Main Disc. Thread - QTKS: Custom Subliminals In Your Own Voice

Normally when you hear your voice replayed back you hate it (editing podcasts are the worst). I believe it’s called “voice confrontation” something that causes us not to enjoy listening to our own voice on recording, at least consciously.

It’s interesting that this produces such positive results. I wonder how the subconscious receives your voice and why it does that way when your conscious mind is repelled from it. (At least in my experience). I cannot listen to my own podcasts.

It might be a trade secret which I respect, but why do you think the results are so good when voice confrontation is something many people have?

At first I was like this makes complete sense, but then I immediately thought of the voice confrontation phenomenon right after. Kind of a wierd paradox.

Also love the fact of a thunder mask! Been wanting that for a long time next to a fire mask.


That’s because we hear ourselves via bone conduction through the skull. Which allows for deeper bass tones which don’t propagate through open air as well.

My voice sounds goofy on recordings :joy:


is this the ZPv3 u’ve been talking about?

ZPv3 is still in the future. This be summat else, mi’lad.


As I understand it, there IS a definite difference between the voice you hear on a recording, compared to the voice you hear in real life.

We hear additional vibration added to our voice as our throat, sinuses, and even chest & diaphragm lightly vibrate during our speaking - a physical sensation that changes the auditory perception, in a way that’s generally enjoyable.

My questions are

  1. does our subconscious brain fully and completely recognize our voice as our voice? Does it tease out the difference between pure sound and vibration-influenced sound waves? Or does it also expect our voice to have that vibration and additional tones not found it the recordings?

  2. as others have mentioned, does our subconscious LIKE the sound of our voice?

  3. just because CONSCIOUSLY we can’t detect a difference between our voice and the AI voice… can our subconscious detect a difference? Does it matter?


called it :wink:

very excited!


Incredible work, well done

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Dear god. Just when you think it can’t get better . Bom it does


I think it’s fine I like to listen back to the recordings I have on my voice.

But the question is does your subconcious believe it’s you saying it.


Holy shit. I don’t have any words.

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I know this is a cursed question. But any guess for an ETA?

Is the testing process going to be a few weeks or rather months?


Or fortunately?:wink:

I would like to volunteer myself.


I don’t get how people would want to volunteer their brains and subconscious as lab rats for testing, y’all are fucking insane :joy:

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Aren’t you doing the same, just running v 1.1 instead of 1?

Let’s not use that imagery, no one who participates in one of our tests is a “lab rat.” The offline testers are colleagues who are so close, they participate in the development process. They are testing because they know it’s safe, since they helped build it.

By the time we test here, we’re not testing for safety, we’re testing for speed of results. People apply for these tests because they trust us. We are not going to do anything to betray that trust.

Safety has already been established. This test is solely to see if the new build is worth the price increase. If it’s not, we won’t release the product.


Again, no one is a lab rat. When we went from ZP v1 to ZP v2, we TOOK OUT scripting. Never will reducing the amount of scripting have a negative effect on results. So, when we say “testing” there, it’s simply to see how fast results manifest.

The changes we make from build to build are logical, rather small and incremental. This helps us avoid submitting anyone to an experience so foreign that it’s negative.

Let’s just stop this, everyone, before it gets out of hand.


when are we going to see name embedding in general titles?


Just to be clear for you and anyone else reading, my comment was definitely tongue-in-cheek.

There is no concern for safety but my issue with being a tester would be to have to put my own stack (and personal growth) on pause for the sake of product testing.

Kudos to those that make that sacrifice to help you deliver these products to us.


Yea, I understood, no offense taken here. But as you know, there’s some individuals crawling around in the dark waiting for anything to latch on to fuel a conspiracy.