Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

@Deadpool and this is the first ever cycle’s results:


Thanks, mighty @Invictus

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Dear @fire import questions having known that I can listen to any sub from the 3 that you suggested, however ive never experienced listening to s&s and only primal therefore help me advice on the difference and goals? Because most replies from users suggested I listen to s&s however I have primal seduction will that give same results? Or s&s has more benefits?nans for my goal listening to which one is better? And will s&s seduction help in approaching women, seduction ofcourse? BC primal doesn’t have that I guess… Never felt

Just a small note that the new SS has NRE in it and Primal seduction has not been upgraded yet with this new technology.


@Deadpool what’s a NRE and how can it help me with my goals?

read the first post


You’re 100% correct, and I would like to really, really emphasize the journaling part, even over and above taking action.

Journaling is the only way for me to make significant progress and when I look at periods of rapid and significant growth, and compare them to periods of intense recon and seeming stagnation and intense confusion, the difference is ALWAYS the amount of dedicated journaling I’m doing, not so much the subliminal I’m running.

And no, I’m not talking about public journaling, I’m talking about hours spent writing in private journals either digital or handheld where you fearlessly just allow it all to come out. Public journals are great, but you will never fully allow yourself to expose the deepest and darkest parts of yourself in a public journal, you just won’t, and tbh, you shouldn’t because I don’t wanna see it and neither does anybody else, however, those deep dark parts are what probably need to come out for you to grow.

You’re not gonna post here on the Q/A and be like: “hey, I’m feeling a strong urge to cut my mother’s break-line and start a fire at an orphanage because of some shit my aunt Irene said to me when I was 7, is this recon or am I just HIM??? Plz help :poop: :poop:.”

Yeah, not gonna come out in a public place…I hope. However, those insane thoughts are normal, and natural, and you need to confront them in private because confronting them only helps you and nobody else.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a lil neuro-spicy, but I literally cannot just deal with recon, I absolutely must externalize it or else I act like someone who’s a little extra neuro-spicy. Journaling is the only safe way that I can externalize the inner conflict. Talking to people just makes me likely to say a bunch of insane shit that…

  1. They won’t even understand
  2. That I don’t even understand or else I wouldn’t be talking about it
  3. Might cause damage to my relationships

When I journal, I can see what my mind is doing, and I can clear the recon just by getting the insanity out of my head and onto paper, and this almost always inspires the actions I take. This is why I say that journaling is actually “more important” than taking action, only because through journaling, the actions to take will probably show up on the page and become obvious. It’s pretty much impossible to write about a problem every day for weeks on end without either:

a. letting it go and moving on
b. figuring out some kind of a solution

For me, it’s really as simple as this:

  1. Listen
  2. Journal based on what comes up from listening
  3. Take action
  4. Journal about the actions taken
  5. Repeat steps 1-4.

I’ve tried pretty much everything else that you can imagine to “maximize” or “increase” results. I’ve used pretty much every spiritual Substance known to man at this point (that isn’t unreasonably dangerous), meditation, breathwork, magical techniques, binaural beats, visualization, cold exposure, sleep deprivation, extreme exercise, fasting, you name it, I’ve probably done it.

The only techniques that have consistently, repeatedly, and accurately yielded sustainable and positive results are a relaxed listening schedule, journaling, and taking action. That’s it, nothing else, and I do mean nothing at all, has had any predictably positive result on my journey besides journaling and taking action.

The only helpful things are meditation, exercise, and eating healthy.

Go figure, the simple shit that we all already know we are supposed to be doing, yeah, that’s the only shit that actually works in a sustainable and predictable way.

Listen, Journal, Take Action, Meditate, Eat Healthy, Exercise.

How boring, what a shame that those 6 are literally the only things that will work for everyone, every time, without fail, forever, and in every situation. The rest is very exciting and sexy, but a lot of it is just a distraction from the real bedrock that actually works.


What do you have against orphanages? There are innocent kids :slight_smile:

I always wished I was adopted, it would have made my life so much more dramatic and poetic. I’ve been cursed with a boring upbringing.

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I get that, Harry Potter is such a good character for example.

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I would only add remembering about your goals, striving for their achievement and being more focused on optimising your current course of action than on the current results. The results are going to come provided you stick to those principles.

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@Deadpool yes I read it however I’m still not clear about NRE benefits compare to Primal Seduction?
Will it also help me in approaching women,getting numbers and many other benefits?

And how is it different than primal seduction? Maybe it’s an old technology compare to the s&sx
What would my experience be like??
2. If I have been listening to wanted black, acendor chamber and now add SSX in my stack initially it was libertine can I add a one subliminal

This :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_down_small:

But here’s the real kicker: stack it with another title, and watch it shine and blaze like you wouldn’t believe.

When you do, the New Romance Experience scripting within Sex & Seduction will synergize with the other titles and help you manifest those archetypes the way that would work best for you. Any scripting that deals with romance in ANY title would operate in this manner.

For those who are running Wanted Black but aren’t a fan of how you appear elusive and mysterious to others, the NRE scripting will now “adapt” the romance scripting in Wanted Black to fit your own personal style in a way you never realized.


If someone wants to read it.

I’m telling everyone, call me crazy if you want — but humanity seems to growing more clairvoyant as a whole.

Those engaged with sub use notices it more because you’re constantly looking for results and patterns, so these odd moments pop out. But, go ahead and ask your friends and colleagues if they’ve been having more strange synchronicities and the such. They’ll confirm.

I have colleagues that weren’t even remotely spiritual having some of the oddest, yet profound moments that led to them talking to me about it.


What’s a NSE subliminal and when is it going to be released? How is it different than ssx NRE and other romantic subliminals?

I just finished watching the anime Serial Experiments Lain. Which was a head trip. It had themes of the collective unconscious becoming conscious. All wrapped up in a representation of the Internet and technology we experience today.

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I read this then opened yt.

Clicked on a recommended vid and the guy is talking about clairvoyance:

Great advice, lol.


