Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Custom Build Questions

I think saint’s answer would be better, at least I am more satisfied with his answers
And if other wanna know about this please like this post

I don’t even understand the question.

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What modules can replicate Wanted’s physical shifting? That’s the question @Alphamale is asking

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I was thinking about this earlier

I have several ideas about different customs

Wanted with the focus on the physical shifting/less on the seduction

Stark with the focus on cognitive improvemts/lick less on the social aspects

Khan with the focus on wealth, less on sex

I’m sure we can pair wanted with spartan/legacy/EF etc, stark with limitless, khan with/rich/mogul/eog. But the customs are probably a better route IMO.

In a way to use minimal slots, cuz I am using it long term
And also consider having emperorZP in the custom(which has some physical shifting)

I am sorry that I was vague

Wanted’s scripting is VERY unique, there’s nothing like it. In fact, attempts to separate the scripting from the rest of the Wanted script have failed. But, this will generate some good results:

Physicality Shifter
Facial Morphing
Alpha Body Language


Does emperorZP have hair scripts?

An Emperor doesn’t care about his hair. He gets whatever he desires regardless.


Naw. Wanted.


Thank you
That was useful

In what ways temptation module alone is different than the coquetry of WANTED?
Cuz WANTED have other scripts also which will give different synergistic effects eg.rogue scripts. It’s even possible that WANTED’s coquetry scripts are different in the way they are written.
I searched about it on the forum and someone said WANTED’s coquetry is more light-hearted, but I honestly am not satisfied with the answer.
I reached out to support multiple times and I was not satisfied to the point of reaching a solid conclusion about my custom.
Honestly my problem is that I wanted to have the whole physical shifting of WANTED+it’s coquetry in an Emperor and PCC manner, but I realized that is not possible. And also in the romance perspective emperorZP is giving me insane results honestly.
Anyways, I just wanna have a solid differentiation between WANTED and temptation.
I’d appreciate more of a forum-user-friend type answer rather than the “support-ticket” answer.
Thank you

I could not RESTRICT WANTED’s nonchalance which literally leaded people to not take me seriously and even pushing my physical boundaries to the point I used to full loops of my PCC, The commander, GLM custom(which has fearsome and furious ascent in it) and emperorZP. And I did not run WANTED Tonight(listening night).
When I went to that event I was feeling people are not giving me respect I would have without using WANTED.
And it was the 6th washout day(it was not the end of cycle and I was listening to 3 min versions before)
I clarified my boundaries with that guy, but MY problem with WANTED id that THESE people do not SENSE it. So they overstep, then you clarify.
That is why I dropped WANTED, but I wanna have that mystery aspect which is aligned with my PCC goals
As a matter of fact I want my whole subliminals to get passed from PCC stack.

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And a more descriptive insight about HERO’s objectives would be beneficial for me to decide about my physical shifting custom

What is the benefit of putting Rebirth in a custom and running the custom for a longer time? Is Rebirth more like a kickstarter for a sub or is it also helpful for a longer time than 2 cycles for example?

Here are key excerpts from the description of Rebirth:

Rebirth urges your subconscious to cast away any preconceived notions of who you were in the past, and helps you create a new internal model of who you are and your place in the universe. With Rebirth, you will reframe your views with blinding speed, allowing you to sculpt your new identity with ease.

Rebirth will help create the perfect environment for you to achieve any inner changes you desire, and will to show you what you need to work on and how.

That’s the essence. It is much more than just a Results Enhancer or a kickstarter.

It helps you to become a person with the courage and power to guide her/his own personality development. That is profound because the strong forces of 1) Habit, 2) Fear of the Unknown, 3) Avoidance of Pain/Potential Pain can really slow down and impede our efforts to grow.

We desperately reach for Tomorrow, but we are too afraid to detach from Yesterday. And that’s not just a one-time attitude that you get over and then move beyond. It continually reappears and rears its head again and again throughout life.

So Rebirth adds lubricant to the personal growth process and ensures that you will not get in your own way when it comes to becoming who you want to be and how you want to be.

I think that it would synergize really well with the module Naturalizer.

Here is the description of Naturalizer:

The more natural the changes that occur seem, the more easily you will accept them and the more swiftly you will progress. This is why sometimes there is the effect of delayed realization, where you take action, listen to the subliminal for a few months, and only then realize how massively you actually changed. This is the Naturalizer at work – using it will make this effect more powerful, and will result in a smoother journey of self-improvement.

Seems to me that putting those two modules together in the same custom could facilitate some very powerful, smooth, and deep developmental leaps.


Thanks a lot! Never seen rebirth in that light… seems now a very helpful long term rocket.


If I put Rebirth in a custom, will it be mostly focused upon that custom or beneficial for the whole stack (so also for a second custom)?

@Malkuth I hope you have an answer

Does spartan have symmetrical body physical shifting like Apollon?
And thank you, these days I work to the point where I had NEVER. :hugs:

Guys I need your opinion. Is this custom too dense or is there anything I’m missing?
Emotions Unfettered
Gratitude Embodiment
Alexander’s Play
Mountain Breaker
Eye of the Storm
Carpe Diem Ascended
Index Gate
Gorgeous Manifestor
Khan ST4 Core
Secrets of Akasha Wealth
Natural Winner