesome available I think you can safely rest on it to push you and give you that edge that your looking for with new partners

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It makes sense, thanks

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