Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Quantum Limitless (Now Available!)

Can i stack EMP black(3 mins loop) with QLst4(3mins loop)bevause i want steady productivity or it will be too heavy to stack both?

I used emp black before ,though i had the drive but it failed at learning complicated mathematics and many other subjects(there wasnt much time left), i dont say it failed because it wasn’t built for that purpose anyway . I am thinking this new QL might solve the problem?? What you guys think ?

Is it okay to run an old custom with limitless core


The new quantum Limitless major program from stage 1 in the same cycle?

I am no expert but i think it might cause recon, because one title teaches your brain to adapt learning in an old way(ur custom) and the new title will encourage and teach you to learn in a new way(new Ql)

Or the new Ql is not a rewrite just addition of NLE , so it might not cause any recon and work alongside

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Would love to know this as well

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@SaintSovereign Will QL and Index Gate help me be more creative with the code I write?

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I mean, you can try out after one cycle of stages 1-3. I recommend doing each stage for one month (including stage 4), and then starting over. Keep doing this until recon is very little, or you’re getting great results. Then switch solely to stage 4.


This title after reading the new copy multiple times already has me so curious as to the possibilities and potential that a person can unleash within themselves.


I ran through all 4 stages in the qv2 days (1 cycle each) and I am planning to run through them again now with this new version, but I barely experience recon (on any title) ever since ZPV2 hit. Is recon the only barometer for progression on a title like Quantum Limitless? I was tempted to jump straight to stage 4 this time, but since I’m also running New Emperor I figured I’d go slow and start at stage 1 again.

I mean obviously I could test my intelligence with IQ tests or puzzle games and the like, but those wouldn’t help so much with deciding to move between stages.


Second loop of this earlier today. Running Emperor/QL solo. My experiences so far:

  1. First off I am thinking much, much bigger. Posted more in my journal on this, but it takes the same amount of work to make 6 figures as it does 7 figures. As @ouroboros said I have been thinking of better ways to simplify my process, higher leverage opportunities, etc.

  2. Have been finding different mentors in busines/sales/etc that have drastically expanded my thinking. The interesting part is some of these people have been teaching for years, subjects I consistently study, but I am just now finding out about them…

  3. Thinking on longer time frames. No longer thinking about 1 month, 3 month, or 6 months from now where I want to be. When I think of the future, I think about becoming the person I can be 3 years from now. Slight change, but drastically shifted the scale on my visualization.


That’s a cool way of looking at it. I’d been occasionally using the old QLST4 prior to the recent drop and I tried ST1 when it came out.

Then last night I was rereading my journal from the beginning to try to get a better sense of when stuff started improving to the point where today suddenly I feel like things have dramatically simplified in writing the code, and I realized I kept reading and reading and expecting to see some linear progression, but by October I was like “wow! I was that far behind then?”

It seemed like, reading over the journal, it wasn’t till I was in end September / early October till things started picking up. But it kind of hit me afterwards that it was like a series of stages going gradually parabolic rather than a linear straight line.

And I’ve seen the “flashes of insight” thing. I think that seems to be one of the signatures of this newer ZP especially since the release of RoM around this month last year.


This is one of the reasons math fascinates me so much. To me it’s a short cut to better solution


Linear progression is one of the most common types of cognitive bias.

In reality, things almost never actually give linear progression. it’s exponential or logarithmic 90+% of the time.

Exponential curves are what everybody knows… you get no results at first and then your results blow up all at once. Like learning pick up… you get no girls for a long time, then you figure out whatever blocked you, and you start getting girls every week.

Logarithmic curves are way more interesting though, these are how you hack life. Logarithmic curves are things where you get massive results UP FRONT, and then as you stay consistent over the long haul, results slow down and stop being so explosive.

Exercise (muscle gain, at least) gets beginners results extremely quickly, and then it’s harder to make gains as an intermediate. You can learn the basics of any languagae and be conversational enough to be a self-sufficient traveler in that country with less than 15 hours of study. There’s a lot of research that 50 hours of meditation will permanently change your brain.

