Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of the Nectar Within (Custom Core Available!)



I mean, that’s in pretty much every romance title. I don’t think we’ll be creating an entire new SKU for just that one feature, unfortunately.


How about an aura for uhm… :peach:peach :peach: play? if you know what I mean which you most definitely do. trying to keep this pg13 lol


Conscious Guidance is awesome for sure. But as i Sagittarius i tend to change my mind on impulse time to time (Long term relationship would be better :thinking: 1 week later: FWB would be better :thinking: etc). With subs at least i can commit to 1 program for 21 days and manifest some results, so putting me situtation that might go many ways not always a blessing.

I have strongly considered creating this since RotNW came out. It is a possibly.


Revelation of the Heavenly Peach has a nice ring to it😋

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Ecstatic Pilgrimage of the Inner Sanctuary

Ecstasy of the Goddess Sacred Abode

Ecstatic Dance in the Goddess’ Garden

Juicy Party in the Caves of Ecstasy

XL Peach Smoothie


Ecstatic Dance in the Goddess’ Chocolate Garden😈


Yes yes and yes ….definitely a sub to encourage and even beg for this from their men as the ladies see this as a no go the majority of the time ( A xxx) !

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Hello, @Saiyan4Blue .

I have some follow up questions about the effects of the RotNW regarding your experience a few months ago. They are very personal. So if you don’t want to answer them, that’s fine.

1 Did you notice the scripting of she enjoying giving oral sex to you?

2 Did it seem as though the longer she gave you oral sex, the more she enjoyed it?

3 If you had wanted to have penis-vagina intercourse, do you think she would have agreed to do so?

4 Did she compliment you at all in any way?

5 Did she say she wanted more, as in she wants to do this again with you?


Do you think there is some kind of confidence scripting, or anti-shame scripting?


Did she get better at it as time went on?

8 Did she tell you how much she was enjoying her experience with you?

9 Regarding the “constant offer script”, did her roommate flirt with you or anything like that?


@RVconsultant well lets see what i remeber

1: Yes

2: Yes, she was enthusiastic all the way and felt more stimulated by it as she was trying out her moves

3: Im pretty certain i we could have. I had no condom and used it as an excuse to see the bj scripting

4: Cant remeber

5: she didnt specify or say to do it again but she seemed excited to meet again.

6: I am unapologetic about it to begin with, but the aura itself is unique as it removes inhibition about it. If PN is about pure lust and pleasure, Rotnw is about making it natural and expected.

7: Better yes as a result of trying harder to please.

8: She didnt say that but she clearly did. I find that with the women i encounter they rarly say how good it was. The only case if the first time i wasnt fully feeling it and another time i go beyond their expectaions which in turn becomes the new norm

9: Her roomate was mostly suprised as if seeing something from a movie. She could tell what the deal was and was in a way ” living the experiance ” through her friend.


Thanks, man!

I appreciate your openness!


Hi saiyan, Don’t you have a chance of getting an STD from that, too? i ask3d for bj without condom.

Stds yes, pregnancy no :joy:


Is there a module version for ROTNW?

No, there are a bunch of other aura modules

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I found such a girl :slight_smile:

Wanted Black / Khan


I am halfway through St2 on Khan, I am considering Wanted Blk but ROTNW seems great until I complete it. I am listening to The New Emperor as well and just ended a relationship although she still lives with me, in her own room. I am wondering if ROTNW will affect her but overall I would prefer those who are financially comfortable to take an interest in me and open up me up more to the world… With the subs I am trying to build me up but boy oh boy. A sub that attracts women who have it as well as pushes us to get it!

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Wanted Black manifested for me beautiful, high net worth girls: girls with very good jobs who can handle themselves and handle me ( :wink:).
Khan is manifesting much higher net worth girls: girls who have a network that is helping me towards Khan goals.

So I guess combining both :wink:


Awesome! :clap:

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