Main Disc. Thread - Spartan: Apex Warrior and Fitness ZP

technically he should not run this one but I am glad for him :slight_smile:



Thanks for the concern, he will be ok :slightly_smiling_face::pray:


Does spartan apex w and/or WB have testosteron boost?


finally got cleared to have my first competitive spar and it was frankly amazing . I was sparring someone who was 145lbs and I’m 205 so I had the size and strength advantage but he had the speed and stamina . due to some life mishaps I wasn’t actually able to train for like two weeks and my lazy ass didn’t really dedicate a lot of time to doing some skill work so I gassed and made some small technical mistakes . But my jab was very good and also very fast coupled with the my head movement actually was pretty good . Also began using the right muscles to box which is something I didn’t even think about .

so far I’ve been more consistent with harder workouts than I have been in the past and breaking away from the quick fix mentality . I have to actually transform my body to that of an elite power punching boxer not some weekend warrior so its going to take longer than 3 weeks to get there .


Idk why but you made me curious about a Spartan run. I was running Emperor Black and GLM just now and then remembered, I have a Spartan-Emperor Black-Godlike Masculinity custom in Terminus. So that freed up my stack :slightly_smiling_face:.

Kudos to your bro for starting these journeys early. I didn’t get involved in self-improvement and fitness until adulthood, and missed out on so much.

By the time he gets to college, he will be set for a happy life.


Spartan results:


I don’t believe it possesses a direct script to enhance testosterone production; however, I do think it indirectly contributes to elevated hormone levels by motivating you to adopt a healthier diet and maintain a consistent gym routine


Thx i added sps endocr. System in my custom with spartan/legacy and emperor.
Should work


I also think that it increases testosterone indirectly because it have scripting for strength and muscle growth, so your subconscious mind can process the muscle growth and strength scripting and than the the mind will command the body to increase testosterone so it can achieve those goals

This is just my opinion, i also think it will only raise testosterone if the low testosterone is the limiting factor of strength and muscle growth

It could also increase it just to optimise strength and muscle growth even if it’s not low

But since Spartan doesn’t have direct scripting for increasing testosterone than i guess it would vary from person to person

Hope this helps


Other than what @RagnarLothbrok mentioned, I just discovered Tongkat Ali powder recently which is an adaptogen. Before I found the powder, back in the day (a year or two ago) I bought these:

They do a pretty good job. There might be a similar combo closer to you, maybe look into the components. I’ve always found the Tribbys to do a pretty good job.

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Seems I got what you guys call “presults”. Haven´t even run it yet but since I bought Spartan I´ve got this urge to start jogging again, watching videos about how to improve my posture, correct imbalances, train different aspects of my body and overall contemplating what kind of physique I actually want to develope.

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I take Black Ant power from Black Ants that eat Ginseng their whole life

It’s really potent

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I’ve been watching carnivore diet videos lately, something to try out.

The musky smell of sweat on other people became stronger or heightened, the smell of perfume not that much or maybe my nose is busy packing up.


A few years back I used to workout a lot, (resistance/cardio/sprints), in some weeks I ran daily. However that stopped completely 2020~. Since incorporating Spartan I´ve been re-introducing my past-midnight runs, the colder and rainier the better. No need to force it, i just act on impulse.

I used to love it back then, and I sense a renewed appreciation for it, not to mention the endorphine rush afterwards (recon-killer).

Strong, precise, endurant, I want my body to be a weapon.


You will become the ultimate weapon.

I am running a custom nick named “The Fury” which encompasses Spartan Apex I feel amazing like a god reborn. I was telling unusualfellow about this even he was impressed :slight_smile:


Lool my spartan custom is called the Olympian and I noticed the same thing .

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Hello when will be upgrade of this major program? Thank you.

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Spartan Apex works very very well once you got the rest of your life in balance.

  1. First get a blood test to determine what deficiences you have.

  2. Once you have the results focus on fixing the deficiences for example your lacking in D3 perhaps get a supplement or change yoir diet to accomodate whats missing.

  3. If its hormones get professional consultation.

Once these are sorted Apex will take you from Zero to Hero.


Does this version of spartan continue being a light script?
