Main Disc. Thread - Wanted Black: Seduce Reality (Now Available!) (Custom Core Available)

Bro you where born a women the first 3 months in the womb of your mother and after 3 months you grow into a man.

Don’t ask me how but it’s fact.

The clitoris of a women is actually a penis.

So man have both energys inside themselves



Yup very true. And you can’t be a “complete man” without embracing the two.


Exactamente Amigo

That’s a cool funfact lol

To me it seems as if the man is built to firstly bring the Feminine aspects under control in themselves and then give the women the gift of guidance




None of that is fact
It’s all opinion based


I agree with @Alphamale . I don’t think he means woman when he says Feminine. Charisma is the feminine energy/sexual energy being radiated out of a charismatic person. The energy might use different channels of competence too, like the person’s intellectual abilities, conversation skills, body language and so on. There have been many charismatic men who have some or the other form of sexual stories if you dig a little into their history (gandhi, michael jackson, freddie mercury, bikram yoga guy, osho and many more). Now you might say they’re not Razor Ramone kind masculine, and it is true, but his charisma radiating through different channels but he was never as known as the above listed.

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Let’s have decorum and live up to our hype we create for ourselves. This energy is counterintuitive. Some people just won’t agree, and at some point we have to just stop pressing the argument if we know it can’t be settled. No one wants to come look at a place when there’s a stupid debate every few days.

It’s clear this is going nowhere. Regardless of who is right and wrong. Someone is going to come in harder and end it, and it shouldn’t require that. It’s not a good look.


Guys. SaintSovereign had already issued a warning only 2 hours before. If you don’t settle down, there will be more than one person banned from the forum!


Let’s get back to the Wanted Black thread, @SwagKing you running it as well?

Yep. Halfway done.

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Just get back on topic guys and let it go

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What’s been the effects and results from it so far on your side compared to OG Wanted?


Second chick since I got the custom :smirk:


I don’t notice much, because it takes sub results a long time to compound for me. I have some obsessions from people though.

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@Alphamale please step away from the forum for a few hours.

Cleaned up the thread, we can go back on topic now.


Yo @Fire

Are you still running this?