Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

Saints answer for trading

B variant for all ultimas still on the way


Can someone provide a link to where Saint talks about I’ll be adding a (B) side to all the Ultimas? I would like to know more about what the (B) side does.


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You can just click on the up-arrow in the post just before yours (on the top right side of the linked post).

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The new core is the one without the alpha programming. Which is more focused in results and fast acting!!

Sounds awesome!


Basically sounds closer to what Ultimas should have been from the start!

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I know right well we are finally here, plus i think he said that the new core isnt better overal just have fast results and so on

Wish Sanguine-B was available rn

I’m hyped about this too. Saint has said the old core is more focused on alpha training, whereas the new one is about results enhancement. Given that Ultimas are meant to be about fast results, and many of those running the Ultimas may have subconscious beliefs that are at odds with the alpha scripting, causing reconciliation, it makes sense why there is a much more powerful feeling of things working or being accepted by the mind with the new core. If that made its way into Libertine or BLU I suspect we would see even more profound results from more people.



Not a flaw in the original design. Individual human differences impact how the Ultimas play out with specific people.


Had another bigger RICH manifestation yesterday morning. In the same vein as the first. (There’s a certain service I offer outside of my paid job. In the first manifestation, one person asked for it. Then in the second, an organization arranged for it to be done 3-5 times a year. This is not my main aspiration, and eventually I may not even offer it; but yes, it is indeed manifesting income. So there it is. Gratitude.)


Actually, this is another good reason for deliberately setting up your chosen Pathways to Manifestation.

If you don’t, then you can’t really complain when you find your results manifesting through some other avenue.

(Still working on that part…)


Thank you for your above 2 posts!

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@SaintSovereign, before I order a Custom – is the Ultima version of R.I.C.H in the Q-store Ultima B?

Oh! Good question!

If you want Ultima B, select the Ultima build option on the Build Options name and put the request in the customer notes.


Can the same be done for Limitless Executive?

Thanks man!

I suffer from this alot :frowning: :sunglasses:

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Can what be done?

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