Main Disc. Thread - Ultima

Couldn’t of said it any better, this is the exact description of my experience. I’m waking up in the middle of the night eyes wide open and awake, literally figuring out how I’m going to get back to sleep because I surely haven’t had enough hours.

Feels like I’m going straight into Deep Sleep and wake up 5 hours later fully refreshed; I rarely remember any of my dreams which is quiet unnatural for me.

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Yes woke up at 5:50 today even though I used to sleep till 7-8 in the last days

Also I wake up in the night which is very unusual for me

Am listening only to Ultima BL right now

Nobody talking about true social ultima and beyond limitless ultima. It could be most powerfull stack in subclub. What makes difference between Lucy cph4 and Eddie Nzt?:sunglasses:

Looks like I’m not alone with this weird sleep patterns. Exactly the same thing happened.
Currently on Ultima Sanguine, while waiting for True Social and Dreams.

The ones on drop seem ok for some revamped older models:

If I didn’t already have a pair burned in for years, or cared about the dent in one of the ear cups I’d get em.

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You guys are all running titles meant to energize you, make you productive and promote a positive feeling all around. Of course you’d need more sleep. Use the extra time wisely and to take action. From what I understand from private testers, this will fade as your mind becomes more acclimated to the title. Also, 1 loop every other day was the official recommendation.

I’m gonna take a break then, just ran one loop in the mornings.
How much days are recommended, one loop, then two days to rest?

Every other day. Run it Monday, skip Tuesday, run it Wednesday, skip Thursday, run it Friday, skip Saturday, Run it Sunday, skip the following Monday and so forth.


@SaintSovereign Ok. I will run the loop I am currently on and possibly one more then take tomorrow off and not run anything until Saturday

That what the best combo for me while testing Ultima! Definitely can recommend it. Sometimes, it is also wise to take 2 rest days if you begin to feel more fatigued.

True Social Ultima and Libertine Ultima… now is the time to be vigilant and stay away from married women.


@anon52452268 Why would you want that headache to begin with?

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That’s my point lol. You don’t.


You know Financial Success Reality Shifter would be a cool idea for an Ultima Title. Run it once every other day and get moments of coincidence, luck, chance meetings and more.

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This is even after total acclimation?

Any idea what’s coming next after Ultima :thinking:
Can it get even better…

@pacman World Domination


Probably a new tech or expansion of the Aegis line or more Q modules, or New Q products

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Yes. Ultima 5.1 and 7.1, and Ultima for Major Subliminals early next year. We have a potential prototype, but that thing takes so long to build and requires an incredible amount of mental focus to keep everything on track. There’s no way it’s feasible until we can get Q-Programmer to automate it. That won’t be until much, much later, as he is still upgrading the Q system itself to perform faster.


Will 5.1/7.1 headphones work with those Ultima versions? If yes, do you have any headphone recommendation

And if you read this, and have time, I am still waiting for my elites coupon. Don’t put me longer in such suspense :wink: