Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Primal Seduction (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

I am pretty sure Saint has said in the past for seduction titles, that they are for any sexual preference… that would make sense as there are no preference-specific titles

Yeah, the wording in the description is very much oriented toward seducing females however, and my concern is more about whether it is going to take conscious guidance to stear it towards male seduction.

I think he’s very creative in how the subs are worded

Personally I wish that part was clearer, as I feel it’s too vague. That’s a main reason I hesitate with subs like this.

I am sure you will get confirmation from @SaintSovereign or @Fire that their romance titles work for any sexual preference. Unfortunately, I don’t conveniently have any quotes to point to.


The best I can find was for Wanted Black.

Yes, Primal Seduction is described a little differently.

With the masculine auras, women are going to flock to you if you’re an attractive man, regardless of sexual orientation. Nothing we can do about that. A masculine vibe is a masculine vibe. Look at an individual like Anderson Cooper, who the ladies fawned over even though he’s married to a man.


I look forward to the flocking…



Sure, that’s OK yet still doesn’t entirely answer my question.

The Primal aura must be more traditionally masculine than Wanted Black’s mysterious aura, which program clearly states for any orientation.

It’s interesting. I thought Wanted Black was supposed to have women flock to you…

I just played New Primal Seduction for the first time (with RONW) before I go to sleep. Tomorrow could be fun at work :slight_smile:


What exactly are you trying to ask then?

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No – we just changed the wording after the absurd Stark is feminine crap, since you all tend to look too much into things instead of just running the program.

That’s exactly what happens when you use it. Who said otherwise?


I think that should add the clarity some users were seeking.

In my experience, an attractive man is an attractive man and he’ll get hit on by women & some men… regardless of what he prefers… these products are bound to garner more attraction…


Or will that take quite a bit of conscious intention and guidance?


Go seduce who you want.

Do you think the script is going to change your sexual orientation? Seduction skills is seduction skills, but the script is “traditionally masculine,” meaning it’s geared toward the dominant, bold pursuer who creates sexually charged moments that draws others in. If that’s something you want, then give it a try. If you’re going after men, it’s going to help you attract men who want someone like that. If you’re going after women, it’ll help you attract women who want someone like that.


Cool, I think that settles it, and no, I don’t believe they’re going to change someone’s sexual orientation, I don’t mean that.

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Alright quick review after using this yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

I was initially going to test out Primal solo, but then, I didn’t wanna end up with FOMO later on, so I went with PS first, and here’s something I haven’t posted about anywhere yet, cause it was a theory I needed to confirm, but these new NSE subs have been guiding me to stacks, as in, when I ran Emperor, the new script told me to use LBFH on one day, and then the other day it guided me to run Genesis, and the new PS did the same and guided me to RoTNW to maximize the effects, so I did, and here are the highlights:

  • there’s no more overthinking or planning of how I wanna approach sex, I was with my girl yesterday, and instead of trying to think of how to start or what to do, I just went for it, and let’s just say, I bit her lip off (this is the third “major” thing).

  • there’s a much more natural approach to my movements, as in, each action I take has a very sensual and sexual undertone to it, like yesterday while out with my girl, I was talking about the PS5 Edge pro controller that I just got with her, and noticed that I was saying things like “I can’t wait to have my fingers go wild with this” or “I hope it can handle my roughness”, and by the time we got to the car, it seemed as if my words got her way too turned on to sit still :eyes:.

  • then for the first time in the last two months, I ended up not playing after getting home, and instead continued what we started physically while on phone with her, and let’s just say, the verbal fluency and seductive speech enhancement in the new PS can lead to pleasant orgasms for your partner :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

  • persona-wise, I feel much more playful and light hearted, and my seduction language seems to be much more infused with double entendres and love, while my body language, specifically my eyes and lips, seemed to be infused with an aura of lust, that hits the girls that are open and receptive to me, and manifests a way that leads to us inevitably talking.

  • lastly, I’ve had a boner for the last 3 hours 🫡


Good luck brother 🫡


I’m at work rn
Still have quite a few hours to go, and for some reason, all the ladies of my department are in today, and they’re all looking a bit extra today :rofl:


I noticed that effect too like the story about the girl dancing in the copy.

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