Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Primal (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

That’s and interesting schedule. How long have you been doing it for?

For around 3 weeks. The processing and the execution are really smooth.


I might give that a shot when I make my other custom next month

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Another log on Primal:


Does Primal have physical shifting ?
Testosterone boosting?


Primal is not at all what I was expecting yet I become same, unapologetic. Not because I am alpha or dominant but because that’s who I “am”.
I just told a hot girl that has been chasing me for month that she is hot but the only way it’s going to work is if I can bang outside. Just like that. I would normally be nervous saying that to a girl or I would sugar coat it because I feel it’s mean or I would be scared to “lose her affection”.


That’s the best way to describe Primal, it doesn’t change you, it makes you unapologetic

People may think i changed, but im the same man, i just express myself to the fullest

Why shouldn’t i? It’s me

Primal is an amazing subliminal, it makes me live the life i want to live and be how i want to be

This subliminal is like the rogue module on steroids


Reading all these results makes me happy for you all : )
What a great Christmas gift


Just ran my second loop, can confirm this is my favorite sub ever made. Had a pretty mind boggling “primal” experience that I’ll spare you guys of the detail, but would reccomend 10/10 :joy:


Damn can’t spare a title
You guys make it sound fun
Have to suffer with only PS :rofl:

In a way this is picking up where Khan Black has left off, since being on it since release, it’s done a tremendous amount of sexual healing and reprogramming.

Primal is now tackling the romantic side of things. While I have gotten over a lot of issues in regards to romance with the latest one being my co-dependency basically being demolished, Primal is digging deeper and kinda cleaning up the mess and building a new foundation.

My co dependency was a HUGE factor in my romance life, to the point were I can unfortunately say that it was a part of my identity. Long story short I finally came across a co dependent woman who gave me a taste of my own medicine. Finally understanding what it’s like to be on the receiving end of it, I finally let go of that toxic side of me.

Since then I kinda felt loss on how to romance anyone and now Primal as been showing me the way. I have been starting to have a more healthier desire towards women but no more of this need of validation or attention. It’s even starting to take effect with the person I am currently talking to, and honestly it’s pretty dope just having a healthy attraction towards someone.

Primal is also helping me transmute my sexual energy from a different angle. Where Khan Black works with it directly, Primal is helping me do it by not obsessing over women like I used too.


Happy for ya :pray:t4:

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Just a small observation regarding New Primal.

I’m not sure if this is physical shifting or a renewed and boosted self appreciation and esteem, but I once again noticed that I like the way I look in the mirror, similar effect when I ran Stark or WB.

In any case it makes sense. In my mind, Primal, the prize, the sun king, where romance and opportunity revolves around you, probably is good looking or at the least aesthetically pleasing.

I’m leaning towards New Primal, or in combo with the New Emperor doing that, though I ran New Emperor since last month and only noticed this effect this cycle.


It could also be that you’re experiencing bloom from the previous titles, that Primal’s work within has facilitated.

Someone like Malkuth would have an apt ‘imagery’ for this I think.

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For some reason I don’t feel like a man without a woman’s love validating me

I know it’s wrong and I know it’s fucked

But I have the worst day when my girlfriend at the time doesn’t text me with as much frequency and enthusiasm as I’m giving

It hits extra hard when I’m on vacation with my family but without the girl

It’s like my family makes me feel like a kid and without her love and reassurance I can’t feel like a man, and intense cognitive dissonance and discomfort hit me, and I become super needy for her attention to bring me back to equilibrium

What can I do about this? I have no fucking clue I thought I was past this but I feel the same thing creeping up as what happened last year when I blew up on my gf at the time for not texting me enough while I was at a beach house

Truly ridiculous and fully based on unhealed trauma and a wounded inner child, no doubt

I just don’t know what to do, I don’t want to implode this new relationship either

When these emotions come up I try to stay with them and take deep breaths and all that shit, but they come back, and persist, and I can’t resist the pain for too long I know it’s gonna blow back on me and either make me avoidant or anxiously needy

I guess I’d rather be avoidant and push her away than be needy, at least that’s easier to come back from

But given the choice I’d rather be secure and not feel like a fucking wimp who needs his girl to text “I love you baby” every few hours to feel safe

God damn, recon sucks donkey balls sometimes

I know I’ll come out of it better, but what action can I take to resolve this shit?


Take up hobbies and activities you can enjoy whether she’s involved or not. Get comfortable with solitude. Doesn’t mean you have to be alone. But when you get where you CAN she’ll recognize a change.


Something that works for me is finding an area of privacy without much distraction, and talking myself through my emotions, no matter how stupid I feel for feeling this or that way. I am still working on this practice with myself.

If I can’t identify the exact emotion I’m feeling, I generalize it. It can be painful and even feel terrible but there’s almost always immediate relief. I do the same with thoughts.

It feels awkward at first, but I think you’ll find this to be a decent step forward.

I refrained from saying ‘start’ because you’ve already started. Action isn’t always outward;


Thank you for the ideas guys, will take it all into account

Just wanted to hop back in to say LOL @ me tho

Yesterday: “I’ve never felt so stable and masculine”
Today: “I’m on the verge of a breakdown bc my gf took 4 hours to respond to texts and then didn’t match my enthusiasm”

I can’t blame it on the recon because this is obviously a ME problem that is simply re-emerging once again, with the subs here for extra fun

Not even sure what to do with my stack at this point lol

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Talking to @Monarch just now I think I realized part of the issue with the recon

Primal is pushing me to express my true self

I don’t know who my true self is, what it means to be authentic to me

Am I the lover boy always cooing at his girl?
Am I the mysterious guy who only answers when he feels like breadcrumbing some attention?
Am I someone who defies labels and lives entirely in the moment, with security and faith that all is well?

I’d like to be that third one, but I don’t feel like I am there yet, and I default to the first (probably as some type of unconscious transactional behavior to get the love/attention in return)

I also crave the dis-attachment of the second, but it brings up fears of “if I’m not constantly pulling her in with love and care, then she’ll leave me” which honestly leads me to love bombing every girl I start to develop feelings for. The sad part is it works but then I feel like I can never stop and it becomes inauthentic and they can never match my intensity so I get resentful and sad

Holy shit I’m kind of fucked in the head guys LOL

Sorry for using the main discussion thread as a journal, but it’s funny I feel like this is me expressing the Primal scripting

I am figuring out what it means to be masculine, for myself and by my own definition


That’s precisely why I’m getting splendid results on Primal. I’ve always known myself really well and now, on Primal, I have no issue expressing myself. On top of that, my prosocial qualities and sexual expression have got greatly boosted.

Maybe it would be better for you to run Alchemist or pair up Primal with LBFH in order to learn more about who you are at your core.