Main Disc. Thread - Rebirth ZP v2

You didn’t say anything about what happened after you ran it. :sweat_smile:

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Woke up DTF hardcore.


Does this also heal sexuality?

Because for whatever reason I feel healed, it wasnt even my intention why I ran this program lol

I ran it since a couple of days and have been trying to quit pmo for a while and out of nowhere all my struggles dissappeared

Seems like my pmo induced fetishes faded away as well since I simply stopped having these weird urges


It definitely helps you let go of old identities that you want to let go of but feel attached to.

So, if that’s a fetish-related one, it’ll work.

Rebirth is great at helping you reclaim the identity you REALLY want, not the one you feel stuck with.


Its just so crazy for me how effortlessly and unexpected this was

Im still baffled as I really struggled with this


that’s fascinating. you running rebirth solo?

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Nope I also run it with wanted and RoM

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Rebirth is a really good healer and results enhancer.

RoM gets you clear and on purpose + have maximum cognition & willpower, which could help with self control and cleaner thoughts

Wanted is specifically about sexual healing, which is probably where the results came from, especially when paired with rebirth for deeper healing on what you’re working on.


In a stack of three titles where you want to use Rebirth as support for one of the other two subs, which is the best listening pattern?

  1. Listen to Rebirth separately as the third sub in Day 3? To prevent the healing from overpowering the progress of the supported title?

Day 1: title 1 + title 2
Day 2: rest
Day 3: Rebirth

  1. Or listen to it paired with the sub you want to support, in Day 1?

Day 1: title 1 + Rebirth
Day 2: rest
Day 3: title 2

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Listen to it with the title you want it to help with.


Does the listening order as stated above matter in the long run?

Also, should i run a healing title before or after a normal title? (Let’s say Mogul then dr:ld or dr:ld then mogul)


If it’s a “Breakdown” style healing title, I put it before.

“Regular” healing stuff I put after/at the end, as those will work on whatever comes up from subs.

The reason I put breakdown subs (like DR1, Khan1, etc) first is they do that full foundational rip-apart breakdown, and having it after subs would more than likely not allow those previous titles to work.

So I do it like

  1. Breakdown
  2. regular subs
  3. “Regular” healing…Regen, Rebirth, Elixir, etc.
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That’s an interesting take, i will definitely take that into account when i’m listening to a stack!

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I run LD on Fridays and Saturdays only to avoid the risk of getting recon at work. Sun-Thur I listen to the other subs in my stack.

I’m going to pair Rebirth up with Ascension in a couple of months.

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Yeah that’s true, better not risk recon at work

hopefully the ZPv2 max will be out by then, that will be fun to try out


When will this bad boy see the Dragon update? :thinking:


Lol eventually all healing subs will have dragon in front of it


If you go by what Saint posted it will be Dragon Reborn Rebirth and the two current Dragon Reborn titles. This new healing modality is fascinating
Sometimes I’m curious how SubClub can top itself but they always do

GLM Commander and Dragon Reborn Limit Destroyer are fun and frightening at the same time.


Anyone curious to see how Dragon Reborn: Rebirth will be? When it comes out I’ll switch out DR:LD for it


I have been waiting for it