Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Limitless (2024 -- Now Available -- Free Upgrade!)

Definitely wouldn’t hurt. Customer service and sales are very different beast. Can’t speak to debt collection.



Does Limitless contain scripting that safeguards from one becoming egotistical or arrogant with their increased intelligence, or in debates/arguments?

@SaintSovereign is QTKS still coming out today?

This is beautiful. Truly.

Thank you very much. I guess I can use the previous versions. I got them since 2018.


Or give them Quantum Limitless.



Running quantum limitless at that age would definitely kill a lot of internet services and create a better society :+1:

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few things that worth mention

1:so last night ,I was doing custom building plan in my mind. usually,I would just see different modules/cores name listing together and grouping as different sets……but last night ,it felt like there was some extra sense had been activated…like those floating images became more tangible…the best way I could put it will be like the scene in Marvel‘s movie when Tony Stark working on some project with the AI’s assistance…different images just float in front of him ,and he made a gestures to swap away the image and change it to something else…the interaction was quite organic and fluid….I guess this is what the copy said…improve the ability that you have to its optimal state…I think…over time,to visually thinking like Tesla will be a highly probable outcome

2: today when I wrote down my dream and did the analysis…I noticed the whole thought process is different…I dissected…and linked the potential element together …the deduction process was really streamlined logically…like solving a math equation…whereas,on Rom,If I were to analyze the dream or other subject.I would jump to the conclusion immediately…it is definitely different type of ability…

3: muti-tasking.I find it the
tendency to ponder upon two different subjects and forming arguments in my mind simultaneously…like there are two stream of line working together and without intervene each other…quite nostalgic…which happened a lot in the past and cease at some point of my life…good something is coming back…

4:the increase desire to express,which is odd to me…cuz last year,with my Emperor and Wanted customs,I made a 180 degree mental shift…I tremendously reduce any verbal or written expression…and the desire to communicate with others…and that was quite reasonable look at the objectives of those two cores…but now there is this little crack on the dam.let‘s see where this gonna lead me to…
:upside_down_face: :wink:


Finally the most important law of change has been applied explicitly:
Following the route of the least resistance to build up momentum for a major shift to take place, expanding the route further for more shifts to happen “naturally”. Water exemplifies this law magnificently.

I wonder how it goes when using Limitless.


how dense would be stack Limitless + Quantum Limitless (rotating stages till i get minimum recon on stage 4) + Index Gate?

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Got into a reflection with my girl, it’s been a while I’ve been having fun thinking out loud and analyzing situations. My girl is INTP so she also loves thinking about different topics for fun.

It’s been great connecting to this idea! I feel like a lot of my self confidence came from my brain back in the day and as I felt my brain power lower, I decided to express myself less and less.


Thought, you used some fancy AI Tool :rofl:


How did this happen?

entp loves than the sound of his own voice and nothing intp loves more is thinking about it. Yeah totally good combination. Never thought that it would also be a good romantic combination. For friendship for sure! Understanding each other is very easy.

Also i think intp girls are less likely to cheat, unless it is tied to some experiment or obsession hahaha


Why is that? I’m curious because I see good chemistry in an ENTP-INTP relationship :grin:

Wee both understand each other very easily, it’s instinctual.

Cons : We are both messy. Emotionnal expression is harder, but I work in the field so I’m good at communicating emotions and needs (or at least I’m consistantly striving for it).

“I feel X I need Y” template for communicating emotions.

People turn crazy because they are illiterate when it comes to understanding what they need.

I can compensate for that part, or at least we can both strive to get better at it. That’s what I like about her she wants to get better and grow! And she’s hot.

I’d say drugs, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

When I got depressed during covid I really lost some brain juice hahahaha

Studies shows depression lower cognitive power, not because it actually kills off brain cells, but because it lowers motivation to work out your brain. So two few years of depression can get the brain softer.


Entp are true horny dogs and kinky /sexual and intense and intp is more guarded and more emotionally disconnected. Entp might find intp too cold. But this doesn’t mean intp.does not love entp

Entp might see intp as too serious.

Intp might need more feelerly types(by the sound of this you are growing and are already developed your teenager level extraverted feeling)

When you two go out i think intp likes that entp is more in the center of attention rather than intp. Intp will be more entp’s sidekick

It works because your both so Intune with each others needs and your needs are simple. Y’all flowing

Good chance you have similar interest

Did i already say, amazing team together?

Both of entp and intp dont like to deal with practical stuff

There is a book for training your brain according to mbti/cognitive functions. Its written by Dario Nardi called 8 keys to self leadership. The dude is an intj and a neuro scientist i believe. Pretty good book, highly recommended, you might get your juices flowing again with these development insights for entp

@GoldenTiger have you ever dated infj? what was it like compared to intp for you?


Long time, my friend.
I didn’t consider it. Why not…
They are between 9 and 12. I just need more focusing on reading and striving for the best.
Limitless Qv2 once every 2 weeks, it was okay.

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No idea, never asked hahahaha I’m not a big dater usually keep the relationship cold and less emotionnal as possible bc I don’t want the hassle.

So short anwser is I never dated for real.

I don’t know if she’s pure INTP she doesn’t fit into the super logical character.

She is (was) guarded, but communication was able to open her up.

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I’ve ran both, so far it is significantly better for sales then DD. For me personally, all of the cognitive subs seem to boost verbal fluidity for me, but new limitless has been next level. Both listening skills, and the ability to communicate and bridge build/tie the needs of the prospect to your service are really next level with this, and the section in having confidence in your cognitive abilities and idea’s has really helped me to come across with more conviction on calls so far.

One of the other things I’ve noticed with this; I’ve been into the personal development space for probably ten years now, and consumed enourmous amounts of courses/books/content, but I always had trouble recalling that information and explaining it to others. Over the past few days, my interest in personal development has really re-sparked, and I’ve been going out of my way to share things I"m learning with friends and colleagues, which in turn is helping me integrate the information better myself.

I’ve also to initiative to block off tomorrow to really optimize my schedule and make sure I’m fitting time in for my own peresonal development, recovery, etc, as opposed to just cramming as many prospecting blocks as possible.

Only two loops in so far, but the SB/Limitless combo is absolutley fire. Starting my 3rd cycle of SB today, and previously just stacking with LE has helped me roll into Limitless with a lot of momentum. Most likely will stick to just these two titles for the next several cycles, unless I perhaps make a custom with SB for sales. SB with the dominance, resilience, and fame scripting now that I’m a few cycles in has basically excelled covered every area important to me, relationships, professional/work, habits/health, as well as I still feel confident in social environments, and Limitless basically super charges everything while vastly improving my communication skills for some reason as well as my ability to absorb information.


So far the mix of Daredevil and Limitless is potent. Since I started this mix i have had so many dreams about being part of TV shows, conferences, public speaking exposure… and the great thing I feel conscious enough to see what I can improve … meaning my dreams are like a reharsal, or a mirror i can see myself to train ! It is fascinating …


With more and more potent subliminals audio, i am wondering if Subliminal Club will not “kill”, on the long run, the job of other therapists, like hypnosis, reiki, nlp etc.