Main Disc. Thread - Wanted ZP v2

Anybody wake up with a sore body on Wanted? Trying to see if this is the physical shifting or something else going on with me.


WANTED is energy intensive.
It’s natural, but not necessarily WANTED. It’s best to practice good eating habits.


Don’t know man… To me Wanted seems very light

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That’s funny because to me it’s anything but light. This has been the most challenging sub I’ve ever run.


I would not call it funny either, not seeing much
Till now at least

Any insights on how the masterclass addresses the nutritional issue on physical shifting titles? For example Khan is pushing me to eat waaayyy less. But I am also running WANTED. What do you personally suggest?


How long have you been running it?

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Not much, I’m ending the third cycle now

I wouldn’t say that it’s the most challenging but it’s definitely the one that makes me the most tired during the whole day

Hell even the whole cycle and for some time

So yeah energy intensive is quite the word

How many minutes do you listen?

An attractive face for example is when you are lean and your facial features are more visible like sharper jawline etc. so I would guess less eating to be leaner is more Wanted’s doing.

5 - 7 - 15 min with 1-3 rest days

Yes that could be right. But Khan really took it to the next level. My intuition tells me this and intuition is really exact since you brain takes all the little details of the journey into account.

It’s kind of wild to hear this from others because WANTED has a tendency to kick up some seriously painful recon on an emotional level for me.

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Regarding nutrition, it’s the same advice as given on the forum. Fasting isn’t recommended on physical shifting titles like WANTED, Paragon, Seductress, EF, etc.

On Khan, my guess is that recon is making you hungrier than usual. Emotions does have a tendency to make us want to have food to cope with the feelings we get.

I don’t know how much physical shifting Khan has but I don’t think it is the same as WANTED.

Please send a support ticket for that.

My advice would be eat as healthy as possible and exercise.


Looks like he’s saying Khan makes him less hungry.


Oh you are correct. I misread it.

@Alphamale - if you feel this is the case, it is not that bad. But at least have 3 meals a day to help with physical shifting in WANTED.


Thank you for the clarification @Palpatine
@Lion I am loving it that Khan is affecting my habits in such a good way.
Now I am worried if this “healthy” eating habit kinda is against that habit of Khan.
Like I changed from a binge eater to someone who can survive on ONLY 3-4 boiled eggs per day. No bread and no nothing.
And I think that’ll be detrimental for the physical shifting.
Another thing that concerns me is that if the energy requirements for WANTED is going to continue until the end or it’ll vanish like reconciliation.


Physical shifting titles like WANTED requires energy and hence food. Even if energy requirements for WANTED (or Khan) goes away, your body will be better served with the proper amount of food everyday.

If you are reducing a bit of food to lose weight, that’s okay. But don’t deprive yourself too much. Else you will not get enough nutrition for your general good health.

A few days is fine. But I would advice against doing this long term.

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I ran stage 1 khan a few years ago then I did my time with Dragon Reborn for a year. I’ve been on Wanted for 5 cycles maybe 6? I stopped keeping track. It’s never brought on any tiredness or heavy recon. Until I added Survival Instinct into the mix. It doesn’t last though.

SI has been in my stack for 3 cycles? I think. Just yesterday I was in some recon, almost had some tears like when I was in Khan Stage 1. It wasn’t intense as Khan st 1, and it’s been awhile since I got to almost the point of tears like that, but it seems like I’ll get maybe a day or two of recon with my current stack per cycle. But it definitely gets forgotten as I keep moving through things and doing my best to let go and keep myself in the present. One trick I like to do is just checking is that actually happening now?

Then other times when I come back to being present and aware now I just go, could I allow myself to feel love and know that everything is perfect now? I’m usually doing this at work so I am in action in that aspect and it allows me to move through things much smoother and also lines me up with all those great synchronicities and “luck” kind of happenings as well.

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