Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Wanted black is already out on the Q Store. Is that what your talking about?

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Yeah, I missed it. That’s what I get for searching before I’ve had my coffee.

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It happens make sure you don’t make your custom too crazy or you might attract the crazy type with WB :wink:

Dude, I attract the crazy type without WB.


Started listening yesterday, some results that I’ve gotten so far:


Honestly, you’d benefit more from doing it the other way around.

Black series subs can act like booster at 30 seconds to 1 minute, which is something I used to do with EmpB before running a khan custom, worked well to boost dominance, social skills, as well as productivity.

As for what you wrote, that would be redundant and might not really do much that WB alone wouldn’t on its own.


A little follow-up from my second loop:

The experience of the 15-minutes loop wasn’t as great as the first 5-minute loop, and I had unnecessary recon today, so I’ll definitely cut down.

However, a few points:

I still walk around with the feeling of being invincible. When the sub was released I found the sub-title “Seduce Reality” a bit strange, but this is actually very accurate to the way I’m feeling. It feels like you just have ongoing sexual intercourse with the entire world in a very nice way that all parties enjoy a lot.

I went to a concert Tuesday after playing the loop. I wasn’t a huge fan of the artists, but I went with my dad because he is - I felt so in tune with the music and the crowd at times, in a way that I haven’t experienced before. It is a feeling of aliveness that is hard to describe but is truly addicting.

The stares I get from women are getting even more frequent and even more intense.

An old flame that I haven’t talked to for years reached out to me.

Each time a female colleague ask me for advice IRL or over the phone, it is just impossible to end the conversation no matter how busy we both are. It seems as if they have an urge to keep it going no matter what.

My muscles are recovering very well after workouts and there seems to be something happening “down below” as well.

Can’t wait for the weekend where I’ll be engaged in a bit more direct social interaction outside of work.



Microloops. Love 'em or leave 'em. Or should I say…

… love 'em or recon. :wink:

I kid, I kid.


@Fire created the tagline because I’m prone to do very transcendent and shocking stuff (which can be bad for business, but whatever). I was going to name it something like “Become the Sex.”


This was funny lol

What about BDLM/ LOTS/ Wanted Black in custom?

Even if I’m running other subs

Kind of like this tagline. I will keep it in mind running WB.

“All Your Sex Are Belong to Us!”


Been doing 3-5 min for the past 6 months no need for convincing :wink:

Did I tag the wrong person? rofl. I thought we were having a discussion about micro loops, or maybe you were just saying you didn’t understand how it worked.


I just read the replies to this thread and now my conviction to my stack is being shaken :rofl:

Some of the effects that i read above feel familiar with what i experience with LBFH. But i believe if i try WB, it will be a whole new experience instead. What will happen if i stack LBFH with it? Im so curious but i gotta stay loyal to my stack for now

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Yeah I just didn’t understand how it work if we don’t listen to the full script. Yet I’m still doing it because it works.


@WinglissStark perhaps run khan black stage 3 ?


I would imagine what you eat, drink & supplement with plays a part and your meditation practices.

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Nah I meant naturally how you can recharge, tho I will keep an eye on Khan Black thread if one of our brothers find something interesting.

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