Tim Ferriss basically built his whole brand and content of his book saround finding things with logarithmic results curves. Logarithmic curves are usually called “hacks” and exponential curves are usually what people online yell at you to be more consistent with.

Easiest mental hack is to ask yourself “is this logarithmic or exponential” and just forget that linear even exists


As far as results go, I think I’m seeing what @vesper meant about senses expanding.

I noticed vision earlier, but yesterday I hugged my girlfriend’s and was more consumed by the experience of smell that came from being close to her hair. Was interesting.

At work today, I feel slower… smoother… as slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I’m less frenetic, and better capable of picking one task, doing it, then going to the next.


Not sure if it’s from running this or the New Emperor but I’m finally learning to let go of caring about what other people think or do. It’s none of my business

I never really considered how emotionally time consuming that is.

One interesting "idea" that came up since starting QL, for those who are interested, was a thought process that led to me rejecting the idea of the 25 minute pomodoro with a 5 minute break, and adopting a 15 minute pomodoro with a 5 minute break.

I thought the 15/5 schedule worked extremely well.

First of all, it doesn’t require you to take any longer breaks throughout the day.

if you’ve ever done 25/5 pomodoros you’ll know that after 2-3 pomodoros you need a longer break anyways. So, 15/5 is designed to stop that fatigue from setting in, because once it sets in, it’s harder to recover from. You can do 15/5 literally your whole work day, so long as you have breakfast beforehand and take the 15-20 minutes you need to eat lunch and then get back to work.

Because it’s so consistent, you never question it, never check your energy, and because 15 minutes is a relatively short period of focus, it never exhausts you, it never is so daunting you delay starting the time-block.

Not to mention that those 5 minutes aren’t used to scroll fb… they’re used to do movement, social connection, exercsie, breathwork, things that really revitalize you. Break the sedentary lifestyle. I can simultaneously be productive AND train my focus, health, mindset, and all of that makes me more productive in the long term, obviously, but by doing it as breaks between work, makes me more productive in the short term too.

This works for me because I’m in a job that doesn’t require a lot of flow states/intense concentration. If I were a painter, writer, coder, etc, that would be a very different work flow.

For coding, 15/5 is good when you’re doing online research, sourcing ideas, etc, but not once you get into the deep work and problem solving.

For other gigs like writing, Maybe 25/5 would be better. Or, as most successful writers do, one large chunk of undistracted work, usually in the early morning or late evening.


Noticed the senses big time as well, won’t too a movie with my girlfriend and the smell of movie theatre popcorn was insane lol,

People are getting set up for Christmas by me too and the lights looked much more vivid and bright


Meanwhile i’m literally going freaking blind and its’ getting harder and harder to read the words on the forum without zooming in.

But that’s not from QL - that’s from concussion treatment, aka why I’m running QL in the first place.



@SaintSovereign Something I noticed earlier is that usually a day or two after I run a loop of this my critical thinking skills go up

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This might be one of the fastest most impactful subs at stage 1 already I have run up to date coupled with Emperor. I felt I have struggled lately with perceived limitations of my mind, productivity, skills especially being a tired new father. It was like subs were getting through but at a muted volume.

Now the subs and life in general feel so much more “clear”.

I have a felt an incredible dramatic shift in how I feel. I feel healthier, smarter, and happier. I seem to already be picking up things at a quicker pace. Life is just getting easier.

It might because everything is filtered thorugh my ADHD, but the wide impact of this sub in its first days are blowing the socks off EoG and that dramatically changed my life over the course of a year running.

Did not expect this at all since I really struggled with it when I first tried QL over a year ago.


Excuse me, I don’t know if it’s already been asked but, with the new update to NLE for those who had already reached ST4 with the old version, do they need to start again from ST1 or can they continue from ST4?